Migration Guide 2.1.x to 2.2.x
The 2.2 release contains several structural changes that require some simple, mechanical source-level changes in client code.
When migrating from 1.3.x to 2.1.x you should first follow the instructions for migrating 1.3.x to 2.0.x and then 2.0.x to 2.1.x.
Deprecated Closure-Taking Props
Props instances used to contain a closure which produces an Actor instance when invoked. This approach is flawed in that closures are usually created in-line and thus carry a reference to their enclosing object; this is not well known among programmers, in particular it can be surprising that innocent-looking actor creation should not be serializable, e.g. if the enclosing class is an actor. Another issue which came up often during reviews is that these actor creators inadvertedly close over the Actor’s this reference for calling methods on it, which is inherently unsafe.
Another reason for changing the underlying implementation is that Props now carries information about which class of actor will be created, allowing the extraction of mailbox type requirements (e.g. when using the Stash) before trying to create the actor. Being based on the actor class and a list of constructor arguments also allows these arguments to be serialized according to the configured serializer bindings instead of mandating Java serialization (which was used previously).
What changes for Java?
A new method Props.create has been introduced with two overloads:
- Props.create(MyActor.class, arg1, arg2, ...);
- // or
- Props.create(new MyActorCreator(args ...));
In the first case the existence of a constructor signature matching the supplied arguments is verified at Props construction time. In the second case it is verified that MyActorCreator (which must be a akka.japi.Creator<? extends Actor>) is a static class. In both cases failure is signaled by throwing a IllegalArgumentException.
The constructors of Props have been deprecated to facilitate migration.
The withCreator methods have been deprecated. The functionality is available by using Props.create(...).withDeploy(oldProps.deploy());.
UntypedActorFactory has been deprecated in favor of the more precisely typed Creator.
What changes for Scala?
The case class signature of Props has been changed to only contain a Deploy, a Class[_] and an immutable Seq[Any] (the constructor arguments for the class). The old factory and extractor methods have been deprecated.
Properly serializable Props can now be created for actors which take constructor arguments by using Props(classOf[MyActor], arg1, arg2, ...). In a future update—possibly within the 2.2.x timeframe—we plan to introduce a macro which will transform the by-name argument to Props(new MyActor(...)) into a call to the former.
The withCreator methods have been deprecated. The functionality is available by using Props(...).withDeploy(oldProps.deploy).
Immutable everywhere
Akka has in 2.2 been refactored to require scala.collection.immutable data structures as much as possible, this leads to fewer bugs and more opportunity for sharing data safely.
Search | Replace with |
akka.japi.Util.arrayToSeq | akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq |
If you need to convert from Java to scala.collection.immutable.Seq or scala.collection.immutable.Iterable you should use akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq(…), and if you need to convert from Scala you can simply switch to using immutable collections yourself or use the to[immutable.<collection-type>] method.
ActorContext & ActorRefFactory Dispatcher
The return type of ActorContext's and ActorRefFactory's dispatcher-method now returns ExecutionContext instead of MessageDispatcher.
Removed Fallback to Default Dispatcher
If deploying an actor with a specific dispatcher, e.g. Props(...).withDispatcher("d"), then it would previously fall back to akka.actor.default-dispatcher if no configuration section for d could be found.
This was beneficial for preparing later deployment choices during development by grouping actors on dispatcher IDs but not immediately configuring those. Akka 2.2 introduces the possibility to add dispatcher configuration to the akka.actor.deployment section, making this unnecessary.
The fallback was removed because in many cases its application was neither intended nor noticed.
Changed Configuration Section for Dispatcher & Mailbox
The mailbox configuration defaults moved from akka.actor.default-dispatcher to akka.actor.default-mailbox. You will not have to change anything unless your configuration overrides a setting in the default dispatcher section.
The mailbox-type now requires a fully-qualified class name for the mailbox to use. The special words bounded and unbounded are retained for a migration period throughout the 2.2 series.
API changes to FSM and TestFSMRef
The timerActive_? method has been deprecated in both the FSM trait and the TestFSMRef class. You should now use the isTimerActive method instead. The old method will remain throughout 2.2.x. It will be removed in Akka 2.3.
akka.dispatch.ThreadPoolConfigBuilder companion object has been removed, and with it the conf_? method that was essentially only a type-inferencer aid for creation of optional transformations on ThreadPoolConfigBuilder. Instead use: option.map(o => (t: ThreadPoolConfigBuilder) => t.op(o)).
Akka's Scheduler has been augmented to also include a sender when scheduling to send messages, this should work Out-Of-The-Box for Scala users, but for Java Users you will need to manually provide the sender – as usual use null to designate "no sender" which will behave just as before the change.
ZeroMQ ByteString
akka.zeromq.Frame and the use of Seq[Byte] in the API has been removed and is replaced by akka.util.ByteString.
ZMQMessage.firstFrameAsString has been removed, please use ZMQMessage.frames or ZMQMessage.frame(int) to access the frames.
Brand new Agents
Akka's Agent has been rewritten to improve the API and to remove the need to manually close an Agent. It's also now an abstract class with the potential for subtyping and has a new factory method allowing Java to correctly infer the type of the Agent. The Java API has also been harmonized so both Java and Scala call the same methods.
