Package akka.cluster

Class JoinSeedNodeProcess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class JoinSeedNodeProcess
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Actor

    Sends InitJoin to all seed nodes (except itself) and expect InitJoinAck reply back. The seed node that replied first will be used, joined to. InitJoinAck replies received after the first one are ignored.

    Retries if no InitJoinAck replies are received within the SeedNodeTimeout. When at least one reply has been received it stops itself after an idle SeedNodeTimeout.

    The seed nodes can be started in any order, but they will not be "active", until they have been able to join another seed node (seed1). They will retry the join procedure. So one possible startup scenario is: 1. seed2 started, but doesn't get any ack from seed1 or seed3 2. seed3 started, doesn't get any ack from seed1 or seed3 (seed2 doesn't reply) 3. seed1 is started and joins itself 4. seed2 retries the join procedure and gets an ack from seed1, and then joins to seed1 5. seed3 retries the join procedure and gets acks from seed2 first, and then joins to seed2

    • Constructor Detail

      • JoinSeedNodeProcess

        public JoinSeedNodeProcess​(scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq<Address> seedNodes,
                                   JoinConfigCompatChecker joinConfigCompatChecker)
    • Method Detail

      • akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq

        protected final void akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq​(ActorRef x$1)
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq in interface Actor
        x$1 - (undocumented)
      • attempt

        public int attempt()
      • attempt_$eq

        public void attempt_$eq​(int x$1)
      • cluster

        public Cluster cluster()
      • context

        public ActorContext context()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender. It is implicit to support operations such as forward.

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads!

        ActorContext is the Scala API. getContext returns a AbstractActor.ActorContext, which is the Java API of the actor context.

        Specified by:
        context in interface Actor
      • done

        public scala.PartialFunction<java.lang.Object,​scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> done()
      • onReceiveTimeout

        public void onReceiveTimeout​(scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq<Address> seedNodes,
                                     int attempt)
      • otherSeedNodes

        public scala.collection.immutable.Set<Address> otherSeedNodes()
      • preStart

        public void preStart()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        User overridable callback.

        Is called when an Actor is started. Actors are automatically started asynchronously when created. Empty default implementation.
        Specified by:
        preStart in interface Actor
      • receive

        public scala.PartialFunction<java.lang.Object,​scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> receive()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: This defines the initial actor behavior, it must return a partial function with the actor logic.
        Specified by:
        receive in interface Actor
      • self

        public final ActorRef self()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        self in interface Actor
      • selfAddress

        public Address selfAddress()