Typed Channels (EXPERIMENTAL)

Typed Channels (EXPERIMENTAL)


This is a preview of the upcoming Typed Channels support, its API may change during development up to the released version where the EXPERIMENTAL label is removed.


Actors derive great strength from their strong encapsulation, which enables internal restarts as well as changing behavior and also composition. The last one is enabled by being able to inject an actor into a message exchange transparently, because all either side ever sees is an ActorRef. The straight-forward way to implement this encapsulation is to keep the actor references untyped, and before the advent of macros in Scala 2.10 this was the only tractable way.

As a motivation for change consider the following simple example:

  1. trait Request
  2. case class Command(msg: String) extends Request
  4. trait Reply
  5. case object CommandSuccess extends Reply
  6. case class CommandFailure(msg: String) extends Reply
  1. val requestProcessor = someActor
  2. requestProcessor ! Command

This is an error which is quite common, and the reason is that the compiler does not catch it and cannot warn about it. Now if there were some type restrictions on which messages the commandProcessor can process, that would be a different story:

  1. val requestProcessor = new ChannelRef[(Request, Reply) :+: TNil](someActor)
  2. requestProcessor <-!- Command // this does not compile

The ChannelRef wraps a normal untyped ActorRef, but it expresses a type constraint, namely that this channel accepts only messages of type Request, to which it may reply with messages of type Reply. The types do not express any guarantees on how many messages will be exchanged, whether they will be received or processed, or whether a reply will actually be sent. They only restrict those actions which are known to be doomed already at compile time. In this case the second line would flag an error, since the companion object Command is not an instance of type Request.

While this example looks pretty simple, the implications are profound. In order to be useful, the system must be as reliable as you would expect a type system to be. This means that unless you step outside of it (i.e. doing the equivalent of .asInstanceOf[_]) you shall be protected, failures shall be recognized and flagged. There are a number of challenges included in this requirement, which are discussed in The Design Background below.


type Channel[I, O] = (I, O)

A Channel is a pair of an input type and and output type. The input type is the type of message accepted by the channel, the output type is the possible reply type and may be Nothing to signify that no reply is sent. The input type cannot be Nothing.

type ChannelList

A ChannelList is an ordered collection of Channels, without further restriction on the input or output types of these. This means that a single input type may be associated with multiple output types within the same ChannelList.

type TNil <: ChannelList

The empty ChannelList.

type :+:[Channel, ChannelList] <: ChannelList

This binary type constructor is used to build up lists of Channels, for which infix notation will be most convenient:

  1. (MsgA, MsgB) :+: (MsgC, MsgD) :+: TNil
class ChannelRef[T <: ChannelList]

A ChannelRef is what is referred to above as the channel reference, it bears the ChannelList which describes all input and output types and their relation for the referenced actor. It also contains the underlying ActorRef.

trait Channels[P <: ChannelList, C <: ChannelList]

A mixin for the Actor trait which is parameterized in the channel requirements this actor has for its parentChannel (P) and its selfChannel (C) (corresponding to context.parent and self for untyped Actors, respectively).


An Actor with Channels[P, C] has a selfChannel of type ChannelRef[C]. This is the same type of channel reference which is obtained by creating an instance of this actor.


An Actor with Channels[P, C] has a parentChannel of type ChannelRef[P].

type ReplyChannels[T <: ChannelList] <: ChannelList

Within an Actor with Channels[_, _] which takes a fully generic channel, i.e. a type argument T <: ChannelList which is part of its selfChannel type, this channel’s reply types are not known. The definition of this channel uses the ReplyChannels type to abstractly refer to this unknown set of channels in order to forward a reply from a ChannelRef[T] back to the original sender. This operation’s type-safety is ensured at the sender’s site by way of the ping-pong analysis described below.

class WrappedMessage[T <: ChannelList, LUB]

Scala’s type system cannot directly express type unions. Asking an actor with a given input type may result in multiple possible reply types, hence the Future holding this reply will contain the value wrapped inside a container which carries this type (only at compile-time). The type parameter LUB is the least upper bound of all input channels contained in the ChannelList T.

