public final class GraphStageModule extends StreamLayout.AtomicModule implements scala.Product, scala.Serializable
Constructor and Description |
GraphStageModule(Shape shape,
Attributes attributes,
GraphStageWithMaterializedValue<Shape,java.lang.Object> stage) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Attributes |
attributes() |
abstract static boolean |
canEqual(java.lang.Object that) |
StreamLayout.Module |
The purpose of this method is to create a copy to be included in a larger
graph such that port identity clashes are avoided.
static StreamLayout.Module |
compose(StreamLayout.Module that) |
static <A,B,C> StreamLayout.Module |
compose(StreamLayout.Module that,
scala.Function2<A,B,C> f) |
static StreamLayout.Module |
composeNoMat(StreamLayout.Module that) |
static scala.collection.immutable.Map<OutPort,InPort> |
downstreams() |
static boolean |
equals(java.lang.Object obj) |
static StreamLayout.Module |
fuse(StreamLayout.Module that,
OutPort from,
InPort to) |
static <A,B,C> StreamLayout.Module |
fuse(StreamLayout.Module that,
OutPort from,
InPort to,
scala.Function2<A,B,C> f) |
static int |
hashCode() |
static scala.collection.immutable.Set<InPort> |
inPorts() |
static boolean |
isAtomic() |
static boolean |
isBidiFlow() |
static boolean |
isCopied() |
static boolean |
isFlow() |
static boolean |
isFused() |
static boolean |
isRunnable() |
static boolean |
isSealed() |
static boolean |
isSink() |
static boolean |
isSource() |
static StreamLayout.MaterializedValueNode |
materializedValueComputation() |
static scala.collection.immutable.Set<OutPort> |
outPorts() |
abstract static int |
productArity() |
abstract static java.lang.Object |
productElement(int n) |
static scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object> |
productIterator() |
static java.lang.String |
productPrefix() |
StreamLayout.Module |
replaceShape(Shape s)
Verify that the given Shape has the same ports and return a new module with that shape.
Shape |
shape() |
GraphStageWithMaterializedValue<Shape,java.lang.Object> |
stage() |
static scala.collection.immutable.Set<StreamLayout.Module> |
subModules() |
java.lang.String |
toString() |
static StreamLayout.Module |
transformMaterializedValue(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> f) |
static scala.collection.immutable.Map<InPort,OutPort> |
upstreams() |
static StreamLayout.Module |
wire(OutPort from,
InPort to) |
StreamLayout.Module |
withAttributes(Attributes attributes) |
downstreams, inPorts, outPorts, subModules, upstreams
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
$init$, productArity, productElement, productIterator, productPrefix
compose, compose, composeNoMat, equals, fuse, fuse, hashCode, isAtomic, isBidiFlow, isCopied, isFlow, isFused, isRunnable, isSealed, isSink, isSource, materializedValueComputation, transformMaterializedValue, wire
public GraphStageModule(Shape shape, Attributes attributes, GraphStageWithMaterializedValue<Shape,java.lang.Object> stage)
public static boolean isRunnable()
public static final boolean isSink()
public static final boolean isSource()
public static final boolean isFlow()
public static final boolean isBidiFlow()
public static boolean isAtomic()
public static boolean isCopied()
public static boolean isFused()
public static final StreamLayout.Module fuse(StreamLayout.Module that, OutPort from, InPort to)
public static final <A,B,C> StreamLayout.Module fuse(StreamLayout.Module that, OutPort from, InPort to, scala.Function2<A,B,C> f)
public static final StreamLayout.Module wire(OutPort from, InPort to)
public static final StreamLayout.Module transformMaterializedValue(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> f)
public static StreamLayout.Module compose(StreamLayout.Module that)
public static <A,B,C> StreamLayout.Module compose(StreamLayout.Module that, scala.Function2<A,B,C> f)
public static StreamLayout.Module composeNoMat(StreamLayout.Module that)
public static final boolean isSealed()
public static StreamLayout.MaterializedValueNode materializedValueComputation()
public static final int hashCode()
public static final boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
public static final scala.collection.immutable.Set<StreamLayout.Module> subModules()
public static final scala.collection.immutable.Set<InPort> inPorts()
public static final scala.collection.immutable.Set<OutPort> outPorts()
public abstract static boolean canEqual(java.lang.Object that)
public abstract static java.lang.Object productElement(int n)
public abstract static int productArity()
public static scala.collection.Iterator<java.lang.Object> productIterator()
public static java.lang.String productPrefix()
public Shape shape()
in interface StreamLayout.Module
public Attributes attributes()
in interface StreamLayout.Module
public GraphStageWithMaterializedValue<Shape,java.lang.Object> stage()
public StreamLayout.Module carbonCopy()
in interface StreamLayout.Module
public StreamLayout.Module replaceShape(Shape s)
Please note that this method MUST NOT be implemented using a CopiedModule since the purpose of replaceShape can also be to rearrange the ports (as in BidiFlow.reversed) and that purpose would be defeated.
in interface StreamLayout.Module
- (undocumented)public StreamLayout.Module withAttributes(Attributes attributes)
in interface StreamLayout.Module
public java.lang.String toString()
in class java.lang.Object