Package akka.pattern

Class CircuitBreaker

  • public class CircuitBreaker
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides circuit breaker functionality for stability when working with "dangerous" operations, e.g. calls to remote systems.

    Transitions through three states: - In *Closed* state, calls pass through until the maxFailures count is reached. This causes the circuit breaker to open. Both exceptions and calls exceeding callTimeout are considered failures. - In *Open* state, calls fail-fast with an exception. After resetTimeout, circuit breaker transitions to half-open state. - In *Half-Open* state, the first call will be allowed through, if it succeeds the circuit breaker will reset to closed state. If it fails, the circuit breaker will re-open to open state. All calls beyond the first that execute while the first is running will fail-fast with an exception.

    param: scheduler Reference to Akka scheduler param: maxFailures Maximum number of failures before opening the circuit param: callTimeout FiniteDuration of time after which to consider a call a failure param: resetTimeout FiniteDuration of time after which to attempt to close the circuit param: randomFactor after calculation of the exponential back-off an additional random delay based on this factor is added, e.g. 0.2 adds up to 20% delay. randomFactor should be in range 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (inclusive). In order to skip this additional delay pass in 0. param: executor ExecutionContext used for execution of state transition listeners

    • Field Detail

      • stateOffset

        protected static final long stateOffset
      • resetTimeoutOffset

        protected static final long resetTimeoutOffset
    • Constructor Detail

      • CircuitBreaker

        public CircuitBreaker​(Scheduler scheduler,
                              int maxFailures,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration callTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration maxResetTimeout,
                              double exponentialBackoffFactor,
                              double randomFactor,
                              scala.collection.immutable.Set<java.lang.String> allowExceptions,
                              CircuitBreakerTelemetry telemetry,
                              scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext executor)
      • CircuitBreaker

        public CircuitBreaker​(Scheduler scheduler,
                              int maxFailures,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration callTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration maxResetTimeout,
                              double exponentialBackoffFactor,
                              double randomFactor,
                              scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext executor)
      • CircuitBreaker

        public CircuitBreaker​(scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext executor,
                              Scheduler scheduler,
                              int maxFailures,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration callTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout)
        Use the overloaded one which accepts java.time.Duration instead. Since 2.5.12.
      • CircuitBreaker

        public CircuitBreaker​(scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext executor,
                              Scheduler scheduler,
                              int maxFailures,
                              java.time.Duration callTimeout,
                              java.time.Duration resetTimeout)
      • CircuitBreaker

        public CircuitBreaker​(Scheduler scheduler,
                              int maxFailures,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration callTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext executor)
      • CircuitBreaker

        public CircuitBreaker​(Scheduler scheduler,
                              int maxFailures,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration callTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout,
                              scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration maxResetTimeout,
                              double exponentialBackoffFactor,
                              scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext executor)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public static CircuitBreaker apply​(Scheduler scheduler,
                                           int maxFailures,
                                           scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration callTimeout,
                                           scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout)
        Create a new CircuitBreaker.

        Callbacks run in caller's thread when using withSyncCircuitBreaker, and in same ExecutionContext as the passed in Future when using withCircuitBreaker. To use another ExecutionContext for the callbacks you can specify the executor in the constructor.

        scheduler - Reference to Akka scheduler
        maxFailures - Maximum number of failures before opening the circuit
        callTimeout - FiniteDuration of time after which to consider a call a failure
        resetTimeout - FiniteDuration of time after which to attempt to close the circuit
      • apply

        public static CircuitBreaker apply​(java.lang.String id,
                                           ExtendedActorSystem system)
        Create or find a CircuitBreaker in registry.

        id - Circuit Breaker identifier
        system - ExtendedActorSystem that is storing this CircuitBreaker
      • create

        public static CircuitBreaker create​(Scheduler scheduler,
                                            int maxFailures,
                                            scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration callTimeout,
                                            scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout)
        Use the overloaded one which accepts java.time.Duration instead. Since 2.5.12.
        Java API: Create a new CircuitBreaker.

        Callbacks run in caller's thread when using withSyncCircuitBreaker, and in same ExecutionContext as the passed in Future when using withCircuitBreaker. To use another ExecutionContext for the callbacks you can specify the executor in the constructor.

        scheduler - Reference to Akka scheduler
        maxFailures - Maximum number of failures before opening the circuit
        callTimeout - FiniteDuration of time after which to consider a call a failure
        resetTimeout - FiniteDuration of time after which to attempt to close the circuit
      • create

        public static CircuitBreaker create​(Scheduler scheduler,
                                            int maxFailures,
                                            java.time.Duration callTimeout,
                                            java.time.Duration resetTimeout)
        Java API: Create a new CircuitBreaker.

