Interface QueryParams

public interface QueryParams
Represents the query parameters of an HTTP request.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getString Link icon

      Optional<String> getString(String key)
      Returns the value of the first parameter with the given key if it exists.
    • getInteger Link icon

      Optional<Integer> getInteger(String key)
      Returns the Integer value of the first parameter with the given key if it exists.
    • getLong Link icon

      Optional<Long> getLong(String key)
      Returns the Long value of the first parameter with the given key if it exists.
    • getBoolean Link icon

      Optional<Boolean> getBoolean(String key)
      Returns the Boolean value of the first parameter with the given key if it exists.
    • getDouble Link icon

      Optional<Double> getDouble(String key)
      Returns the Double value of the first parameter with the given key if it exists.
    • getAll Link icon

      List<String> getAll(String key)
      Returns the value of all parameters with the given key.
    • getAll Link icon

      <T> List<T> getAll(String key, Function<String,T> mapper)
      Returns the value of all parameters with the given key using mapper function.
    • toMap Link icon

      Map<String,String> toMap()
      Returns a key/value map of the parameters. Use the `toMultiMap()` method to return all parameters if keys may occur multiple times.
    • toMultiMap Link icon

      Map<String,List<String>> toMultiMap()
      Returns a `Map` of all parameters. Use the `toMap()` method to filter out entries with duplicated keys.