Package akka.camel.internal.component

Interface Summary
ActorEndpointConfig INTERNAL API Configures the ActorEndpoint.

Class Summary
ActorComponent INTERNAL API Creates Camel org.apache.camel.Endpoints that send messages to Consumer actors through an ActorProducer.
ActorEndpoint INTERNAL API Does what an endpoint does, creates consumers and producers for the component.
ActorEndpointPath INTERNAL API An endpoint to an ActorRef param: actorPath the String representation of the path to the actor
ActorEndpointPath$ INTERNAL API Companion of ActorEndpointPath
ActorProducer Sends the in-message of an exchange to an untyped actor, identified by an akka.camel.internal.component.ActorEndPoint
CamelPath Converts ActorRefs and actorPaths to URI's that point to the actor through the Camel Actor Component.
CamelPath$ Converts ActorRefs and actorPaths to URI's that point to the actor through the Camel Actor Component.
DurationTypeConverter INTERNAL API Converts Strings to Duration
DurationTypeConverter$ INTERNAL API Converts Strings to Duration