Interface Conductor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Conductor

The conductor is the one orchestrating the test: it governs the Controller’s port to which all Players connect, it issues commands to their akka.remote.testconductor.NetworkFailureInjector and provides support for barriers using the BarrierCoordinator. All of this is bundled inside the TestConductorExt extension.

Method Summary
 ActorRef _controller()
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> abort(RoleName node, RoleName target)
          Tell the remote support to TCP_RESET the connection to the given remote peer.
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> blackhole(RoleName node, RoleName target, ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction direction)
          Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into blackhole mode for sending and/or receiving: it will just drop all messages right before submitting them to the Socket or right after receiving them from the Socket.
 ActorRef controller()
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> disconnect(RoleName node, RoleName target)
          Tell the remote support to shutdown the connection to the given remote peer.
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> exit(RoleName node, int exitValue)
          Tell the remote node to shut itself down using System.exit with the given exitValue.
 scala.concurrent.Future<scala.collection.Iterable<RoleName>> getNodes()
          Obtain the list of remote host names currently registered.
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> passThrough(RoleName node, RoleName target, ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction direction)
          Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into pass through mode for sending and/or receiving.
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> removeNode(RoleName node)
          Remove a remote host from the list, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers.
 void requireTestConductorTranport()
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> shutdown(RoleName node)
          Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down.
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> shutdown(RoleName node, boolean abort)
          Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down without awaiting termination of remote-deployed children.
 scala.concurrent.Future<java.net.InetSocketAddress> sockAddr()
          Obtain the port to which the controller&rsquo;s socket is actually bound.
 scala.concurrent.Future<java.net.InetSocketAddress> startController(int participants, RoleName name, java.net.InetSocketAddress controllerPort)
          Start the Controller, which in turn will bind to a TCP port as specified in the akka.testconductor.port config property, where 0 denotes automatic allocation.
 scala.concurrent.Future<Done> throttle(RoleName node, RoleName target, ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction direction, double rateMBit)
          Make the remoting pipeline on the node throttle data sent to or received from the given remote peer.

Method Detail


ActorRef _controller()


ActorRef controller()


scala.concurrent.Future<java.net.InetSocketAddress> startController(int participants,
                                                                    RoleName name,
                                                                    java.net.InetSocketAddress controllerPort)
Start the Controller, which in turn will bind to a TCP port as specified in the akka.testconductor.port config property, where 0 denotes automatic allocation. Since the latter is actually preferred, a Future[Int] is returned which will be completed with the port number actually chosen, so that this can then be communicated to the players for their proper start-up.

This method also invokes Player.startClient, since it is expected that the conductor participates in barriers for overall coordination. The returned Future will only be completed once the client&rsquo;s start-up finishes, which in fact waits for all other players to connect.

participants - gives the number of participants which shall connect before any of their startClient() operations complete.
name - (undocumented)
controllerPort - (undocumented)


scala.concurrent.Future<java.net.InetSocketAddress> sockAddr()
Obtain the port to which the controller&rsquo;s socket is actually bound. This will deviate from the configuration in akka.testconductor.port in case that was given as zero.



scala.concurrent.Future<Done> throttle(RoleName node,
                                       RoleName target,
                                       ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction direction,
                                       double rateMBit)
Make the remoting pipeline on the node throttle data sent to or received from the given remote peer. Throttling works by delaying packet submission within the netty pipeline until the packet would have been completely sent according to the given rate, the previous packet completion and the current packet length. In case of large packets they are split up if the calculated send pause would exceed akka.testconductor.packet-split-threshold (roughly). All of this uses the system&rsquo;s scheduler, which is not terribly precise and will execute tasks later than they are schedule (even on average), but that is countered by using the actual execution time for determining how much to send, leading to the correct output rate, but with increased latency.

====Note==== To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler transport adapters by specifying testTransport(on = true) in your MultiNodeConfig.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
target - is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be throttled
direction - can be either Direction.Send, Direction.Receive or Direction.Both
rateMBit - is the maximum data rate in MBit


scala.concurrent.Future<Done> blackhole(RoleName node,
                                        RoleName target,
                                        ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction direction)
Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into blackhole mode for sending and/or receiving: it will just drop all messages right before submitting them to the Socket or right after receiving them from the Socket.

====Note==== To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler transport adapters by specifying testTransport(on = true) in your MultiNodeConfig.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
target - is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded
direction - can be either Direction.Send, Direction.Receive or Direction.Both


void requireTestConductorTranport()


scala.concurrent.Future<Done> passThrough(RoleName node,
                                          RoleName target,
                                          ThrottlerTransportAdapter.Direction direction)
Switch the Netty pipeline of the remote support into pass through mode for sending and/or receiving.

====Note==== To use this feature you must activate the failure injector and throttler transport adapters by specifying testTransport(on = true) in your MultiNodeConfig.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
target - is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded
direction - can be either Direction.Send, Direction.Receive or Direction.Both


scala.concurrent.Future<Done> disconnect(RoleName node,
                                         RoleName target)
Tell the remote support to shutdown the connection to the given remote peer. It works regardless of whether the recipient was initiator or responder.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
target - is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded


scala.concurrent.Future<Done> abort(RoleName node,
                                    RoleName target)
Tell the remote support to TCP_RESET the connection to the given remote peer. It works regardless of whether the recipient was initiator or responder.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
target - is the symbolic name of the other node to which connectivity shall be impeded


scala.concurrent.Future<Done> exit(RoleName node,
                                   int exitValue)
Tell the remote node to shut itself down using System.exit with the given exitValue. The node will also be removed, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
exitValue - is the return code which shall be given to System.exit


scala.concurrent.Future<Done> shutdown(RoleName node)
Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down. The node will also be removed, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected


scala.concurrent.Future<Done> shutdown(RoleName node,
                                       boolean abort)
Tell the actor system at the remote node to shut itself down without awaiting termination of remote-deployed children. The node will also be removed, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers.

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be affected
abort - (undocumented)


scala.concurrent.Future<scala.collection.Iterable<RoleName>> getNodes()
Obtain the list of remote host names currently registered.



scala.concurrent.Future<Done> removeNode(RoleName node)
Remove a remote host from the list, so that the remaining nodes may still pass subsequent barriers. This must be done before the client connection breaks down in order to affect an &ldquo;orderly&rdquo; removal (i.e. without failing present and future barriers).

node - is the symbolic name of the node which is to be removed