
Creates a Flow from a Sink and a Source where the Flow’s input will be sent to the Sink and the Flow ’s output will come from the Source.

Flow operators composed of Sinks and Sources


def fromSinkAndSource[I, O](sink: Graph[SinkShape[I], _], source: Graph[SourceShape[O], _]): Flow[I, O, NotUsed]
def fromSinkAndSourceMat[I, O, M1, M2, M](sink: Graph[SinkShape[I], M1], source: Graph[SourceShape[O], M2])(combine: (M1, M2) => M): Flow[I, O, M]


Creates a Flow from a Sink and a Source where the Flow’s input will be sent to the Sink and the Flow ’s output will come from the Source.

Note that termination events, like completion and cancelation is not automatically propagated through to the “other-side” of the such-composed Flow. Use Flow.fromSinkAndSourceCoupled if you want to couple termination of both of the ends, for example most useful in handling websocket connections.

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