Migration Guide 1.3.x to 2.0.x
The 2.0 release contains several new features which require source-level changes in client code. This API cleanup is planned to be the last one for a significant amount of time.
New Concepts
First you should take some time to understand the new concepts of Actor Systems, Supervision and Monitoring, and Actor References, Paths and Addresses.
Migration Kit
Nobody likes a big refactoring that takes several days to complete until anything is able to run again. Therefore we provide a migration kit that makes it possible to do the migration changes in smaller steps.
The migration kit only covers the most common usage of Akka. It is not intended as a final solution. The whole migration kit is marked as deprecated and will be removed in Akka 2.1.
The migration kit is provided in separate jar files. Add the following dependency:
- "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-actor-migration" % "2.0.5"
The first step of the migration is to do some trivial replacements. Search and replace the following (be careful with the non qualified names):
Search | Replace with |
akka.actor.Actor | akka.actor.OldActor |
extends Actor | extends OldActor |
akka.actor.Scheduler | akka.actor.OldScheduler |
Scheduler | OldScheduler |
akka.event.EventHandler | akka.event.OldEventHandler |
EventHandler | OldEventHandler |
akka.config.Config | akka.config.OldConfig |
Config | OldConfig |
For Scala users the migration kit also contains some implicit conversions to be able to use some old methods. These conversions are useful from tests or other code used outside actors.
- import akka.migration._
Thereafter you need to fix compilation errors that are not handled by the migration kit, such as:
- Definition of supervisors
- Definition of dispatchers
- ActorRegistry
When everything compiles you continue by replacing/removing the OldXxx classes one-by-one from the migration kit with appropriate migration.
When using the migration kit there will be one global actor system, which loads the configuration akka.conf from the same locations as in Akka 1.x. This means that while you are using the migration kit you should not create your own ActorSystem, but instead use the akka.actor.GlobalActorSystem. In order to voluntarily exit the JVM you must shutdown the GlobalActorSystem Last task of the migration would be to create your own ActorSystem.
Unordered Collection of Migration Items
Creating and starting actors
Actors are created by passing in a Props instance into the actorOf factory method in a ActorRefProvider, which is the ActorSystem or ActorContext. Use the system to create top level actors. Use the context to create actors from other actors. The difference is how the supervisor hierarchy is arranged. When using the context the current actor will be supervisor of the created child actor. When using the system it will be a top level actor, that is supervised by the system (internal guardian actor).
ActorRef.start() has been removed. Actors are now started automatically when created. Remove all invocations of ActorRef.start().
- val myActor = Actor.actorOf[MyActor]
- myActor.start()
- // top level actor
- val firstActor = system.actorOf(Props[FirstActor], name = "first")
- // child actor
- class FirstActor extends Actor {
- val myActor = context.actorOf(Props[MyActor], name = "myactor")
Stopping actors
ActorRef.stop() has been moved. Use ActorSystem or ActorContext to stop actors.
- actorRef.stop()
- self.stop()
- actorRef ! PoisonPill
- context.stop(someChild)
- context.stop(self)
- system.stop(actorRef)
- actorRef ! PoisonPill
Stop all actors
- ActorRegistry.shutdownAll()
- system.shutdown() // from outside of this system
- context.system.shutdown() // from inside any actor
Identifying Actors
In v1.3 actors have uuid and id field. In v2.0 each actor has a unique logical path.
The ActorRegistry has been replaced by actor paths and lookup with actorFor in ActorRefProvider (ActorSystem or ActorContext). It is no longer possible to obtain references to all actors being implemented by a certain class (the reason being that this property is not known yet when an ActorRef is created because instantiation of the actor itself is asynchronous).
- val actor = Actor.registry.actorFor(uuid)
- val actors = Actor.registry.actorsFor(id)
- val actor = context.actorFor("/user/serviceA/aggregator")
Reply to messages
self.channel has been replaced with unified reply mechanism using sender (Scala) or getSender() (Java). This works for both tell (!) and ask (?). Sending to an actor reference never throws an exception, hence tryTell and tryReply are removed.
- self.channel ! result
- self.channel tryTell result
- self.reply(result)
- self.tryReply(result)
- sender ! result
The mechanism for collecting an actor’s reply in a Future has been reworked for better location transparency: it uses an actor under the hood. This actor needs to be disposable by the garbage collector in case no reply is ever received, and the decision is based upon a timeout. This timeout determines when the actor will stop itself and hence closes the window for a reply to be received; it is independent of the timeout applied when awaiting completion of the Future, however, the actor will complete the Future with an AskTimeoutException when it stops itself.
