Cluster Singleton Pattern

Cluster Singleton Pattern

For some use cases it is convenient and sometimes also mandatory to ensure that you have exactly one actor of a certain type running somewhere in the cluster.

Some examples:

  • single point of responsibility for certain cluster-wide consistent decisions, or coordination of actions across the cluster system
  • single entry point to an external system
  • single master, many workers
  • centralized naming service, or routing logic

Using a singleton should not be the first design choice. It has several drawbacks, such as single-point of bottleneck. Single-point of failure is also a relevant concern, but for some cases this feature takes care of that by making sure that another singleton instance will eventually be started.

The cluster singleton pattern is implemented by akka.contrib.pattern.ClusterSingletonManager. It manages singleton actor instance among all cluster nodes or a group of nodes tagged with a specific role. ClusterSingletonManager is an actor that is supposed to be started on all nodes, or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. The actual singleton actor is started by the ClusterSingletonManager on the oldest node by creating a child actor from supplied Props. ClusterSingletonManager makes sure that at most one singleton instance is running at any point in time.

The singleton actor is always running on the oldest member, which can be determined by Member#isOlderThan. This can change when removing members. A graceful hand over can normally be performed when current oldest node is leaving the cluster. Be aware that there is a short time period when there is no active singleton during the hand-over process.

The cluster failure detector will notice when oldest node becomes unreachable due to things like JVM crash, hard shut down, or network failure. Then a new oldest node will take over and a new singleton actor is created. For these failure scenarios there will not be a graceful hand-over, but more than one active singletons is prevented by all reasonable means. Some corner cases are eventually resolved by configurable timeouts.

You access the singleton actor with actorSelection using the names you have specified when creating the ClusterSingletonManager. You can subscribe to akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.MemberEvent and sort the members by age (Member#isOlderThan) to keep track of oldest member. Alternatively the singleton actor may broadcast its existence when it is started.

An Example

Assume that we need one single entry point to an external system. An actor that receives messages from a JMS queue with the strict requirement that only one JMS consumer must exist to be make sure that the messages are processed in order. That is perhaps not how one would like to design things, but a typical real-world scenario when integrating with external systems.

On each node in the cluster you need to start the ClusterSingletonManager and supply the Props of the singleton actor, in this case the JMS queue consumer.

In Scala:

  1. system.actorOf(ClusterSingletonManager.props(
  2. singletonProps = handOverData
  3. Props(classOf[Consumer], handOverData, queue, testActor),
  4. singletonName = "consumer",
  5. terminationMessage = End,
  6. role = Some("worker")),
  7. name = "singleton")

Here we limit the singleton to nodes tagged with the "worker" role, but all nodes, independent of role, can be used by specifying None as role parameter.

The corresponding Java API for the singeltonProps function is akka.contrib.pattern.ClusterSingletonPropsFactory. The Java API takes a plain String for the role parameter and null means that all nodes, independent of role, are used.

In Java:

  1. system.actorOf(
  2. ClusterSingletonManager.defaultProps("consumer", new End(), "worker",
  3. new ClusterSingletonPropsFactory() {
  4. @Override
  5. public Props create(Object handOverData) {
  6. return Props.create(Consumer.class, handOverData, queue, testActor);
  7. }
  8. }), "singleton");


The singletonProps/singletonPropsFactory is invoked when creating the singleton actor and it must not use members that are not thread safe, e.g. mutable state in enclosing actor.

Here we use an application specific terminationMessage to be able to close the resources before actually stopping the singleton actor. Note that PoisonPill is a perfectly fine terminationMessage if you only need to stop the actor.

Here is how the singleton actor handles the terminationMessage in this example.

  1. case End
  2. queue ! UnregisterConsumer
  3. case UnregistrationOk
  4. // reply to ClusterSingletonManager with hand over data,
  5. // which will be passed as parameter to new consumer singleton
  6. context.parent ! current
  7. context stop self

Note that you can send back current state to the ClusterSingletonManager before terminating. This message will be sent over to the ClusterSingletonManager at the new oldest node and it will be passed to the singletonProps factory when creating the new singleton instance.