Sending Messages across Channels

Sending messages is best demonstrated in a quick overview of the basic operations:

  1. implicit val dummySender: ChannelRef[(Any, Nothing) :+: TNil] = ???
  2. implicit val timeout: Timeout = ??? // for the ask operations
  4. val channelA: ChannelRef[(MsgA, MsgB) :+: TNil] = ???
  5. val channelA2: ChannelRef[(MsgA, MsgB) :+: (MsgA, MsgC) :+: TNil] = ???
  6. val channelB: ChannelRef[(MsgB, MsgC) :+: TNil] = ???
  7. val channelC: ChannelRef[(MsgC, MsgD) :+: TNil] = ???
  9. val a = new MsgA
  10. val fA = Future { new MsgA }
  12. channelA <-!- a // send a to channelA
  13. a -!-> channelA // same thing as above
  15. channelA <-!- fA // eventually send the future’s value to channelA
  16. fA -!-> channelA // same thing as above
  18. val fB: Future[MsgB] = channelA <-?- a // ask the actor
  19. a -?-> channelA // same thing as above
  21. // ask the actor with multiple reply types
  22. // return type given in full for illustration
  23. val fM: Future[WrappedMessage[ //
  24. (MsgB, Nothing) :+: (MsgC, Nothing) :+: TNil, Msg]] = channelA2 <-?- a
  25. val fMunwrapped: Future[Msg] = fM.lub
  27. channelA <-?- fA // eventually ask the actor, return the future
  28. fA -?-> channelA // same thing as above
  30. // chaining works as well
  31. a -?-> channelA -?-> channelB -!-> channelC

The first line is included so that the code compiles, since all message sends including ! will check the implicitly found selfChannel for compatibility with the target channel’s reply types. In this case we want to demonstrate just the syntax of sending, hence the dummy sender which accepts everything and replies never.

Presupposing three channel references of chainable types (and a fourth one for demonstrating multiple reply type), an input value a and a Future holding such a value, we demonstrate the two basic operations which are well known from untyped actors: tell/! and ask/?. The type of the Future returned by the ask operation on channelA2 may seem surprising at first, but keeping track of all possible reply types is necessary to enable sending of replies to other actors which do support all possibilities. This is especially handy in situations like the one demonstrated on the last line. What the last line does is the following:

  • it asks channelA, which returns a Future
  • a callback is installed on the Future which will use the reply value of channelA and ask channelB with it, returning another Future
  • a callback is installed on that Future to send the reply value of channelB to channelC, returning a Future with that previously sent value (using andThen)

This example also motivates the introduction of the “turned-around” syntax where messages flow more naturally from left to right, instead of the standard object-oriented view of having the tell method operate on the ActorRef given to the left.

This example informally introduced what is more precisely specified in the following subsection.

The Rules

Operations on typed channels are composable and obey a few simple rules:

  • the message to be sent can be one of three things:
    • a Future[_], in which case the contained value will be sent once available; the value will be unwrapped if it is a WrappedMessage[_, _]
    • a WrappedMessage[_, _], which will be unwrapped (i.e. only the value is sent)
    • everything else is sent as is
  • the operators are fully symmetric, i.e. -!-> and <-!- do the same thing provided the arguments also switch places
  • sending with -?-> or <-?- returns a Future[WrappedMessage[_, _]] representing all possible reply channels if there is more than one (use .lub to get a Future[_] with the most precise single type for the value)
  • sending a Future[_] with -!-> or <-!- returns a new Future[_] which will be completed with the value after it has been sent; sending a strict value returns that value

Declaring an Actor with Channels

The declaration of an Actor with Channels is done like this:

  1. class AC extends Actor with Channels[TNil, (Request, Reply) :+: TNil] {
  2. channel[Request] { (req, snd)
  3. req match {
  4. case Command("ping") snd <-!- CommandSuccess
  5. case _
  6. }
  7. }
  8. }

It should be noted that it is impossible to declare channels which are not part of the channel list given as the second type argument to the Channels trait. It is also checked—albeit at runtime—that when the actor’s construction is complete (i.e. its constructor and preStart hook have run) every channel listed in the selfChannel type parameter has been declared. This can in general not be done at compile time, both due to the possibility of overriding subclasses as well as the problem that the compiler cannot determine whether a channel[] statement will be called in the course of execution due to external inputs (e.g. if conditionally executed).