Since there is no good library default value for the ask-timeout, specification of a timeout is required for all usages as shown below.
Also, since the ask feature is coupling futures and actors, it is no longer offered on the ActorRef itself, but instead as a use pattern to be imported. While Scala’s implicit conversions enable transparent replacement, Java code will have to be changed by more than just adding an import statement.
- actorRef ? message // Scala
- actorRef.ask(message, timeout); // Java
v2.0 (Scala):
- import akka.pattern.ask
- implicit val timeout: Timeout = ...
- actorRef ? message // uses implicit timeout
- actorRef ask message // uses implicit timeout
- actorRef.ask(message)(timeout) // uses explicit timeout
- ask(actorRef, message) // uses implicit timeout
- ask(actorRef, message)(timeout) // uses explicit timeout
v2.0 (Java):
- import akka.pattern.Patterns;
- Patterns.ask(actorRef, message, timeout)
ActorRef.?(msg, timeout)
This method has a dangerous overlap with ActorRef.?(msg)(implicit timeout) due to the fact that Scala allows to pass a Tuple in place of the message without requiring extra parentheses:
- actor ? (1, "hallo") // will send a tuple
- actor ? (1, Timeout()) // will send 1 with an explicit timeout
To remove this ambiguity, the latter variant is removed in version 2.0. If you were using it before, it will now send tuples where that is not desired. In order to correct all places in the code where this happens, simply import akka.migration.ask instead of akka.pattern.ask to obtain a variant which will give deprecation warnings where the old method signature is used:
- import akka.migration.ask
- actor ? (1, Timeout(2 seconds)) // will give deprecation warning
UntypedActor.getContext() (Java API only)
getContext() in the Java API for UntypedActor is renamed to getSelf().
- actorRef.tell("Hello", getContext());
- actorRef.tell("Hello", getSelf());
A new, more powerful, configuration utility has been implemented. The format of the configuration file is very similar to the format in v1.3. In addition it also supports configuration files in json and properties format. The syntax is described in the HOCON specification.
- include "other.conf"
- akka {
- event-handler-level = "DEBUG"
- }
- include "other"
- akka {
- loglevel = "DEBUG"
- }
In v1.3 the default name of the configuration file was akka.conf. In v2.0 the default name is application.conf. It is still loaded from classpath or can be specified with java System properties (-D command line arguments).
- -Dakka.config=<file path to configuration file>
- -Dakka.output.config.source=on
- -Dconfig.file=<file path to configuration file>
- -Dakka.log-config-on-start=on
Several configuration properties have been changed, such as:
- akka.event-handler-level => akka.loglevel
- dispatcher type values are changed
- akka.actor.throughput => akka.actor.default-dispatcher.throughput
- akka.remote.layer => akka.remote.transport
- the global time-unit property is removed, all durations are specified with duration unit in the property value, timeout = 5s
Verify used configuration properties against the reference Configuration.
EventHandler API has been replaced by LoggingAdapter, which publish log messages to the event bus. You can still plugin your own actor as event listener with the akka.event-handlers configuration property.
- EventHandler.error(exception, this, message)
- EventHandler.warning(this, message)
- EventHandler.info(this, message)
- EventHandler.debug(this, message)
- EventHandler.debug(this, "Processing took %s ms".format(duration))
- import akka.event.Logging
- val log = Logging(context.system, this) // will include system name in message source
- val log = Logging(system.eventStream, getClass.getName) // will not include system name
- log.error(exception, message)
- log.warning(message)
- log.info(message)
- log.debug(message)
- log.debug("Processing took {} ms", duration)
The functionality of the scheduler is identical, but the API is slightly adjusted.
- //Schedules to send the "foo"-message to the testActor after 50ms
- Scheduler.scheduleOnce(testActor, "foo", 50L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
- // Schedules periodic send of "foo"-message to the testActor after 1s inital delay,
- // and then with 200ms between successive sends
- Scheduler.schedule(testActor, "foo", 1000L, 200L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
- // Schedules a function to be executed (send the current time) to the testActor after 50ms
- Scheduler.scheduleOnce({testActor ! System.currentTimeMillis}, 50L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
- //Schedules to send the "foo"-message to the testActor after 50ms
- system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(50 milliseconds, testActor, "foo")
- // Schedules periodic send of "foo"-message to the testActor after 1s inital delay,
- // and then with 200ms between successive sends
- system.scheduler.schedule(1 second, 200 milliseconds, testActor, "foo")
- // Schedules a function to be executed (send the current time) to the testActor after 50ms
- system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(50 milliseconds) {
- testActor ! System.currentTimeMillis
- }
The internal implementation of the scheduler is changed from java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService to a variant of org.jboss.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer.
