Interface IndirectActorProducer

public interface IndirectActorProducer

This interface defines a class of actor creation strategies deviating from the usual default of just reflectively instantiating the Actor subclass. It can be used to allow a dependency injection framework to determine the actual actor class and how it shall be instantiated.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Class<? extends Actor> actorClass()
          This method is used by Props to determine the type of actor which will be created.
 IndirectActorProducer apply(java.lang.Class<?> clazz, scala.collection.immutable.Seq<java.lang.Object> args)
 java.lang.Class<akka.actor.CreatorConsumer> CreatorConsumerClass()
 java.lang.Class<akka.actor.CreatorFunctionConsumer> CreatorFunctionConsumerClass()
 Actor produce()
          This factory method must produce a fresh actor instance upon each invocation.
 java.lang.Class<akka.actor.TypedCreatorFunctionConsumer> TypedCreatorFunctionConsumerClass()
 java.lang.Class<akka.actor.UntypedActorFactoryConsumer> UntypedActorFactoryConsumerClass()

Method Detail


java.lang.Class<akka.actor.UntypedActorFactoryConsumer> UntypedActorFactoryConsumerClass()


java.lang.Class<akka.actor.CreatorFunctionConsumer> CreatorFunctionConsumerClass()


java.lang.Class<akka.actor.CreatorConsumer> CreatorConsumerClass()


java.lang.Class<akka.actor.TypedCreatorFunctionConsumer> TypedCreatorFunctionConsumerClass()


IndirectActorProducer apply(java.lang.Class<?> clazz,
                            scala.collection.immutable.Seq<java.lang.Object> args)


Actor produce()
This factory method must produce a fresh actor instance upon each invocation. It is not permitted to return the same instance more than once.


java.lang.Class<? extends Actor> actorClass()
This method is used by Props to determine the type of actor which will be created. This means that an instance of this IndirectActorProducer will be created in order to call this method during any call to Props.actorClass(); it should be noted that such calls may performed during actor set-up before the actual actor’s instantiation, and that the instance created for calling actorClass is not necessarily reused later to produce the actor.