Class Effects

  • public class Effects
    extends java.lang.Object
    Factories for behavior effects for BehaviorTestKit, each effect has a suitable equals and can be used to compare actual effects to expected ones.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Effects

        public Effects()
    • Method Detail

      • askInitiated

        public static <Req,​Res,​T> Effect.AskInitiated<Req,​Res,​T> askInitiated​(RecipientRef<Req> target,
                                                                                                      java.time.Duration responseTimeout,
                                                                                                      java.lang.Class<Res> responseClass,
                                                                                                      java.lang.Class<T> messageClass)
        The behavior initiated an ask via its context. Note that the effect returned from this method should only be used to compare with an actual effect.
      • spawned

        public static <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                    java.lang.String childName)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawned

        public static <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                    java.lang.String childName,
                                                    ActorRef<T> ref)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawned

        public static <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                    java.lang.String childName,
                                                    Props props)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior and specific props
      • spawned

        public static <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                    java.lang.String childName,
                                                    Props props,
                                                    ActorRef<T> ref)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior and specific props
      • spawnedAnonymous

        public static <T> Effect.SpawnedAnonymous<T> spawnedAnonymous​(Behavior<T> behavior)
        The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawnedAnonymous

        public static <T> Effect.SpawnedAnonymous<T> spawnedAnonymous​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                                      ActorRef<T> ref)
        The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawnedAnonymous

        public static <T> Effect.SpawnedAnonymous<T> spawnedAnonymous​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                                      Props props)
        The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior with specific props
      • spawnedAnonymous

        public static <T> Effect.SpawnedAnonymous<T> spawnedAnonymous​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                                      Props props,
                                                                      ActorRef<T> ref)
        The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior with specific props
      • stopped

        public static Effect.Stopped stopped​(java.lang.String childName)
        The behavior stopped childName
      • watched

        public static <T> Effect.Watched<T> watched​(ActorRef<T> other)
        The behavior started watching other, through
      • watchedWith

        public static <U,​T> Effect.WatchedWith<U,​T> watchedWith​(ActorRef<U> other,
                                                                            T message)
        The behavior started watching other, through context.watchWith(other, message)
      • unwatched

        public static <T> Effect.Unwatched<T> unwatched​(ActorRef<T> other)
        The behavior stopped watching other, through context.unwatch(other)
      • receiveTimeoutSet

        public static <T> Effect.ReceiveTimeoutSet<T> receiveTimeoutSet​(java.time.Duration d,
                                                                        T message)
        The behavior set a new receive timeout, with message as timeout notification
      • scheduled

        public static <U> Effect.Scheduled<U> scheduled​(java.time.Duration delay,
                                                        ActorRef<U> target,
                                                        U message)
        The behavior used context.schedule to schedule message to be sent to target after delay FIXME what about events scheduled through the scheduler?
      • timerScheduled

        public static <U> Effect.TimerScheduled<U> timerScheduled​(java.lang.Object key,
                                                                  U msg,
                                                                  java.time.Duration delay,
                                                                  boolean overriding,
                                                                  Effect send)
      • noEffects

        public static Effect.NoEffects noEffects()
        Used to represent an empty list of effects - in other words, the behavior didn't do anything observable