It should also be noted that the type of req in this example is Request, hence it would be a compile-time error to try to match against the Command companion object. The snd reference is the sender channel reference, which in this example is of type ChannelRef[(Reply, UnknownDoNotWriteMeDown) :+: TNil], meaning that sending back a reply which is not of type Reply would be a compile-time error.

The last thing to note is that an actor is not obliged to reply to an incoming message, even if that was successfully delivered to it: it might not be appropriate, or it might be impossible, the actor might have failed before executing the replying message send, etc. And as always, the snd reference may be used more than once, and even stored away for later. It must not leave the actor within it was created, however, because that would defeat the ping-pong check; this is the reason for the curious name of the fabricated reply type UnknownDoNotWriteMeDown; if you find yourself declaring that type as part of a message or similar you know that you are cheating.

Declaration of Subchannels

It can be convenient to carve out subchannels for special treatment like so:

  1. class ACSub extends Actor with Channels[TNil, (Request, Reply) :+: TNil] {
  2. channel[Command] { (cmd, snd) snd <-!- CommandSuccess }
  3. channel[Request] { (req, snd)
  4. if (ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextBoolean) snd <-!- CommandSuccess
  5. else snd <-!- CommandFailure("no luck")
  6. }
  7. }

This means that all Command requests will be positively answered while all others may or may not be lucky. This dispatching between the two declarations does not depend on their order but is solely done based on which type is more specific—but see the restrictions imposed by JVM type erasure below.

Forwarding Messages

Forwarding messages has been hinted at in the last sample already, but here is a more complete sample actor:

  1. import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
  3. class Latch[T1: TypeTag, T2: TypeTag](target: ChannelRef[(T1, T2) :+: TNil])
  4. extends Actor with Channels[TNil, (Request, Reply) :+: (T1, T2) :+: TNil] {
  6. implicit val timeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
  8. // become ...
  9. channel[T1] { (t, snd) t -?-> target -!-> snd }
  10. }

This actor declares a single-Channel parametric type which it forwards to a target actor, handing replies back to the original sender using the ask/pipe pattern.


It is important not to forget the TypeTag context bound for all type arguments which are used in channel declarations, otherwise the not very helpful error “Predef is not an enclosing class” will haunt you.

Changing Behavior at Runtime

The actor from the previous example gets a lot more interesting when implementing its control channel:

  1. import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
  3. class Latch[T1: TypeTag, T2: TypeTag](target: ChannelRef[(T1, T2) :+: TNil])
  4. extends Actor with Channels[TNil, (Request, Reply) :+: (T1, T2) :+: TNil] {
  6. implicit val timeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
  8. channel[Request] {
  10. case (Command("close"), snd)
  11. channel[T1] { (t, s) t -?-> target -!-> s }
  12. snd <-!- CommandSuccess
  14. case (Command("open"), snd)
  15. channel[T1] { (_, _) }
  16. snd <-!- CommandSuccess
  17. }
  19. channel[T1] { (t, snd) t -?-> target -!-> snd }
  20. }

This shows all elements of the toolkit in action: calling channel[T1] again during the lifetime of the actor will alter its behavior on that channel. In this case a latch or gate is modeled which when closed will permit the messages to flow through and when not will drop the messages to the floor.