Old Java API | New Java API |
new Agent<type>(value, actorSystem) | Agent.create(value, executionContext) |
agent.update(newValue) | agent.send(newValue) |
agent.future(Timeout) | agent.future() |
agent.await(Timeout) | Await.result(agent.future(), Timeout) |
agent.send(Function) | agent.send(Mapper) |
agent.sendOff(Function, ExecutionContext) | agent.sendOff(Mapper, ExecutionContext) |
agent.alter(Function, Timeout) | agent.alter(Mapper) |
agent.alterOff(Function, Timeout, ExecutionContext) | agent.alter(Mapper, ExecutionContext) |
agent.map(Function) | agent.map(Mapper) |
agent.flatMap(Function) | agent.flatMap(Mapper) |
agent.foreach(Procedure) | agent.foreach(Foreach) |
agent.suspend() | No replacement, pointless feature |
agent.resume() | No replacement, pointless feature |
agent.close() | No replacement, not needed in new implementation |
Old Scala API | New Scala API |
Agent[T](value)(implicit ActorSystem) | Agent[T](value)(implicit ExecutionContext) |
agent.update(newValue) | agent.send(newValue) |
agent.alterOff(Function1)(Timeout, ExecutionContext) | agent.alterOff(Function1)(ExecutionContext) |
agent.await(Timeout) | Await.result(agent.future, Timeout) |
agent.future(Timeout) | agent.future |
agent.suspend() | No replacement, pointless feature |
agent.resume() | No replacement, pointless feature |
agent.close() | No replacement, not needed in new implementation |
event-handlers renamed to loggers
If you have defined custom event handlers (loggers) in your configuration you need to change akka.event-handlers to akka.loggers and akka.event-handler-startup-timeout to akka.logger-startup-timeout.
The SLF4J logger has been renamed from akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jEventHandler to akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger.
The java.util.logging logger has been renamed from akka.contrib.jul.JavaLoggingEventHandler to akka.contrib.jul.JavaLogger.
The remoting subsystem of Akka has been replaced in favor of a more flexible, pluggable driver based implementation. This has required some changes to the configuration sections of akka.remote, the format of Akka remote addresses and the Akka protocol itself.
The internal communication protocol of Akka has been evolved into a completely standalone entity, not tied to any particular transport. This change has the effect that Akka 2.2 remoting is no longer able to directly communicate with older versions.
The akka.remote.transport configuration key has been removed as the remoting system itself is no longer replaceable. Custom transports are now pluggable via the akka.remote.enabled-transpotrs key (see the akka.remote.Transport SPI and the documentation of remoting for more detail on drivers). The transport loaded by default is a Netty based TCP driver similar in functionality to the default remoting in Akka 2.1.
Transports are now fully pluggable through drivers, therefore transport specific settings like listening ports now live in the namespace of their driver configuration. In particular TCP related settings are now under akka.remote.netty.tcp.
As a result of being able to replace the transport protocol, it is now necessary to include the protocol information in Akka URLs for remote addresses. Therefore a remote address of akka://remote-sys@remotehost:2552/user/actor has to be changed to akka.tcp://remote-sys@remotehost:2552/user/actor if the remote system uses TCP as transport. If the other system uses SSL on top of TCP, the correct address would be akka.ssl.tcp://remote-sys@remotehost:2552/user/actor.
Remote lifecycle events have been changed to a more coarse-grained, simplified model. All remoting events are subclasses of akka.remote.RemotingLifecycle. Events related to the lifecycle of associations (formerly called connections) be it inbound or outbound are subclasses of akka.remote.AssociationEvent (which is in turn a subclass of RemotingLifecycle). The direction of the association (inbound or outbound) triggering an AssociationEvent is available via the inbound boolean field of the event.
The change in terminology from "Connection" to "Association" reflects the fact that the remoting subsystem may use connectionless transports, but an association similar to transport layer connections is maintained between endpoints by the Akka protocol.
New configuration settings are also available, see the remoting documentation for more detail: Remoting
Use actorSelection instead of actorFor
actorFor is deprecated in favor of actorSelection because actor references acquired with actorFor behave differently for local and remote actors. In the case of a local actor reference, the named actor needs to exist before the lookup, or else the acquired reference will be an EmptyLocalActorRef. This will be true even if an actor with that exact path is created after acquiring the actor reference. For remote actor references acquired with actorFor the behaviour is different and sending messages to such a reference will under the hood look up the actor by path on the remote system for every message send.
Messages can be sent via the ActorSelection and the path of the ActorSelection is looked up when delivering each message. If the selection does not match any actors the message will be dropped.
To acquire an ActorRef for an ActorSelection you need to send a message to the selection and use the sender reference of the reply from the actor. There is a built-in Identify message that all Actors will understand and automatically reply to with a ActorIdentity message containing the ActorRef.
You can also acquire an ActorRef for an ActorSelection with the resolveOne method of the ActorSelection. It returns a Future of the matching ActorRef if such an actor exists. It is completed with failure [[akka.actor.ActorNotFound]] if no such actor exists or the identification didn't complete within the supplied timeout.
