Class TLS

  • public class TLS
    extends java.lang.Object
    Stream cipher support based upon JSSE.

    The underlying SSLEngine has four ports: plaintext input/output and ciphertext input/output. These are modeled as a BidiShape element for use in stream topologies, where the plaintext ports are on the left hand side of the shape and the ciphertext ports on the right hand side.

    Configuring JSSE is a rather complex topic, please refer to the JDK platform documentation or the excellent user guide that is part of the Play Framework documentation. The philosophy of this integration into Akka Streams is to expose all knobs and dials to client code and therefore not limit the configuration possibilities. In particular the client code will have to provide the SSLEngine, which is typically created from a SSLContext. Handshake parameters and other parameters are defined when creating the SSLEngine.


    The TLS specification until version 1.2 did not permit half-closing of the user data session that it transports—to be precise a half-close will always promptly lead to a full close. This means that canceling the plaintext output or completing the plaintext input of the SslTls operator will lead to full termination of the secure connection without regard to whether bytes are remaining to be sent or received, respectively. Especially for a client the common idiom of attaching a finite Source to the plaintext input and transforming the plaintext response bytes coming out will not work out of the box due to early termination of the connection. For this reason there is a parameter that determines whether the SslTls operator shall ignore completion and/or cancellation events, and the default is to ignore completion (in view of the client–server scenario). In order to terminate the connection the client will then need to cancel the plaintext output as soon as all expected bytes have been received. When ignoring both types of events the operator will shut down once both events have been received. See also TLSClosing. For now, half-closing is also not supported with TLS 1.3 where the spec allows it.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TLS

        public TLS()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static BidiFlow<TLSProtocol.SslTlsOutbound,​ByteString,​ByteString,​TLSProtocol.SslTlsInbound,​NotUsed> create​( sslContext,
                                                                                                                                                  java.util.Optional<AkkaSSLConfig> sslConfig,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSProtocol.NegotiateNewSession firstSession,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSRole role)
        Use create that takes a SSLEngine factory instead. Setup the SSLEngine with needed parameters. Since 2.6.0.
        Create a StreamTls BidiFlow in client mode. The SSLContext will be used to create an SSLEngine to which then the firstSession parameters are applied before initiating the first handshake. The role parameter determines the SSLEngine&rsquo;s role; this is often the same as the underlying transport&rsquo;s server or client role, but that is not a requirement and depends entirely on the application protocol.

        This method uses the default closing behavior or IgnoreComplete.

      • create

        public static BidiFlow<TLSProtocol.SslTlsOutbound,​ByteString,​ByteString,​TLSProtocol.SslTlsInbound,​NotUsed> create​( sslContext,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSProtocol.NegotiateNewSession firstSession,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSRole role)
        Use create that takes a SSLEngine factory instead. Setup the SSLEngine with needed parameters. Since 2.6.0.
        Create a StreamTls BidiFlow in client mode. The SSLContext will be used to create an SSLEngine to which then the firstSession parameters are applied before initiating the first handshake. The role parameter determines the SSLEngine&rsquo;s role; this is often the same as the underlying transport&rsquo;s server or client role, but that is not a requirement and depends entirely on the application protocol.

        This method uses the default closing behavior or IgnoreComplete.

      • create

        public static BidiFlow<TLSProtocol.SslTlsOutbound,​ByteString,​ByteString,​TLSProtocol.SslTlsInbound,​NotUsed> create​( sslContext,
                                                                                                                                                  java.util.Optional<AkkaSSLConfig> sslConfig,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSProtocol.NegotiateNewSession firstSession,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSRole role,
                                                                                                                                                  java.util.Optional<Pair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer>> hostInfo,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSClosing closing)
        Use create that takes a SSLEngine factory instead. Setup the SSLEngine with needed parameters. Since 2.6.0.
        Create a StreamTls BidiFlow in client mode. The SSLContext will be used to create an SSLEngine to which then the firstSession parameters are applied before initiating the first handshake. The role parameter determines the SSLEngine&rsquo;s role; this is often the same as the underlying transport&rsquo;s server or client role, but that is not a requirement and depends entirely on the application protocol.

        For a description of the closing parameter please refer to TLSClosing.

        The hostInfo parameter allows to optionally specify a pair of hostname and port that will be used when creating the SSLEngine with sslContext.createSslEngine. The SSLEngine may use this information e.g. when an endpoint identification algorithm was configured using

      • create

        public static BidiFlow<TLSProtocol.SslTlsOutbound,​ByteString,​ByteString,​TLSProtocol.SslTlsInbound,​NotUsed> create​( sslContext,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSProtocol.NegotiateNewSession firstSession,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSRole role,
                                                                                                                                                  java.util.Optional<Pair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Integer>> hostInfo,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSClosing closing)
        Use create that takes a SSLEngine factory instead. Setup the SSLEngine with needed parameters. Since 2.6.0.
        Create a StreamTls BidiFlow in client mode. The SSLContext will be used to create an SSLEngine to which then the firstSession parameters are applied before initiating the first handshake. The role parameter determines the SSLEngine&rsquo;s role; this is often the same as the underlying transport&rsquo;s server or client role, but that is not a requirement and depends entirely on the application protocol.

        For a description of the closing parameter please refer to TLSClosing.

        The hostInfo parameter allows to optionally specify a pair of hostname and port that will be used when creating the SSLEngine with sslContext.createSslEngine. The SSLEngine may use this information e.g. when an endpoint identification algorithm was configured using

      • create

        public static BidiFlow<TLSProtocol.SslTlsOutbound,​ByteString,​ByteString,​TLSProtocol.SslTlsInbound,​NotUsed> create​(java.util.function.Supplier<> sslEngineCreator,
                                                                                                                                                  java.util.function.Consumer<> sessionVerifier,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSClosing closing)
        Create a StreamTls BidiFlow. This is a low-level interface.

        You specify a factory sslEngineCreator to create an SSLEngine that must already be configured for client and server mode and with all the parameters for the first session.

        You can specify a verification function sessionVerifier that will be called after every successful handshake to verify additional session information.

        For a description of the closing parameter please refer to TLSClosing.

      • create

        public static BidiFlow<TLSProtocol.SslTlsOutbound,​ByteString,​ByteString,​TLSProtocol.SslTlsInbound,​NotUsed> create​(java.util.function.Supplier<> sslEngineCreator,
                                                                                                                                                  TLSClosing closing)
        Create a StreamTls BidiFlow. This is a low-level interface.

        You specify a factory sslEngineCreator to create an SSLEngine that must already be configured for client and server mode and with all the parameters for the first session.

        For a description of the closing parameter please refer to TLSClosing.