AskableActorRef |
AskableActorRef$ |
AskableActorSelection |
INTERNAL API: for binary compatibility
AskableActorSelection$ |
AskPromiseRef |
AskPromiseRef$ |
AutoReset |
AutoReset$ |
Backoff |
Backoff$ |
BackoffOnFailureOptionsImpl<T> |
BackoffOnFailureOptionsImpl$ |
BackoffOnStopOptionsImpl<T> |
BackoffOnStopOptionsImpl$ |
BackoffOptionsImpl |
Returns the props to create the back-off supervisor.
BackoffOptionsImpl$ |
BackoffOpts |
Back-off options for creating a back-off supervisor actor that expects a child actor to restart on failure.
BackoffOpts$ |
Back-off options for creating a back-off supervisor actor that expects a child actor to restart on failure.
BackoffSupervisor |
BackoffSupervisor.CurrentChild |
Java API: The ActorRef of the current child, if any
BackoffSupervisor.CurrentChild$ |
BackoffSupervisor.GetCurrentChild$ |
Send this message to the BackoffSupervisor and it will reply with
BackoffSupervisor.CurrentChild containing the ActorRef of the current child, if any.
BackoffSupervisor.GetRestartCount$ |
BackoffSupervisor.Reset$ |
BackoffSupervisor.ResetRestartCount |
BackoffSupervisor.ResetRestartCount$ |
BackoffSupervisor.RestartCount |
BackoffSupervisor.RestartCount$ |
BackoffSupervisor.StartChild$ |
BackoffSupervisor$ |
Props for creating a BackoffSupervisor actor.
CircuitBreaker |
The resetTimeout will be increased exponentially for each failed attempt to close the circuit.
CircuitBreaker$ |
Create a new CircuitBreaker.
CircuitBreakerOpenException$ |
ExplicitlyAskableActorRef |
INTERNAL API: for binary compatibility
ExplicitlyAskableActorRef$ |
ExplicitlyAskableActorSelection |
INTERNAL API: for binary compatibility
ExplicitlyAskableActorSelection$ |
FutureRef$ |
Wraps an ActorRef and a Future into a FutureRef.
FutureRefImpl<T> |
ManualReset |
ManualReset$ |
Patterns |
Java API for akka.pattern.ask :
Sends a message asynchronously and returns a Future
holding the eventual reply message; this means that the target actor
needs to send the result to the sender reference provided.
Patterns$ |
Java API for akka.pattern.ask :
Sends a message asynchronously and returns a Future
holding the eventual reply message; this means that the target actor
needs to send the result to the sender reference provided.
PatternsCS |
PatternsCS$ |
PipeToSupport.PipeableCompletionStage<T> |
PipeToSupport.PipeableFuture<T> |
PromiseActorRef |
As an optimization for the common (local) case we only register this PromiseActorRef
with the provider when the path member is actually queried, which happens during
serialization (but also during a simple call to toString , equals or hashCode !).
PromiseActorRef$ |
PromiseRef$ |
Wraps an ActorRef and a Promise into a PromiseRef.
PromiseRefImpl<T> |
Constructs a new PromiseRef which will be completed with the first message sent to it.
RestartImpliesFailure |
RestartImpliesFailure$ |
RetrySupport$ |
Given a function from Unit to Future, returns an internally retrying Future
The first attempt will be made immediately, each subsequent attempt will be made after 'delay'
A scheduler (eg context.system.scheduler) must be provided to delay each retry
If attempts are exhausted the returned future is simply the result of invoking attempt.
StopImpliesFailure |
StopImpliesFailure$ |