Creating Actors with Channels

Creating top-level actors with channels is done using the ChannelExt extension:

  1. implicit val selfChannel: ChannelRef[(Any, Nothing) :+: TNil] = _self
  2. val target: ChannelRef[(String, Int) :+: TNil] = _target // some actor
  4. // type given just for demonstration purposes
  5. val latch: ChannelRef[(Request, Reply) :+: (String, Int) :+: TNil] =
  6. ChannelExt(system).actorOf(new Latch(target), "latch")
  8. "hello" -!-> latch
  9. // processing ...
  10. expectMsg(5) // this is a TestKit-based example
  12. Command("open") -!-> latch
  13. expectMsg(CommandSuccess)
  15. "world" -!-> latch
  16. // processing ...
  17. expectNoMsg(500.millis)

Inside an actor with channels children are created using the createChild method:

  1. case class Stats(b: Request)
  2. case object GetChild
  3. case class ChildRef(child: ChannelRef[(Request, Reply) :+: TNil])
  5. class Child extends Actor
  6. with Channels[(Stats, Nothing) :+: TNil, (Request, Reply) :+: TNil] {
  8. channel[Request] { (x, snd)
  9. parentChannel <-!- Stats(x)
  10. snd <-!- CommandSuccess
  11. }
  12. }
  14. class Parent extends Actor
  15. with Channels[TNil, (Stats, Nothing) :+: (GetChild.type, ChildRef) :+: TNil] {
  17. val child = createChild(new Child)
  19. channel[GetChild.type] { (_, snd) ChildRef(child) -!-> snd }
  21. channel[Stats] { (x, _)
  22. // collect some stats
  23. }
  24. }
  26. //
  27. // then it is used somewhat like this:
  28. //
  30. val parent = ChannelExt(system).actorOf(new Parent, "parent")
  31. parent <-!- GetChild
  32. val child = expectMsgType[ChildRef].child // this assumes TestKit context
  34. child <-!- Command("hey there")
  35. expectMsg(CommandSuccess)

In this example we create a simple child actor which responds to requests, but also keeps its parent informed about what it is doing. The parent channel within the child is thus declared to accept Stats messages, and the parent must consequently declare such a channel in order to be able to create such a child. The parent’s job then is to create the child, make it available to the outside via properly typed messages and collect the statistics coming in from the child.

Stepping Outside of Type-Safety

In much the same was as Scala’s type system can be circumvented by using .asInstanceOf[_] typed channels can also be circumvented. Casting them to alter the type arguments would be an obvious way of doing that, but there are less obvious ways which are therefore enumerated here:

  • explicitly constructing ChannelRef instances by hand allows using arbitrary types as arguments
  • sending to the actorRef member of the ChannelRef; this is a normal untyped actor reference without any compile-time checks, which is the reason for choosing visibly different operator names for typed and untyped message send operations
  • using the context.parent reference instead of parentChannel
  • using the untyped sender reference instead of the second argument to a channel’s behavior function

Sending unforeseen messages will be flagged as a type error as long as none of these techniques are used within an application.

Implementation Restrictions

As described below, incoming messages are dispatched to declared channels based on their runtime class information. This erasure-based dispatch of messages requires all declared channels to have unique JVM type representations, i.e. it is not possible to have two channel declarations with types List[A] and List[B] because both would at runtime only be known as List[_].

The specific dispatch mechanism also requires the declaration of all channels or subchannels during the actor’s construction, independent of whether they shall later change behavior or not. Changing behavior for a subchannel is only possible if that subchannel was declared up-front.

TypeTags are currently (Scala 2.10.0) not serializable, hence narrowing of ActorRef does not work for remote references.

The Design Background

This section outlines the most prominent challenges encountered during the development of Typed Channels and the rationale for their solutions. It is not necessary to understand this material in order to use Typed Channels, but it may be useful to explain why certain things are as they are.

