Package akka.persistence.typed.internal
Class ReplicatedEventMetadata$
- java.lang.Object
- akka.persistence.typed.internal.ReplicatedEventMetadata$
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class ReplicatedEventMetadata$ extends java.lang.Object implements
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static ReplicatedEventMetadata$
Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description ReplicatedEventMetadata$()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description akka.persistence.typed.internal.ReplicatedEventMetadata
apply(ReplicaId originReplica, long originSequenceNr, akka.persistence.typed.internal.VersionVector version, boolean concurrent)
INTERNAL APIjava.lang.Object
For a journal supporting Replicated Event Sourcing needing to add test coverage, use this instance as metadata and defer to the built in serializer for serialization formatscala.Option<scala.Tuple4<ReplicaId,java.lang.Object,akka.persistence.typed.internal.VersionVector,java.lang.Object>>
unapply(akka.persistence.typed.internal.ReplicatedEventMetadata x$0)
Field Detail
public static final ReplicatedEventMetadata$ MODULE$
Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
Method Detail
public java.lang.Object instanceForJournalTest()
For a journal supporting Replicated Event Sourcing needing to add test coverage, use this instance as metadata and defer to the built in serializer for serialization format
public akka.persistence.typed.internal.ReplicatedEventMetadata apply(ReplicaId originReplica, long originSequenceNr, akka.persistence.typed.internal.VersionVector version, boolean concurrent)
INTERNAL API- Parameters:
- Where the event originally was createdoriginSequenceNr
- The original sequenceNr in the origin DCversion
- The version with which the event was persisted at the different DC. The same event will have different version vectors at each location as they are received at different times
public scala.Option<scala.Tuple4<ReplicaId,java.lang.Object,akka.persistence.typed.internal.VersionVector,java.lang.Object>> unapply(akka.persistence.typed.internal.ReplicatedEventMetadata x$0)