        Callbacks run in caller's thread when using withSyncCircuitBreaker, and in same ExecutionContext as the passed in Future when using withCircuitBreaker. To use another ExecutionContext for the callbacks you can specify the executor in the constructor.

        scheduler - Reference to Akka scheduler
        maxFailures - Maximum number of failures before opening the circuit
        callTimeout - Duration of time after which to consider a call a failure
        resetTimeout - Duration of time after which to attempt to close the circuit
      • lookup

        public static CircuitBreaker lookup​(java.lang.String id,
                                            ExtendedActorSystem system)
        Java API: Lookup a CircuitBreaker in registry.

        id - Circuit Breaker identifier
        system - ExtendedActorSystem that is storing this CircuitBreaker
      • convertJavaFailureFnToScala

        protected static <T> scala.Function1<scala.util.Try<T>,​java.lang.Object> convertJavaFailureFnToScala​(java.util.function.BiFunction<java.util.Optional<T>,​java.util.Optional<java.lang.Throwable>,​java.lang.Boolean> javaFn)
      • resetTimeout

        public scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration resetTimeout()
      • allowExceptions

        public scala.collection.immutable.Set<java.lang.String> allowExceptions()
      • withExponentialBackoff

        public CircuitBreaker withExponentialBackoff​(scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration maxResetTimeout)
        The resetTimeout will be increased exponentially for each failed attempt to close the circuit. The default exponential backoff factor is 2.

        maxResetTimeout - the upper bound of resetTimeout
      • withExponentialBackoff

        public CircuitBreaker withExponentialBackoff​(java.time.Duration maxResetTimeout)
        The resetTimeout will be increased exponentially for each failed attempt to close the circuit. The default exponential backoff factor is 2.

        maxResetTimeout - the upper bound of resetTimeout
      • withRandomFactor

        public CircuitBreaker withRandomFactor​(double randomFactor)
        Adds jitter to the delay.
        randomFactor - after calculation of the back-off an additional random delay based on this factor is added, e.g. 0.2 adds up to 20% delay. In order to skip this additional delay pass in 0.
      • withCircuitBreaker

        public <T> scala.concurrent.Future<T> withCircuitBreaker​(scala.Function0<scala.concurrent.Future<T>> body,
                                                                 scala.Function1<scala.util.Try<T>,​java.lang.Object> defineFailureFn)
        Wraps invocations of asynchronous calls that need to be protected.

        body - Call needing protected
        defineFailureFn - function that define what should be consider failure and thus increase failure count
        Future containing the call result or a scala.concurrent.TimeoutException if the call timed out
      • withCircuitBreaker

        public <T> scala.concurrent.Future<T> withCircuitBreaker​(scala.Function0<scala.concurrent.Future<T>> body)
        Wraps invocations of asynchronous calls that need to be protected.

        body - Call needing protected
        Future containing the call result or a scala.concurrent.TimeoutException if the call timed out

      • callWithCircuitBreaker

        public <T> scala.concurrent.Future<T> callWithCircuitBreaker​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<scala.concurrent.Future<T>> body,
                                                                     java.util.function.BiFunction<java.util.Optional<T>,​java.util.Optional<java.lang.Throwable>,​java.lang.Boolean> defineFailureFn)
        body - Call needing protected
        defineFailureFn - function that define what should be consider failure and thus increase failure count
        Future containing the call result or a scala.concurrent.TimeoutException if the call timed out
      • callWithCircuitBreakerCS

        public <T> java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<T> callWithCircuitBreakerCS​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<T>> body,
                                                                                    java.util.function.BiFunction<java.util.Optional<T>,​java.util.Optional<java.lang.Throwable>,​java.lang.Boolean> defineFailureFn)
        body - Call needing protected
        defineFailureFn - function that define what should be consider failure and thus increase failure count
        CompletionStage containing the call result or a scala.concurrent.TimeoutException if the call timed out
      • withSyncCircuitBreaker

        public <T> T withSyncCircuitBreaker​(scala.Function0<T> body)
        Wraps invocations of synchronous calls that need to be protected.

        Calls are run in the caller's thread. Because of the synchronous nature of this call, the scala.concurrent.TimeoutException will only be thrown after the body has completed.

        Throws java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException if the call timed out.

        body - Call needing protected
        The result of the call
      • withSyncCircuitBreaker

        public <T> T withSyncCircuitBreaker​(scala.Function0<T> body,
                                            scala.Function1<scala.util.Try<T>,​java.lang.Object> defineFailureFn)
        Wraps invocations of synchronous calls that need to be protected.

        Calls are run in caller's thread. Because of the synchronous nature of this call the scala.concurrent.TimeoutException will only be thrown after the body has completed.