Akka v2.0 implements parental supervision. Actors can only be created by other actors — where the top-level actor is provided by the library — and each created actor is supervised by its parent. In contrast to the special supervision relationship between parent and child, each actor may monitor any other actor for termination.
- self.link(actorRef)
- self.unlink(actorRef)
- class WatchActor extends Actor {
- val actorRef = ...
- // Terminated message will be delivered when the actorRef actor
- // is stopped
- context.watch(actorRef)
- val supervisedChild = context.actorOf(Props[ChildActor])
- def receive = {
- case Terminated(`actorRef`) ⇒ ...
- }
- }
Note that link in v1.3 established a supervision relation, which watch doesn't. watch is only a way to get notification, Terminated message, when the monitored actor has been stopped.
Refererence to the supervisor
- self.supervisor
- context.parent
Supervisor Strategy
- val supervisor = Supervisor(
- SupervisorConfig(
- OneForOneStrategy(List(classOf[Exception]), 3, 1000),
- Supervise(
- actorOf[MyActor1],
- Permanent) ::
- Supervise(
- actorOf[MyActor2],
- Permanent) ::
- Nil))
- class MyActor extends Actor {
- override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
- case _: ArithmeticException ⇒ Resume
- case _: NullPointerException ⇒ Restart
- case _: IllegalArgumentException ⇒ Stop
- case _: Exception ⇒ Escalate
- }
- def receive = {
- case x =>
- }
- }
Dispatchers are defined in configuration instead of in code.
- // in code
- val myDispatcher = Dispatchers.newExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher(name)
- .withNewThreadPoolWithLinkedBlockingQueueWithCapacity(100)
- .setCorePoolSize(16)
- .setMaxPoolSize(128)
- .setKeepAliveTimeInMillis(60000)
- .build
- // in config
- my-dispatcher {
- type = Dispatcher
- core-pool-size-factor = 8.0
- max-pool-size-factor = 16.0
- mailbox-capacity = 100
- }
The dispatcher is assigned to the actor in a different way.
- actorRef.dispatcher = MyGlobals.myDispatcher
- self.dispatcher = MyGlobals.myDispatcher
- val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor].withDispatcher("my-dispatcher"), "myactor")
spawn has been removed and should be replaced by creating a Future. Be careful to not access any shared mutable state closed over by the body.
- Future { doSomething() } // will be executed asynchronously
- Futures.future<String>(new Callable<String>() {
- public String call() {
- doSomething();
- }
- }, executionContext);
In v2.0 become and unbecome metods are located in ActorContext, i.e. context.become and context.unbecome.
The special HotSwap and RevertHotswap messages in v1.3 has been removed. Similar can be implemented with your own message and using context.become and context.unbecome in the actor receiving the message. The rationale is that being able to replace any actor’s behavior generically is not a good idea because actor implementors would have no way to defend against that; hence the change to lay it into the hands of the actor itself.
Routing has been redesign with improved performance and additional features as a result.
- class MyLoadBalancer extends Actor with LoadBalancer {
- val pinger = actorOf(new Actor { def receive = { case x => println("Pinger: " + x) } }).start()
- val ponger = actorOf(new Actor { def receive = { case x => println("Ponger: " + x) } }).start()
- val seq = new CyclicIterator[ActorRef](List(pinger,ponger))
- }
- val loadbalancer = actorOf[MyLoadBalancer].start()
- val pinger = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case x ⇒ println("Pinger: " + x) } }))
- val ponger = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { def receive = { case x ⇒ println("Ponger: " + x) } }))
- val loadbalancer = system.actorOf(Props().withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(Seq(pinger, ponger))))
The ActorPool has been replaced by dynamically resizable routers.
- class TestPool extends Actor with DefaultActorPool
- with BoundedCapacityStrategy
- with ActiveFuturesPressureCapacitor
- with SmallestMailboxSelector
- with BasicNoBackoffFilter
- {
- def receive = _route
- def lowerBound = 2
- def upperBound = 4
- def rampupRate = 0.1
- def partialFill = true
- def selectionCount = 1
- def instance = actorOf[ExampleActor]
- }
- // in configuration
- akka.actor.deployment {
- /router2 {
- router = round-robin
- resizer {
- lower-bound = 2
- upper-bound = 15
- }
- }
- }
- // in code
- val router2 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor].withRouter(FromConfig())
In Akka v2.0 ScalaSTM is used rather than Multiverse.
