Class AbstractPersistentFSMBase<S,​D,​E>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPersistentFSMBase

        public AbstractPersistentFSMBase()
    • Method Detail

      • NullFunction

        public static <S,​D> scala.PartialFunction<S,​D> NullFunction()
      • context

        public ActorContext context()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender. It is implicit to support operations such as forward.

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads!

        ActorContext is the Scala API. getContext returns a AbstractActor.ActorContext, which is the Java API of the actor context.

        Specified by:
        context in interface Actor
      • self

        public final ActorRef self()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        self in interface Actor
      • akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq

        protected final void akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq​(ActorRef x$1)
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq in interface Actor
        x$1 - (undocumented)
      • getSelf

        public ActorRef getSelf()
        Returns the ActorRef for this actor.

        Same as self().

      • getSender

        public ActorRef getSender()
        The reference sender Actor of the currently processed message. This is always a legal destination to send to, even if there is no logical recipient for the reply, in which case it will be sent to the dead letter mailbox.

        Same as sender().

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads!

      • when

        public final void when​(S stateName,
                               scala.PartialFunction<PersistentFSM.Event<D>,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> stateFunction)
        Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the given state.

        stateName - designator for the state
        stateFunction - partial function describing response to input
      • when

        public final void when​(S stateName,
                               FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> stateFunctionBuilder)
        Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the given state.

        stateName - designator for the state
        stateFunctionBuilder - partial function builder describing response to input
      • when

        public final void when​(S stateName,
                               scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration stateTimeout,
                               FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> stateFunctionBuilder)
        Insert a new StateFunction at the end of the processing chain for the given state. If the stateTimeout parameter is set, entering this state without a differing explicit timeout setting will trigger a StateTimeout event; the same is true when using #stay.

        stateName - designator for the state
        stateTimeout - default state timeout for this state
        stateFunctionBuilder - partial function builder describing response to input
      • startWith

        public final void startWith​(S stateName,
                                    D stateData,
                                    scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration timeout)
        Set initial state. Call this method from the constructor before the PersistentFSMBase.initialize() method. If different state is needed after a restart this method, followed by PersistentFSMBase.initialize(), can be used in the actor life cycle hooks Actor.preStart() and Actor.postRestart(java.lang.Throwable).

        stateName - initial state designator
        stateData - initial state data
        timeout - state timeout for the initial state, overriding the default timeout for that state
      • onTransition

        public final void onTransition​(FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder<S> transitionHandlerBuilder)
        Add a handler which is called upon each state transition, i.e. not when staying in the same state.

        Multiple handlers may be installed, and every one of them will be called, not only the first one matching.

        transitionHandlerBuilder - (undocumented)
      • onTransition

        public final void onTransition​(FI.UnitApply2<S,​S> transitionHandler)
        Add a handler which is called upon each state transition, i.e. not when staying in the same state.

        Multiple handlers may be installed, and every one of them will be called, not only the first one matching.

        transitionHandler - (undocumented)
      • whenUnhandled

        public final void whenUnhandled​(FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> stateFunctionBuilder)
        Set handler which is called upon reception of unhandled messages. Calling this method again will overwrite the previous contents.

        The current state may be queried using stateName.

        stateFunctionBuilder - (undocumented)
      • onTermination

        public final void onTermination​(FSMStopBuilder<S,​D> stopBuilder)
        Set handler which is called upon termination of this FSM actor. Calling this method again will overwrite the previous contents.
        stopBuilder - (undocumented)
      • matchEvent

        public final <ET,​DT extends DFSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEvent​(java.lang.Class<ET> eventType,
                                                                                                   java.lang.Class<DT> dataType,
                                                                                                   FI.TypedPredicate2<ET,​DT> predicate,
                                                                                                   FI.Apply2<ET,​DT,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on an event and data type and a predicate.

        eventType - the event type to match on
        dataType - the data type to match on
        predicate - a predicate to evaluate on the matched types
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEvent

        public final <ET,​DT extends DFSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEvent​(java.lang.Class<ET> eventType,
                                                                                                   java.lang.Class<DT> dataType,
                                                                                                   FI.Apply2<ET,​DT,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on an event and data type.

        eventType - the event type to match on
        dataType - the data type to match on
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEvent

        public final <ET> FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEvent​(java.lang.Class<ET> eventType,
                                                                                FI.TypedPredicate2<ET,​D> predicate,
                                                                                FI.Apply2<ET,​D,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches if the event type and predicate matches.

        eventType - the event type to match on
        predicate - a predicate that will be evaluated on the data and the event
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEvent

        public final <ET> FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEvent​(java.lang.Class<ET> eventType,
                                                                                FI.Apply2<ET,​D,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches if the event type matches.

