Interface LoggingTestKit

  • public interface LoggingTestKit
    Facilities for verifying logs.

    Requires Logback.

    See the companion object for convenient factory methods.

    Not for user extension.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T expect​(scala.Function0<T> code, ActorSystem<?> system)
      Run the given code block and assert that the criteria of this LoggingTestKit has matched within the configured as often as requested by its occurrences parameter specifies.
      <T> T intercept​(scala.Function0<T> code, ActorSystem<?> system)
      Use expect instead.
      boolean matches​(LoggingEvent event)  
      <A extends java.lang.Throwable>
      withCause​(scala.reflect.ClassTag<A> evidence$1)
      Matching events with an included throwable that is a class or subclass of the given Throwable ClassTag.
      LoggingTestKit withCheckExcess​(boolean checkExcess)
      After matching the expected number of hits, check for excess messages
      LoggingTestKit withCustom​(scala.Function1<LoggingEvent,​java.lang.Object> newCustom)
      Matching events for which the supplied function returnstrue.
      LoggingTestKit withLoggerName​(java.lang.String newLoggerName)
      Matching events with the given logger name or sub-names in the same way as configuration loggers are configured in logback.xml.
      LoggingTestKit withLogLevel​(org.slf4j.event.Level newLogLevel)
      Matching events with the given log level.
      LoggingTestKit withMdc​(scala.collection.immutable.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> newMdc)
      Matching events with MDC containing all entries of the given Map.
      LoggingTestKit withMessageContains​(java.lang.String newMessageContains)
      Matching events with a message that contains the given value.
      LoggingTestKit withMessageRegex​(java.lang.String newMessageRegex)
      Matching events with a message that matches the given regular expression.
      LoggingTestKit withOccurrences​(int newOccurrences)
      Number of events the testkit is supposed to match.
      LoggingTestKit withSource​(java.lang.String newSource)
      Matching events that have "akkaSource" MDC value equal to the given value.
    • Method Detail

      • withOccurrences

        LoggingTestKit withOccurrences​(int newOccurrences)
        Number of events the testkit is supposed to match. By default 1.

        When occurrences > 0 it will not look for excess messages that are logged asynchronously outside (after) the expect thunk and it has already found expected number.

        When occurrences is 0 it will look for unexpected matching events, and then it will also look for excess messages during the configured duration.

      • withLogLevel

        LoggingTestKit withLogLevel​(org.slf4j.event.Level newLogLevel)
        Matching events with the given log level.
      • withLoggerName

        LoggingTestKit withLoggerName​(java.lang.String newLoggerName)
        Matching events with the given logger name or sub-names in the same way as configuration loggers are configured in logback.xml. By default the root logger is used.
      • withSource

        LoggingTestKit withSource​(java.lang.String newSource)
        Matching events that have "akkaSource" MDC value equal to the given value. "akkaSource" is typically the actor path.
      • withMessageContains

        LoggingTestKit withMessageContains​(java.lang.String newMessageContains)
        Matching events with a message that contains the given value.
      • withMessageRegex

        LoggingTestKit withMessageRegex​(java.lang.String newMessageRegex)
        Matching events with a message that matches the given regular expression.
      • withCause

        <A extends java.lang.Throwable> LoggingTestKit withCause​(scala.reflect.ClassTag<A> evidence$1)
        Matching events with an included throwable that is a class or subclass of the given Throwable ClassTag.
      • withMdc

        LoggingTestKit withMdc​(scala.collection.immutable.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> newMdc)
        Matching events with MDC containing all entries of the given Map. The event MDC may have more entries than the given Map.
      • withCheckExcess

        LoggingTestKit withCheckExcess​(boolean checkExcess)
        After matching the expected number of hits, check for excess messages
      • withCustom

        LoggingTestKit withCustom​(scala.Function1<LoggingEvent,​java.lang.Object> newCustom)
        Matching events for which the supplied function returnstrue.
      • matches

        boolean matches​(LoggingEvent event)
        true if the event matches the conditions of the filter.
      • expect

        <T> T expect​(scala.Function0<T> code,
                     ActorSystem<?> system)
        Run the given code block and assert that the criteria of this LoggingTestKit has matched within the configured as often as requested by its occurrences parameter specifies.

        Care is taken to remove the testkit when the block is finished or aborted.

      • intercept

        <T> T intercept​(scala.Function0<T> code,
                        ActorSystem<?> system)
        Use expect instead. Since 2.6.0.
        Run the given code block and assert that the criteria of this LoggingTestKit has matched within the configured as often as requested by its occurrences parameter specifies.

        Care is taken to remove the testkit when the block is finished or aborted.