ActorRefRoutee |
ActorRefRoutee$ |
ActorSelectionRoutee |
ActorSelectionRoutee$ |
AddRoutee |
Add a routee by sending this message to the router.
AddRoutee$ |
AdjustPoolSize |
Increase or decrease the number of routees in a Pool .
AdjustPoolSize$ |
BalancingPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
BalancingPool$ |
BalancingPoolDeploy |
Can't be in the BalancingPool companion for binary compatibility reasons.
BalancingPoolDeploy$ |
Can't be in the BalancingPool companion for binary compatibility reasons.
BalancingRoutingLogic |
Selects the first routee, balancing will be done by the dispatcher.
BalancingRoutingLogic$ |
Broadcast |
Used to broadcast a message to all routees in a router; only the
contained message will be forwarded, i.e.
Broadcast$ |
BroadcastGroup |
Java API
param: routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
sent with ActorSelection to these paths
BroadcastGroup$ |
BroadcastPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
BroadcastPool$ |
BroadcastRoutingLogic |
Broadcasts a message to all its routees.
BroadcastRoutingLogic$ |
ConsistentHash<T> |
Adds a node to the node ring.
ConsistentHash$ |
Java API: Factory method to create a ConsistentHash
ConsistentHashingGroup |
Java API
param: routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
sent with ActorSelection to these paths
ConsistentHashingGroup$ |
ConsistentHashingPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
ConsistentHashingPool$ |
ConsistentHashingRouter |
If you don't define the hashMapping when
constructing the ConsistentHashingRouter
the messages need to implement this interface to define what
data to use for the consistent hash key.
ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashableEnvelope |
ConsistentHashingRouter.ConsistentHashableEnvelope$ |
ConsistentHashingRouter.emptyConsistentHashMapping$ |
ConsistentHashingRouter$ |
If you don't define the hashMapping when
constructing the ConsistentHashingRouter
the messages need to implement this interface to define what
data to use for the consistent hash key.
ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic |
ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic$ |
Address to use for the selfAddress parameter
ConsistentRoutee |
Important to use ActorRef with full address, with host and port, in the hash ring,
so that same ring is produced on different nodes.
ConsistentRoutee$ |
CustomRouterConfig |
Deafen |
Deafen$ |
DefaultOptimalSizeExploringResizer |
DefaultOptimalSizeExploringResizer$ |
DefaultResizer |
DefaultResizer$ |
Creates a new DefaultResizer from the given configuration
FromConfig |
FromConfig$ |
Java API: get the singleton instance
GetRoutees |
Sending this message to a router will make it send back its currently used routees.
GetRoutees$ |
Java API: get the singleton instance
GroupBase |
Java API: Base class for custom router Group
Listen |
Listen$ |
MurmurHash |
The first 23 magic integers from the first stream are stored here
MurmurHash$ |
The first 23 magic integers from the first stream are stored here
NoRoutee |
Routee that doesn't send the message to any routee.
NoRoutee$ |
Routee that doesn't send the message to any routee.
NoRouter |
Routing configuration that indicates no routing; this is also the default
value which hence overrides the merge strategy in order to accept values
from lower-precedence sources.
NoRouter$ |
OptimalSizeExploringResizer.ResizeRecord |
OptimalSizeExploringResizer.ResizeRecord$ |
OptimalSizeExploringResizer.UnderUtilizationStreak |
OptimalSizeExploringResizer.UnderUtilizationStreak$ |
OptimalSizeExploringResizer$ |
Pool$ |
PoolBase |
Java API: Base class for custom router Pool
RandomGroup |
Java API
param: routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
sent with ActorSelection to these paths
RandomGroup$ |
RandomPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
RandomPool$ |
RandomRoutingLogic |
Randomly selects one of the target routees to send a message to
RandomRoutingLogic$ |
RemoveRoutee |
Remove a specific routee by sending this message to the router.
RemoveRoutee$ |
ResizablePoolActor |
ResizablePoolActor.Resize$ |
ResizablePoolActor$ |
ResizablePoolCell |
This approach is chosen for binary compatibility
Resizer$ |
Decide if the capacity of the router need to be changed.
RoundRobinGroup |
Java API
param: routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
sent with ActorSelection to these paths
RoundRobinGroup$ |
RoundRobinPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
RoundRobinPool$ |
RoundRobinRoutingLogic |
Uses round-robin to select a routee.
RoundRobinRoutingLogic$ |
RoutedActorCell |
Add routees to the Router .
RoutedActorCell.RouterActorCreator |
RoutedActorCell$ |
RoutedActorRef |
Routees |
Java API
Routees$ |
Router |
Java API
Router$ |
RouterActor |
RouterPoolActor |
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedGroup |
Java API
param: routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
sent with ActorSelection to these paths
param: within expecting at least one reply within this duration, otherwise
it will reply with AskTimeoutException in a Status.Failure
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedGroup$ |
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
param: within expecting at least one reply within this duration, otherwise
it will reply with AskTimeoutException in a Status.Failure
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedPool$ |
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutees |
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutees$ |
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic |
Broadcasts the message to all routees, and replies with the first response.
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic$ |
SeveralRoutees |
Java API
SeveralRoutees$ |
SmallestMailboxPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
SmallestMailboxPool$ |
SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic |
Returns true if the actor is currently processing a message.
SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic$ |
TailChoppingGroup |
Java API
param: routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees, messages are
sent with ActorSelection to these paths
param: within expecting at least one reply within this duration, otherwise
it will reply with AskTimeoutException in a Status.Failure
param: interval duration after which next routee will be picked
TailChoppingGroup$ |
TailChoppingPool |
Java API
param: nr initial number of routees in the pool
param: within expecting at least one reply within this duration, otherwise
it will reply with AskTimeoutException in a Status.Failure
param: interval duration after which next routee will be picked
TailChoppingPool$ |
TailChoppingRoutees |
TailChoppingRoutees$ |
TailChoppingRoutingLogic |
As each message is sent to the router, the routees are randomly ordered.
TailChoppingRoutingLogic$ |
WithListeners |
WithListeners$ |