        eventType - the event type to match on
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEvent

        public final FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEvent​(FI.TypedPredicate2<java.lang.Object,​D> predicate,
                                                                           FI.Apply2<java.lang.Object,​D,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches if the predicate matches.

        predicate - a predicate that will be evaluated on the data and the event
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEvent

        public final <DT extends DFSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEvent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Object> eventMatches,
                                                                                          java.lang.Class<DT> dataType,
                                                                                          FI.Apply2<java.lang.Object,​DT,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on the data type and if any of the event types in the list match or any of the event instances in the list compares equal.

        eventMatches - a list of types or instances to match against
        dataType - the data type to match on
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEvent

        public final FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEvent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Object> eventMatches,
                                                                           FI.Apply2<java.lang.Object,​D,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches if any of the event types in the list match or any of the event instances in the list compares equal.

        eventMatches - a list of types or instances to match against
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEventEquals

        public final <Ev,​DT extends DFSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEventEquals​(Ev event,
                                                                                                         java.lang.Class<DT> dataType,
                                                                                                         FI.Apply2<Ev,​DT,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on the data type and if the event compares equal.

        event - an event to compare equal against
        dataType - the data type to match on
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchEventEquals

        public final <Ev> FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchEventEquals​(Ev event,
                                                                                      FI.Apply2<Ev,​D,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches if the event compares equal.

        event - an event to compare equal against
        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchAnyEvent

        public final FSMStateFunctionBuilder<S,​D,​E> matchAnyEvent​(FI.Apply2<java.lang.Object,​D,​PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E>> apply)
        Create an FSMStateFunctionBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on any type of event.

        apply - an action to apply to the event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchState

        public final FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder<S> matchState​(S fromState,
                                                               S toState,
                                                               FI.UnitApplyVoid apply)
        Create an FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on a from state and a to state.

        fromState - the from state to match on
        toState - the to state to match on
        apply - an action to apply when the states match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchState

        public final FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder<S> matchState​(S fromState,
                                                               S toState,
                                                               FI.UnitApply2<S,​S> apply)
        Create an FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on a from state and a to state.

        fromState - the from state to match on
        toState - the to state to match on
        apply - an action to apply when the states match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchStop

        public final <RT extends PersistentFSM.ReasonFSMStopBuilder<S,​D> matchStop​(java.lang.Class<RT> reasonType,
                                                                                           FI.UnitApply3<RT,​S,​D> apply)
        Create an FSMStopBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on a reason type.

        reasonType - the reason type to match on
        apply - an action to apply to the reason, event and state data if there is a match
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchStop

        public final <RT extends PersistentFSM.ReasonFSMStopBuilder<S,​D> matchStop​(java.lang.Class<RT> reasonType,
                                                                                           FI.TypedPredicate<RT> predicate,
                                                                                           FI.UnitApply3<RT,​S,​D> apply)
        Create an FSMStopBuilder with the first case statement set.

        A case statement that matches on a reason type and a predicate.

        reasonType - the reason type to match on
        apply - an action to apply to the reason, event and state data if there is a match
        predicate - a predicate that will be evaluated on the reason if the type matches
        the builder with the case statement added
      • matchData

        public final <DT extends DUnitPFBuilder<D> matchData​(java.lang.Class<DT> dataType,
                                                               FI.UnitApply<DT> apply)
        Create a UnitPFBuilder with the first case statement set.

        dataType - a type to match the argument against
        apply - an action to apply to the argument if the type matches
        a builder with the case statement added
      • matchData

        public final <DT extends DUnitPFBuilder<D> matchData​(java.lang.Class<DT> dataType,
                                                               FI.TypedPredicate<DT> predicate,
                                                               FI.UnitApply<DT> apply)
        Create a UnitPFBuilder with the first case statement set.

        dataType - a type to match the argument against
        predicate - a predicate that will be evaluated on the argument if the type matches
        apply - an action to apply to the argument if the type and predicate matches
        a builder with the case statement added
      • goTo

        public final PersistentFSM.State<S,​D,​E> goTo​(S nextStateName)
        Produce transition to other state. Return this from a state function in order to effect the transition.

        nextStateName - state designator for the next state
        state transition descriptor
      • setTimer

        public final void setTimer​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.Object msg,
                                   scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration timeout)
        Schedule named timer to deliver message after given delay, possibly repeating. Any existing timer with the same name will automatically be canceled before adding the new timer.
        name - identifier to be used with cancelTimer()
        msg - message to be delivered
        timeout - delay of first message delivery and between subsequent messages
      • Normal

        public PersistentFSM.Reason Normal()
        Default reason if calling stop().
      • Shutdown

        public PersistentFSM.Reason Shutdown()
        Reason given when someone was calling system.stop(fsm) from outside; also applies to Stop supervision directive.