The Type Pollution Problem

What if an actor accepts two different types of messages? It might be a main communications channel which is forwarded to worker actors for performing some long-running and/or dangerous task, plus an administrative channel for the routing of requests. Or it might be a generic message throttler which accepts a generic channel for passing it through (which delay where appropriate) and a management channel for setting the throttling rate. In the second case it is especially easy to see that those two channels will probably not be related, their types will not be derived from a meaningful common supertype; instead the least upper bound will probably be AnyRef. If a typed channel reference only had the capability to express a single type, this type would then be no restriction anymore. This loss of type safety caused by the need of handling multiple disjoint sets of types is called “type pollution”, the term was coined by Prof. Philip Wadler.

One solution to this is to never expose references describing more than one channel at a time. But where would these references come from? It would be very difficult to make this construction process type-safe, and it would also be an inconvenient restriction, since message ordering guarantees only apply for the same sender–receive pair: if there are relations between the messages sent on multiple channels then implementing this mixed-channel communication would incur programmatic and runtime overhead compared to just sending to the same untyped reference.

The other solution thus is to express multiple channel types by a single channel reference, which requires the implementation of type lists and computations on these. And as we will see below it also requires the specification of possibly multiple reply channels per input type, hence a type map. The implementation chosen uses type lists like this:

  1. (MsgA, MsgB) :+: (MsgC, MsgD) :+: TNil

This type expresses two channels: type A may stimulate replies of type B, while type C may evoke replies of type D. The type operator :+: is a binary type constructor which forms a list of these channel definitions, and like every good list it ends with an empty tail TNil.

The Reply Problem

Akka actors have the power to reply to any message they receive, which is also a message send and shall also be covered by typed channels. Since the sending actor is the one which will also receive the reply, this needs to be verified. The solution to this problem is that in addition to the self reference, which is implicitly picked up as the sender for untyped actor interactions, there is also a selfChannel which describes the typed channels handled by this actor. Thus at the call site of the message send it must be verified that this actor can actually handle the reply for that given message send.

The Sender Ping-Pong Problem

After successfully sending a message to an actor over a typed channel, that actor will have a reference to the message’s sender, because normal Akka message processing rules apply. For this sender reference there must exist a typed channel reference which describes the possible reply types which are applicable for each of the incoming message channels. We will see below how this reference is provided in the code, the problem we want to highlight here is a different one: the nature of any sender reference is that it is highly dynamic, the compiler cannot possibly know who sent the message we are currently processing.

But this does not mean that all hope is lost: the solution is to do all type-checking at the call site of the message send. The receiving actor just needs to declare its channel descriptions in its own type, and channel references are derived at construction from this type (implying the existence of a typed actorOf). Then the actor knows for each received message type which the allowed reply types are. The typed channel for the sender reference hence has the reply types for the current input channel as its own input types, but what should the reply types be? This is the ping-pong problem:

  • ActorA sends MsgA to ActorB
  • ActorB replies with MsgB
  • ActorA replies with MsgC

Every “reply” uses the sender channel, which is dynamic and hence only known partially. But ActorB did not know who sent the message it just replied to and hence it cannot check that it can process the possible replies following that message send. Only ActorA could have known, because it knows its own channels as well as ActorB’s channels completely. The solution is thus to recursively verify the message send, following all reply channels until all possible message types to be sent have been verified. This sounds horribly complex, but the algorithm for doing so actually has a worst-case complexity of O(N) where N is the number of input channels of ActorA or ActorB, whoever has fewer.

The Parent Problem

There is one other actor reference which is available to every actor: its parent. Since the child–parent relationship is established permanently when the child is created by the parent, this problem is easily solvable by encoding the requirements of the child for its parent channel in its type signature and having the typed variant of actorOf verify this against the selfChannel.

Anecdotally, since the guardian actor does not care at all about messages sent to it, top-level actors with typed channels must declare their parent channel to be empty.

The Exposure/Restriction Problem

An actor may provide more than one service, either itself or by proxy, each with their own set of channels. Only having references for the full set of channels leads to a too wide spread of capabilities: in the example of the message rate throttling actor its management channel is only meant to be used by the actor which inserted it, not by the two actors between it was inserted. Hence the manager will have to create a channel reference which excludes the management channels before handing out the reference to other actors.

