Package akka.camel.internal

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ActivationProtocol Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
ActivationProtocol.ActivationMessage Super class of all activation messages.
ActivationProtocol.ActivationMessage$ INTERNAL API companion object of ActivationMessage
ActivationProtocol.EndpointActivated INTERNAL API Event message indicating that a single endpoint has been activated.
ActivationProtocol.EndpointDeActivated INTERNAL API Event message indicating that a single endpoint was de-activated.
ActivationProtocol.EndpointFailedToActivate INTERNAL API Event message indicating that a single endpoint failed to activate.
ActivationProtocol.EndpointFailedToDeActivate INTERNAL API Event message indicating that a single endpoint failed to de-activate.
ActivationProtocol$ Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
ActivationTracker INTERNAL API An actor that tracks activation and de-activation of endpoints.
AwaitActivation INTERNAL API A request message to the ActivationTracker for the status of activation.
AwaitDeActivation INTERNAL API A request message to the ActivationTracker for the status of de-activation.
CamelExchangeAdapter INTERNAL API Adapter for converting an org.apache.camel.Exchange to and from CamelMessage and akka.camel.Failure objects.
CamelSupervisor INTERNAL API Top level supervisor for internal Camel actors
CamelSupervisor.AddWatch INTERNAL API Adds a watch for the actor
CamelSupervisor.CamelProducerObjects INTERNAL API Provides a Producer with the required camel objects to function.
CamelSupervisor.DeRegister INTERNAL API De-registers a producer or a consumer.
CamelSupervisor.Register INTERNAL API Registers a consumer or a producer.
CamelSupervisor$ INTERNAL API Messages for the camel supervisor, registrations and de-registrations.
ConsumerActorRouteBuilder INTERNAL API Builder of a route to a target which can be an actor.
ConsumerRegistrar INTERNAL API Registers Consumers.
DefaultCamel INTERNAL API Creates an instance of the Camel subsystem.
ProducerRegistrar INTERNAL API Registers Producers.
Registry INTERNAL API Registry for Camel Consumers and Producers.

Exception Summary
ActorActivationException INTERNAL API Thrown by the registrars to indicate that the actor could not be activated.
ActorDeActivationException INTERNAL API Thrown by registrars to indicate that the actor could not be de-activated.