Class Uri$

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Uri$ extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • MODULE$

      public static final Uri$ MODULE$
      Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
  • Constructor Details

    • Uri$

      public Uri$()
  • Method Details

    • apply

      public Uri apply(String input)
      Parses a valid URI string into a normalized URI reference as defined by Percent-encoded octets are UTF-8 decoded. Accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC. If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.
      input - (undocumented)
    • apply

      public Uri apply(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput input)
      Parses a valid URI string into a normalized URI reference as defined by Percent-encoded octets are decoded using the given charset (where specified by the RFC). Accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the rfc. If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.
      input - (undocumented)
    • apply

      public Uri apply(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput input, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Parses a valid URI string into a normalized URI reference as defined by Percent-encoded octets are decoded using the given charset (where specified by the RFC). If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      input - (undocumented)
    • apply

      public Uri apply(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput input, Charset charset, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Parses a valid URI string into a normalized URI reference as defined by Percent-encoded octets are decoded using the given charset (where specified by the RFC). If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      input - (undocumented)
      charset - (undocumented)
    • apply

      public Uri apply(String scheme, Uri.Authority authority, Uri.Path path, scala.Option<String> queryString, scala.Option<String> fragment)
      Creates a new Uri instance from the given components. All components are verified and normalized except the authority which is kept as provided. If the given combination of components does not constitute a valid URI as defined by the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      queryString - percent-encoded query string. When characters are encountered that are outside of the RFC3986 range they are automatically percent-encoded
      scheme - (undocumented)
      authority - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)
    • from

      public Uri from(String scheme, String userinfo, String host, int port, String path, scala.Option<String> queryString, scala.Option<String> fragment, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Creates a new Uri instance from the given components. All components are verified and normalized. If the given combination of components does not constitute a valid URI as defined by the method throws an IllegalUriException.
      scheme - (undocumented)
      userinfo - (undocumented)
      host - (undocumented)
      port - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      queryString - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)
      mode - (undocumented)
    • parseAbsolute

      public Uri parseAbsolute(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput input, Charset charset, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Parses a string into a normalized absolute URI as defined by Percent-encoded octets are decoded using the given charset (where specified by the RFC). If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      input - (undocumented)
      charset - (undocumented)
    • parseAndResolve

      public Uri parseAndResolve(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput string, Uri base, Charset charset, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Parses a string into a normalized URI reference that is immediately resolved against the given base URI as defined by Note that the given base Uri must be absolute (i.e. define a scheme). Percent-encoded octets are decoded using the given charset (where specified by the RFC). If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      string - (undocumented)
      base - (undocumented)
      charset - (undocumented)
    • parseHttpRequestTarget

      public Uri parseHttpRequestTarget(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput requestTarget, Charset charset, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Parses the given string into an HTTP request target URI as defined by If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      requestTarget - (undocumented)
      charset - (undocumented)
    • parseHttp2PathPseudoHeader

      public scala.Tuple2<Uri.Path,scala.Option<String>> parseHttp2PathPseudoHeader(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput headerValue, Charset charset, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Parses the given string as if it were the value of an HTTP/2 ":path" pseudo-header. The result is a path and a query string as defined in If the given string is not a valid path or query string the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      headerValue - (undocumented)
      charset - (undocumented)
      path and percent-encoded query string. When in in 'relaxed' mode, characters not permitted by are already automatically percent-encoded here
    • parseHttp2AuthorityPseudoHeader

      public Uri.Authority parseHttp2AuthorityPseudoHeader(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput headerValue, Charset charset, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Parses the given string as if it were the value of an HTTP/2 ":authority" pseudo-header. The result is an authority object. If the given string is not a valid path or query string the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      headerValue - (undocumented)
      charset - (undocumented)
    • normalize

      public String normalize(akka.parboiled2.ParserInput uri, Charset charset, Uri.ParsingMode mode)
      Normalizes the given URI string by performing the following normalizations: - the scheme and host components are converted to lowercase - a potentially existing port component is removed if it matches one of the defined default ports for the scheme - percent-encoded octets are decoded if allowed, otherwise they are converted to uppercase hex notation - . and .. path segments are resolved as far as possible