Another variant of this problem is an actor which handles a channel whose input type is a supertype for a number of derived channels. It should be allowed to use the “superchannel” in place of any of the subchannels, but not the other way around. The intuitive approach would be to model this by making the channel reference contravariant in its channel types and define those channel types accordingly. This does not work nicely, however, because Scala’s type system is not well-suited to modeling such calculations on unordered type lists; it might be possible but its implementation would be forbiddingly complex.

Therefore this topic gained traction as macros became available: being able to write down type calculations using standard collections and their transformations reduces the implementation to a handful of lines. The “narrow” operation implemented this way allows narrowing of input channels and widening of output channels down to (Nothing, Any) (which is to say that channels may be narrowed or just plain removed from a channel list).

The Forwarding Problem

One important feature of actors mentioned above is their composability which is enabled by being able to forward or delegate messages. It is the nature of this process that the sending party is not aware of the true destination of the message, it only sees the façade in front of it. Above we have seen that the sender ping-pong problem requires all verification to be performed at the sender’s end, but if the sender does not know the final recipient, how can it check that the message exchange is type-safe?

The forwarding party—the middle-man—is also not in the position to make this call, since all it has is the incomplete sender channel which is lacking reply type information. The problem which arises lies precisely in these reply sequences: the ping-pong scheme was verified against the middle-man, and if the final recipient would reply to the forwarded request, that sender reference would belong to a different channel and there is no single location in the source code where all these pieces are known at compile time.

The solution to this problem is to not allow forwarding in the normal untyped ActorRef sense. Replies must always be sent by the recipient of the original message in order for the type checks at the sender site to be effective. Since forwarding is an important communication pattern among actors, support for it is thus provided in the form of the ask pattern combined with the pipe pattern, which both are not add-ons but fully integrated operations among typed channels.

The JVM Erasure Problem

When an actor with typed channels receives a message, this message needs to be dispatched internally to the right channel, so that the right sender channel can be presented and so on. This dispatch needs to work with the information contained in the message, which due to the erasure of generic type information is an incomplete image of the true channel types. Those full types exist only at compile-time and reifying them into TypeTags at runtime for every message send would be prohibitively expensive. This means that channels which erase to the same JVM type cannot coexist within the same actor, messages would not be routable reliably in that case.

The Actor Lookup Problem

Everything up to this point has assumed that channel references are passed from their point of creation to their point of use directly and in the regime of strong, unerased types. This can also happen between actors by embedding them in case classes with proper type information. But one particular useful feature of Akka actors is that they have a stable identity by which they can be found, a unique name. This name is represented as a String and naturally does not bear any type information concerning the actor’s channels. Thus, when looking up an actor with system.actorSelection(...) followed by an Identify request you will only get an untyped ActorRef and not a channel reference. This ActorRef can of course manually be wrapped in a channel reference bearing the desired channels, but this is not a type-safe operation.

The solution in this case must be a runtime check. There is an operation to “narrow” an ActorRef to a channel reference of given type, which behind the scenes will send a message to the designated actor with a TypeTag representing the requested channels. The actor will check these against its own TypeTag and reply with the verification result. This check uses the same code as the compile-time “narrow” operation introduced above.

How to read The Types

In case of errors in your code the compiler will try to inform you in the most precise way it can, and that will then contain types like this:

  1. akka.channels.:+:[(com.example.Request, com.example.Reply),
  2. akka.channels.:+:[(com.example.Command, Nothing), TNil]]

These types look unwieldy because of two things: they use fully qualified names for all the types (thankfully using the () sugar for Tuple2), and they do not employ infix notation. That same type there might look like this in your source code:

  1. (Request, Reply) :+: (Command, Nothing) :+: TNil

As soon as someone finds the time, it would be nice if the IDEs learned to print types making use of the file’s import statements and infix notation.