Read more about actorSelection in docs for Java or docs for Scala.
ActorRef equality and sending to remote actors
Sending messages to an ActorRef must have the same semantics no matter if the target actor is located on a remote host or in the same ActorSystem in the same JVM. This was not always the case. For example when the target actor is terminated and created again under the same path. Sending to local references of the previous incarnation of the actor will not be delivered to the new incarnation, but that was the case for remote references. The reason was that the target actor was looked up by its path on every message delivery and the path didn't distinguish between the two incarnations of the actor. This has been fixed, and messages sent to a remote reference that points to a terminated actor will not be delivered to a new actor with the same path.
Equality of ActorRef has been changed to match the intention that an ActorRef corresponds to the target actor instance. Two actor references are compared equal when they have the same path and point to the same actor incarnation. A reference pointing to a terminated actor does not compare equal to a reference pointing to another (re-created) actor with the same path. Note that a restart of an actor caused by a failure still means that it's the same actor incarnation, i.e. a restart is not visible for the consumer of the ActorRef.
Equality in 2.1 was only based on the path of the ActorRef. If you need to keep track of actor references in a collection and do not care about the exact actor incarnation you can use the ActorPath as key, because the identifier of the target actor is not taken into account when comparing actor paths.
Remote actor references acquired with actorFor do not include the full information about the underlying actor identity and therefore such references do not compare equal to references acquired with actorOf, sender, or context.self. Because of this actorFor is deprecated, as explained in Use actorSelection instead of actorFor.
Note that when a parent actor is restarted its children are by default stopped and re-created, i.e. the child after the restart will be a different incarnation than the child before the restart. This has always been the case, but in some situations you might not have noticed, e.g. when comparing such actor references or sending messages to remote deployed children of a restarted parent.
This may also have implications if you compare the ActorRef received in a Terminated message with an expected ActorRef.
The following will not match:
- val ref = context.actorFor("akka.tcp://actorSystemName@")
- def receive = {
- case Terminated(`ref`) => // ...
- }
Instead, use actorSelection followed by identify request, and watch the verified actor reference:
- val selection = context.actorSelection(
- "akka.tcp://actorSystemName@")
- selection ! Identify(None)
- var ref: ActorRef = _
- def receive = {
- case ActorIdentity(_, Some(actorRef)) =>
- ref = actorRef
- context watch ref
- case ActorIdentity(_, None) => // not alive
- case Terminated(r) if r == ref => // ...
- }
Use watch instead of isTerminated
ActorRef.isTerminated is deprecated in favor of ActorContext.watch because isTerminated behaves differently for local and remote actors.
DeathWatch Semantics are Simplified
DeathPactException is now Fatal
Previously an unhandled Terminated message which led to a DeathPactException to the thrown would be answered with a Restart directive by the default supervisor strategy. This is not intuitive given the name of the exception and the Erlang linking feature by which it was inspired. The default strategy has thus be changed to return Stop in this case.
It can be argued that previously the actor would likely run into a restart loop because watching a terminated actor would lead to a DeathPactException immediately again.
Unwatching now Prevents Reception of Terminated
Previously calling ActorContext.unwatch would unregister lifecycle monitoring interest, but if the target actor had terminated already the Terminated message had already been enqueued and would be received later—possibly leading to a DeathPactException. This behavior has been modified such that the Terminated message will be silently discarded if unwatch is called before processing the Terminated message. Therefore the following is now safe:
- context.stop(target)
- context.unwatch(target)
Dispatcher and Mailbox Implementation Changes
This point is only relevant if you have implemented a custom mailbox or dispatcher and want to migrate that to Akka 2.2. The constructor signature of MessageDispatcher has changed, it now takes a MessageDispatcherConfigurator instead of DispatcherPrerequisites. Its createMailbox method now receives one more argument of type MailboxType, which is the mailbox type determined by the ActorRefProvider for the actor based on its deployment. The DispatcherPrerequisites now include a Mailboxes instance which can be used for resolving mailbox references. The constructor signatures of the built-in dispatcher implementation have been adapted accordingly. The traits describing mailbox semantics have been separated from the implementation traits.
gracefulStop Pattern Changed
The gracefulStop pattern was refactored to not need an implicit ActorSystem anymore.
The gracefulStop pattern now supports customized stop messages to be sent instead of PoisonPill.
- Deprecated Closure-Taking Props
- Immutable everywhere
- ActorContext & ActorRefFactory Dispatcher
- Removed Fallback to Default Dispatcher
- Changed Configuration Section for Dispatcher & Mailbox
- API changes to FSM and TestFSMRef
- ThreadPoolConfigBuilder
- Scheduler
- ZeroMQ ByteString
- Brand new Agents
- event-handlers renamed to loggers
- Remoting
- Use actorSelection instead of actorFor
- ActorRef equality and sending to remote actors
- Use watch instead of isTerminated
- DeathWatch Semantics are Simplified
- Dispatcher and Mailbox Implementation Changes
- gracefulStop Pattern Changed