      If the given string is not a valid URI the method throws an IllegalUriException.

      mode - if Relaxed, accepts unencoded visible 7-bit ASCII characters in addition to the RFC.
      uri - (undocumented)
      charset - (undocumented)
    • effectiveHttpRequestUri

      public Uri effectiveHttpRequestUri(String scheme, Uri.Host host, int port, Uri.Path path, scala.Option<String> query, scala.Option<String> fragment, boolean securedConnection, Uri.Host hostHeaderHost, int hostHeaderPort, Uri.Authority defaultAuthority)
      Converts a set of URI components to an "effective HTTP request URI" as defined by
      scheme - (undocumented)
      host - (undocumented)
      port - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      query - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)
      securedConnection - (undocumented)
      hostHeaderHost - (undocumented)
      hostHeaderPort - (undocumented)
      defaultAuthority - (undocumented)
    • effectiveRequestUri

      public Uri effectiveRequestUri(String scheme, Uri.Host host, int port, Uri.Path path, scala.Option<String> query, scala.Option<String> fragment, String defaultScheme, Uri.Host hostHeaderHost, int hostHeaderPort, Uri.Authority defaultAuthority)
      Converts a set of URI components to an "effective request URI" as defined by
      scheme - (undocumented)
      host - (undocumented)
      port - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      query - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)
      defaultScheme - (undocumented)
      hostHeaderHost - (undocumented)
      hostHeaderPort - (undocumented)
      defaultAuthority - (undocumented)
    • httpScheme

      public String httpScheme(boolean securedConnection)
    • websocketScheme

      public String websocketScheme(boolean securedConnection)
    • resolveUnsafe

      public Uri resolveUnsafe(String scheme, String userinfo, Uri.Host host, int port, Uri.Path path, scala.Option<String> query, scala.Option<String> fragment, Uri base)

      'Unsafe' in the sense that queryString validation must already have been done.

      query - percent-encoded query string that must be guaranteed not to contain invalid percent-encodings or characters not allowed by the RFC.
      scheme - (undocumented)
      userinfo - (undocumented)
      host - (undocumented)
      port - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)
      base - (undocumented)
    • decode

      public String decode(String string, Charset charset)
    • decode

      public String decode(String string, Charset charset, int ix, StringBuilder sb)
    • normalizeScheme

      public String normalizeScheme(String scheme)
    • normalizePort

      public int normalizePort(int port, String scheme)
    • verifyPath

      public Uri.Path verifyPath(Uri.Path path, String scheme, Uri.Host host)
    • collapseDotSegments

      public Uri.Path collapseDotSegments(Uri.Path path)
    • fail

      public scala.runtime.Nothing$ fail(String summary, String detail)
    • create

      public Uri create(String scheme, String userinfo, Uri.Host host, int port, Uri.Path path, scala.Option<String> queryString, scala.Option<String> fragment)
      queryString - percent-encoded query string. When characters are encountered that are outside of the RFC3986 range they are automatically percent-encoded
      scheme - (undocumented)
      userinfo - (undocumented)
      host - (undocumented)
      port - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)
    • create

      public Uri create(String scheme, Uri.Authority authority, Uri.Path path, scala.Option<String> queryString, scala.Option<String> fragment)
      queryString - percent-encoded query string. When characters are encountered that are outside of the RFC3986 range they are automatically percent-encoded
      scheme - (undocumented)
      authority - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)
    • createUnsafe

      public Uri createUnsafe(String scheme, Uri.Authority authority, Uri.Path path, scala.Option<String> queryString, scala.Option<String> fragment)
      'Unsafe' in the sense that queryString validation must already have been done.

      queryString - percent-encoded query string that must be guaranteed not to contain invalid percent-encodings or characters not allowed by the RFC.
      scheme - (undocumented)
      authority - (undocumented)
      path - (undocumented)
      fragment - (undocumented)