With the names given above the path of singleton actor can be constructed by subscribing to MemberEvent cluster event and sort the members by age to keep track of oldest member.

In Scala:

  1. class ConsumerProxy extends Actor {
  3. // subscribe to MemberEvent, re-subscribe when restart
  4. override def preStart(): Unit =
  5. Cluster(context.system).subscribe(self, classOf[MemberEvent])
  6. override def postStop(): Unit =
  7. Cluster(context.system).unsubscribe(self)
  9. val role = "worker"
  10. // sort by age, oldest first
  11. val ageOrdering = Ordering.fromLessThan[Member] { (a, b) a.isOlderThan(b) }
  12. var membersByAge: immutable.SortedSet[Member] =
  13. immutable.SortedSet.empty(ageOrdering)
  15. def receive = {
  16. case state: CurrentClusterState
  17. membersByAge = immutable.SortedSet.empty(ageOrdering) ++ state.members.collect {
  18. case m if m.hasRole(role) m
  19. }
  20. case MemberUp(m) if (m.hasRole(role)) membersByAge += m
  21. case MemberRemoved(m, _) if (m.hasRole(role)) membersByAge -= m
  22. case other consumer foreach { _.tell(other, sender) }
  23. }
  25. def consumer: Option[ActorSelection] =
  26. membersByAge.headOption map (m context.actorSelection(
  27. RootActorPath(m.address) / "user" / "singleton" / "consumer"))
  28. }

In Java:

  1. public class ConsumerProxy extends UntypedActor {
  3. final Cluster cluster = Cluster.get(getContext().system());
  5. final Comparator<Member> ageComparator = new Comparator<Member>() {
  6. public int compare(Member a, Member b) {
  7. if (a.isOlderThan(b))
  8. return -1;
  9. else if (b.isOlderThan(a))
  10. return 1;
  11. else
  12. return 0;
  13. }
  14. };
  15. final SortedSet<Member> membersByAge = new TreeSet<Member>(ageComparator);
  17. final String role = "worker";
  19. //subscribe to cluster changes
  20. @Override
  21. public void preStart() {
  22. cluster.subscribe(getSelf(), MemberEvent.class);
  23. }
  25. //re-subscribe when restart
  26. @Override
  27. public void postStop() {
  28. cluster.unsubscribe(getSelf());
  29. }
  31. @Override
  32. public void onReceive(Object message) {
  33. if (message instanceof CurrentClusterState) {
  34. CurrentClusterState state = (CurrentClusterState) message;
  35. List<Member> members = new ArrayList<Member>();
  36. for (Member m : state.getMembers()) {
  37. if (m.hasRole(role))
  38. members.add(m);
  39. }
  40. membersByAge.clear();
  41. membersByAge.addAll(members);
  43. } else if (message instanceof MemberUp) {
  44. Member m = ((MemberUp) message).member();
  45. if (m.hasRole(role))
  46. membersByAge.add(m);
  48. } else if (message instanceof MemberRemoved) {
  49. Member m = ((MemberUp) message).member();
  50. if (m.hasRole(role))
  51. membersByAge.remove(m);
  53. } else if (message instanceof MemberEvent) {
  54. // not interesting
  56. } else if (!membersByAge.isEmpty()) {
  57. currentMaster().tell(message, getSender());
  59. }
  60. }
  62. ActorSelection currentMaster() {
  63. return getContext().actorSelection(membersByAge.first().address() +
  64. "/user/singleton/statsService");
  65. }
  67. }

The checks of role can be omitted if you don't limit the singleton to the group of members tagged with a specific role.

Note that the hand-over might still be in progress and the singleton actor might not be started yet when you receive the member event.

A nice alternative to the above proxy is to use Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster. Let the singleton actor register itself to the mediator with DistributedPubSubMediator.Put message when it is started. Send messages to the singleton actor via the mediator with DistributedPubSubMediator.SendToAll.


The singleton pattern will be simplified, perhaps provided out-of-the-box, when the cluster handles automatic actor partitioning.
