public final class TakeWhile<T> extends GraphStages.SimpleLinearGraphStage<T> implements scala.Product, scala.Serializable
Constructor and Description |
TakeWhile(scala.Function1<T,java.lang.Object> p,
boolean inclusive) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Graph<S,M> |
addAttributes(Attributes attr) |
static Graph<S,M> |
async() |
abstract static boolean |
canEqual(java.lang.Object that) |
GraphStageLogic |
createLogic(Attributes inheritedAttributes) |
static scala.Tuple2<GraphStageLogic,NotUsed> |
createLogicAndMaterializedValue(Attributes inheritedAttributes) |
abstract static boolean |
equals(java.lang.Object that) |
static Inlet<T> |
in() |
boolean |
inclusive() |
Attributes |
initialAttributes() |
static StreamLayout.Module |
module() |
static Graph<S,M> |
named(java.lang.String name) |
static Outlet<T> |
out() |
scala.Function1<T,java.lang.Object> |
p() |
abstract static int |
productArity() |
abstract static java.lang.Object |
productElement(int n) |
static scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object> |
productIterator() |
static java.lang.String |
productPrefix() |
static FlowShape<T,T> |
shape() |
java.lang.String |
toString() |
static Graph<S,M> |
withAttributes(Attributes attr) |
in, out, shape
module, withAttributes
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
$init$, productArity, productElement, productIterator, productPrefix
addAttributes, async, named
public TakeWhile(scala.Function1<T,java.lang.Object> p, boolean inclusive)
public static Graph<S,M> named(java.lang.String name)
public static Graph<S,M> async()
public static Graph<S,M> addAttributes(Attributes attr)
public static final StreamLayout.Module module()
public static final Graph<S,M> withAttributes(Attributes attr)
public static final scala.Tuple2<GraphStageLogic,NotUsed> createLogicAndMaterializedValue(Attributes inheritedAttributes)
public static Inlet<T> in()
public static Outlet<T> out()
public static FlowShape<T,T> shape()
public abstract static boolean canEqual(java.lang.Object that)
public abstract static boolean equals(java.lang.Object that)
public abstract static java.lang.Object productElement(int n)
public abstract static int productArity()
public static scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object> productIterator()
public static java.lang.String productPrefix()
public scala.Function1<T,java.lang.Object> p()
public boolean inclusive()
public Attributes initialAttributes()
in class GraphStageWithMaterializedValue<FlowShape<T,T>,NotUsed>
public java.lang.String toString()
in class java.lang.Object
public GraphStageLogic createLogic(Attributes inheritedAttributes)
in class GraphStage<FlowShape<T,T>>