        Throws java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException if the call timed out.

        body - Call needing protected
        defineFailureFn - function that define what should be consider failure and thus increase failure count
        The result of the call
      • callWithSyncCircuitBreaker

        public <T> T callWithSyncCircuitBreaker​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> body)
        Java API for withSyncCircuitBreaker(scala.Function0<T>). Throws TimeoutException if the call timed out.

        body - Call needing protected
        The result of the call
      • callWithSyncCircuitBreaker

        public <T> T callWithSyncCircuitBreaker​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> body,
                                                java.util.function.BiFunction<java.util.Optional<T>,​java.util.Optional<java.lang.Throwable>,​java.lang.Boolean> defineFailureFn)
        Java API for withSyncCircuitBreaker(scala.Function0<T>). Throws TimeoutException if the call timed out.

        body - Call needing protected
        defineFailureFn - function that define what should be consider failure and thus increase failure count
        The result of the call
      • isClosed

        public boolean isClosed()
        Return true if the internal state is Closed. WARNING: It is a "power API" call which you should use with care. Ordinal use cases of CircuitBreaker expects a remote call to return Future, as in withCircuitBreaker. So, if you check the state by yourself, and make a remote call outside CircuitBreaker, you should manage the state yourself.
      • isOpen

        public boolean isOpen()
        Return true if the internal state is Open. WARNING: It is a "power API" call which you should use with care. Ordinal use cases of CircuitBreaker expects a remote call to return Future, as in withCircuitBreaker. So, if you check the state by yourself, and make a remote call outside CircuitBreaker, you should manage the state yourself.
      • isHalfOpen

        public boolean isHalfOpen()
        Return true if the internal state is HalfOpen. WARNING: It is a "power API" call which you should use with care. Ordinal use cases of CircuitBreaker expects a remote call to return Future, as in withCircuitBreaker. So, if you check the state by yourself, and make a remote call outside CircuitBreaker, you should manage the state yourself.
      • onOpen

        public CircuitBreaker onOpen​(scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> callback)
        Adds a callback to execute when circuit breaker opens

        The callback is run in the ExecutionContext supplied in the constructor.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on state change
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • addOnOpenListener

        public CircuitBreaker addOnOpenListener​(java.lang.Runnable callback)
        Java API for onOpen

        callback - Handler to be invoked on state change
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • onHalfOpen

        public CircuitBreaker onHalfOpen​(scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> callback)
        Adds a callback to execute when circuit breaker transitions to half-open The callback is run in the ExecutionContext supplied in the constructor.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on state change
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • addOnHalfOpenListener

        public CircuitBreaker addOnHalfOpenListener​(java.lang.Runnable callback)
        JavaAPI for onHalfOpen

        callback - Handler to be invoked on state change
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • onClose

        public CircuitBreaker onClose​(scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> callback)
        Adds a callback to execute when circuit breaker state closes

        The callback is run in the ExecutionContext supplied in the constructor.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on state change
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • addOnCloseListener

        public CircuitBreaker addOnCloseListener​(java.lang.Runnable callback)
        JavaAPI for onClose

        callback - Handler to be invoked on state change
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • onCallSuccess

        public CircuitBreaker onCallSuccess​(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,​scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> callback)
        Adds a callback to execute when call finished with success.

        The callback is run in the ExecutionContext supplied in the constructor.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on successful call, where passed value is elapsed time in nanoseconds.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • addOnCallSuccessListener

        public CircuitBreaker addOnCallSuccessListener​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Object> callback)
        JavaAPI for onCallSuccess

        callback - Handler to be invoked on successful call, where passed value is elapsed time in nanoseconds.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • onCallFailure

        public CircuitBreaker onCallFailure​(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,​scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> callback)
        Adds a callback to execute if the call finished with failure.

        The callback is run in the ExecutionContext supplied in the constructor.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on failed call, where passed value is elapsed time in nanoseconds.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • addOnCallFailureListener

        public CircuitBreaker addOnCallFailureListener​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Object> callback)
        JavaAPI for onCallFailure.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on failed call, where passed value is elapsed time in nanoseconds.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • onCallTimeout

        public CircuitBreaker onCallTimeout​(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,​scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> callback)
        Adds a callback to execute if a call finished with timeout.

        The callback is run in the ExecutionContext supplied in the constructor.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on call finished with timeout, where passed value is elapsed time in nanoseconds.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • addOnCallTimeoutListener

        public CircuitBreaker addOnCallTimeoutListener​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Object> callback)
        JavaAPI for onCallTimeout.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on call finished with timeout, where passed value is elapsed time in nanoseconds.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • onCallBreakerOpen

        public CircuitBreaker onCallBreakerOpen​(scala.Function0<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> callback)
        Adds a callback to execute if call was failed due to open breaker.

        The callback is run in the ExecutionContext supplied in the constructor.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on call failed due to open breaker.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
      • addOnCallBreakerOpenListener

        public CircuitBreaker addOnCallBreakerOpenListener​(java.lang.Runnable callback)
        JavaAPI for onCallBreakerOpen.

        callback - Handler to be invoked on call failed due to open breaker.
        CircuitBreaker for fluent usage