Agent and Transactor have been ported to ScalaSTM. The API's for Agent and Transactor are basically the same, other than integration with ScalaSTM. See:
To use ScalaSTM the import from Scala is:
- import scala.concurrent.stm._
For Java there is a special helper object with Java-friendly methods:
- import scala.concurrent.stm.japi.STM;
These methods can also be statically imported:
- import static scala.concurrent.stm.japi.STM.*;
Other imports that are needed are in the stm package, particularly Ref:
- import scala.concurrent.stm.Ref;
Both v1.3 and v2.0 provide an atomic block, however, the ScalaSTM atomic is a function from InTxn to return type.
- atomic {
- // do something in transaction
- }
- atomic { implicit txn =>
- // do something in transaction
- }
Note that in ScalaSTM the InTxn in the atomic function is usually marked as implicit as transactional references require an implicit InTxn on all methods. That is, the transaction is statically required and it is a compile-time warning to use a reference without a transaction. There is also a Ref.View for operations without requiring an InTxn statically. See below for more information.
In the ScalaSTM Java API helpers there are atomic methods which accept java.lang.Runnable and java.util.concurrent.Callable.
- new Atomic() {
- public Object atomically() {
- // in transaction
- return null;
- }
- }.execute();
- SomeObject result = new Atomic<SomeObject>() {
- public SomeObject atomically() {
- // in transaction
- return ...;
- }
- }.execute();
- import static scala.concurrent.stm.japi.STM.atomic;
- import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
- atomic(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- // in transaction
- }
- });
- SomeObject result = atomic(new Callable<SomeObject>() {
- public SomeObject call() {
- // in transaction
- return ...;
- }
- });
Other than the import, creating a Ref is basically identical between Akka STM in v1.3 and ScalaSTM used in v2.0.
- val ref = Ref(0)
- val ref = Ref(0)
The API for Ref is similar. For example:
- ref.get // get current value
- ref() // same as get
- ref.set(1) // set to new value, return old value
- ref() = 1 // same as set
- ref.swap(2) // same as set
- ref alter { _ + 1 } // apply a function, return new value
- ref.get // get current value
- ref() // same as get
- ref.set(1) // set to new value, return nothing
- ref() = 1 // same as set
- ref.swap(2) // set and return old value
- ref transform { _ + 1 } // apply function, return nothing
- ref transformIfDefined { case 1 => 2 } // apply partial function if defined
In v1.3 using a Ref method outside of a transaction would automatically create a single-operation transaction. In v2.0 (in ScalaSTM) there is a Ref.View which provides methods without requiring a current transaction.
The Ref.View can be accessed with the single method:
- ref.single() // returns current value
- ref.single() = 1 // set new value
- // with atomic this would be:
- atomic { implicit t => ref() }
- atomic { implicit t => ref() = 1 }
As Ref.View in ScalaSTM does not require implicit transactions, this is more easily used from Java. Ref could be used, but requires explicit threading of transactions. There are helper methods in japi.STM for creating Ref.View references.
- Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<Integer>(0);
- Ref.View<Integer> ref = STM.newRef(0);
The set and get methods work the same way for both versions.
- ref.get(); // get current value
- ref.set(1); // set new value
- ref.get(); // get current value
- ref.set(1); // set new value
There are also transform, getAndTransform, and transformAndGet methods in japi.STM which accept japi.STM.Transformer objects.
There are increment helper methods for Ref.View<Integer> and Ref.View<Long> references.
Transaction lifecycle callbacks
It is also possible to hook into the transaction lifecycle in ScalaSTM. See the ScalaSTM documentation for the full range of possibilities.
- atomic {
- deferred {
- // executes when transaction commits
- }
- compensating {
- // executes when transaction aborts
- }
- }
- atomic { implicit txn =>
- txn.afterCommit { txnStatus =>
- // executes when transaction commits
- }
- txn.afterRollback { txnStatus =>
- // executes when transaction rolls back
- }
- }
Rather than using the deferred and compensating methods in akka.stm.StmUtils, use the afterCommit and afterRollback methods in scala.concurrent.stm.japi.STM, which behave in the same way and accept Runnable.
Transactional Datastructures
In ScalaSTM see TMap, TSet, and TArray for transactional datastructures.
There are helper methods for creating these from Java in japi.STM: newTMap, newTSet, and newTArray. These datastructures implement the scala.collection interfaces and can also be used from Java with Scala's JavaConversions. There are helper methods that apply the conversions, returning java.util Map, Set, and List: newMap, newSet, and newArrayAsList.