Package akka.zeromq

Interface Summary
Deserializer A base trait for message deserializers
PubSubOption A base trait for pubsub options for the ZeroMQ socket
Request Marker trait representing request messages for zeromq
Response Base trait for the events raised by a ZeroMQ socket actor
SocketConnectOption A base trait for connection options for a ZeroMQ socket
SocketMeta Marker trait representing the base for all meta operations for a socket such as the context, listener, socket type and poller dispatcher
SocketOption Marker trait representing the base for all socket options
SocketOptionQuery A marker trait to group option queries together

Class Summary
Affinity The Affinity option shall set the I/O thread affinity for newly created connections on the specified socket.
Affinity$ Gets the Affinity value
Backlog The Backlog option shall set the maximum length of the queue of outstanding peer connections for the specified socket; this only applies to connection-oriented transports.
Backlog$ Gets the backlog
Bind Start listening with this server socket on the specified address
Closed When the ZeroMQ socket disconnects it sends this message to a listener
Closed$ When the ZeroMQ socket disconnects it sends this message to a listener
Connect This socket should be a client socket and connect to the specified endpoint
Connecting When the ZeroMQ socket connects it sends this message to a listener
Connecting$ When the ZeroMQ socket connects it sends this message to a listener
Context Represents an I/O thread pool for ZeroMQ sockets.
Context$ Companion object for a ZeroMQ I/O thread pool
FileDescriptor Gets the file descriptor associated with the ZeroMQ socket
FileDescriptor$ Gets the file descriptor associated with the ZeroMQ socket
HighWatermark The HighWatermark option shall set the high water mark for the specified socket.
Identity Sets the identity of the specified socket.
Identity$ Gets the Identity value
Linger Configure this socket to have a linger of the specified value
Linger$ Gets the linger option @see akka.zeromq.Linger
Listener An option containing the listener for the socket param: listener
MaxMsgSize Limits the size of the inbound message.
MulticastHops Sets the time-to-live field in every multicast packet sent from this socket.
MulticastHops$ Gets the MulticastHops
MulticastLoop Controls whether data sent via multicast transports using the specified socket can also be received by the sending host via loop-back.
MulticastLoop$ Gets the MulticastLoop
PollDispatcher An option containing the configuration key for the poller loop dispatcher param: name
PollTimeoutDuration An option containing the duration a poll cycle should wait for a message before it loops param: duration
Rate Sets the maximum send or receive data rate for multicast transports such as pgm using the specified socket.
Rate$ Gets the send or receive rate for the socket
ReceiveBufferSize The ReceiveBufferSize option shall set the underlying kernel receive buffer size for the socket to the specified size in bytes.
ReceiveBufferSize$ Gets the ReceiveBufferSize
ReceiveHighWatermark The ReceiveHighWatermark option shall set the high water mark for inbound messages on the specified socket.
ReceiveHighWatermark$ Gets the ReceiveHighWatermark
ReconnectIVL Sets the recovery interval for multicast transports using the specified socket.
ReconnectIVL$ Gets the recover interval @see akka.zeromq.ReconnectIVL
ReconnectIVLMax The ReconnectIVLMax option shall set the maximum reconnection interval for the specified socket.
ReconnectIVLMax$ Gets the max reconnect IVL
RecoveryInterval Sets the recovery interval for multicast transports using the specified socket.
RecoveryInterval$ Gets the RecoveryInterval
Send Send a message over the zeromq socket param: frames
SendBufferSize The SendBufferSize option shall set the underlying kernel transmit buffer size for the socket to the specified size in bytes.
SendBufferSize$ Gets the SendBufferSize
SendHighWatermark The SendHighWatermark option shall set the high water mark for outbound messages on the specified socket.
SendHighWatermark$ Gets the SendHWM
SocketType The different socket types you can create with zeromq
SocketType.Dealer$ A dealer socket
SocketType.Pair$ A Pair socket
SocketType.Pub$ A Publisher socket
SocketType.Pull$ A pull socket
SocketType.Push$ A push socket
SocketType.Rep$ A reply socket
SocketType.Req$ A request socket
SocketType.Router$ A router socket
SocketType.Sub$ A subscriber socket
SocketType$ The different socket types you can create with zeromq
Subscribe The Subscribe option establishes a new message filter on a akka.zeromq.SocketType.Pub socket.
Swap The Swap option shall set the disk offload (swap) size for the specified socket.
Swap$ Gets the Swap
Unsubscribe The Unsubscribe option shall remove an existing message filter on a akka.zeromq.SocketType.Sub socket.
ZeroMQ Java API for akka.zeromq
ZeroMQ$ Java API for akka.zeromq
ZeroMQExtension The extension for the ZeroMQ module
ZeroMQExtension$ The ExtensionId and ExtensionIdProvider for the ZeroMQ module
ZeroMQVersion A Model to represent a version of the zeromq library param: major param: minor param: patch
ZMQMessage A message received over the zeromq socket param: frames
ZMQMessageDeserializer Deserializes ZeroMQ messages into an immutable sequence of frames