Class ActorTestKitBase

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class ActorTestKitBase
    extends java.lang.Object
    A base class for the ActorTestKit, making it possible to have testing framework (e.g. ScalaTest) manage the lifecycle of the testkit.

    An implementation for ScalaTest is ScalaTestWithActorTestKit.

    Another abstract class that is testing framework specific should extend this class and automatically shut down the testKit when the test completes or fails by implementing afterAll().

    • Constructor Detail

      • ActorTestKitBase

        public ActorTestKitBase​(ActorTestKit testKit)
      • ActorTestKitBase

        public ActorTestKitBase()
      • ActorTestKitBase

        public ActorTestKitBase​(java.lang.String config)
        Use a custom config for the actor system.
      • ActorTestKitBase

        public ActorTestKitBase​(com.typesafe.config.Config config)
        Use a custom config for the actor system.
      • ActorTestKitBase

        public ActorTestKitBase​(com.typesafe.config.Config config,
                                TestKitSettings settings)
        Use a custom config for the actor system, and a custom TestKitSettings.