Persistence Plugins
Storage backends for journals, snapshot stores, durable state stores and persistence queries are pluggable in the Akka persistence extension. The following plugins are maintained by the Akka team.
R2DBC plugin
The Reactive database drivers (R2DBC) support relational databases like PostgreSQL, H2 (As a minimal in-process memory or file based database) and Yugabyte.
The Akka Persistence R2DBC plugin supports the latest feature additions of Akka Persistence and is generally recommended over the JDBC-based plugin.
Cassandra plugin
Akka supports Cassandra’s data model through Akka Persistence Cassandra.
Some later Akka Persistence feature additions (including Durable State) are not supported by the Cassandra plugin (see below).
AWS DynamoDB plugin
AWS DynamoDB can be used as backend for Akka Persistence with the Akka Persistence DynamoDB plugin.
Durable State is not supported by the DynamoDB plugin.
Recovery from only last event is not supported by the DynamoDB plugin.
JDBC plugin
Relational databases with JDBC-drivers are supported through Akka Persistence JDBC. For new projects, the R2DBC plugin is recommended.
Some later Akka Persistence feature additions are not supported by the Akka Persistence JDBC plugin (see below).
Feature limitations
Example of concrete features not supported by the Cassandra and JDBC plugins:
query- Projections over gRPC
- Replicated Event Sourcing over gRPC
- Dynamic scaling of number of Projection instances
- Low latency Projections
- Projections starting from snapshots
- Scalability of many Projections
- Durable State entities (partly supported by JDBC plugin)
- Recovery from only last event
Enabling a plugin
Plugins can be selected either by “default” for all persistent actors, or “individually”, when a persistent actor defines its own set of plugins.
When a persistent actor does NOT override the journalPluginId
and snapshotPluginId
methods, the persistence extension will use the “default” journal, snapshot-store and durable-state plugins configured in reference.conf
akka.persistence.journal.plugin = ""
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = ""
akka.persistence.state.plugin = ""
However, these entries are provided as empty "", and require explicit user configuration via override in the user application.conf
- For an example of a journal plugin which writes messages to LevelDB see Local LevelDB journal.
- For an example of a snapshot store plugin which writes snapshots as individual files to the local filesystem see Local snapshot store.
- The state store is relatively new, one available implementation is the akka-persistence-jdbc-plugin.
Eager initialization of persistence plugin
By default, persistence plugins are started on-demand, as they are used. In some case, however, it might be beneficial to start a certain plugin eagerly. In order to do that, you should first add akka.persistence.Persistence
under the akka.extensions
key. Then, specify the IDs of plugins you wish to start automatically under
For example, if you want eager initialization for the leveldb journal plugin and the local snapshot store plugin, your configuration should look like this:
akka {
extensions = [akka.persistence.Persistence]
persistence {
journal {
plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.leveldb"
auto-start-journals = ["akka.persistence.journal.leveldb"]
snapshot-store {
plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.local"
auto-start-snapshot-stores = ["akka.persistence.snapshot-store.local"]
Pre-packaged plugins
The Akka Persistence module comes with few built-in persistence plugins, but none of these are suitable for production usage in an Akka Cluster.
Local LevelDB journal
This plugin writes events to a local LevelDB instance.
The LevelDB plugin cannot be used in an Akka Cluster since the storage is in a local file system.
The LevelDB journal is deprecated and it is not advised to build new applications with it. As a replacement we recommend using Akka Persistence JDBC.
The LevelDB journal plugin config entry is akka.persistence.journal.leveldb
. Enable this plugin by defining config property:
source# Path to the journal plugin to be used
akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.leveldb"
LevelDB based plugins will also require the following additional dependency declaration:
The default location of LevelDB files is a directory named journal
in the current working directory. This location can be changed by configuration where the specified path can be relative or absolute:
sourceakka.persistence.journal.leveldb.dir = "target/journal"
With this plugin, each actor system runs its own private LevelDB instance.
One peculiarity of LevelDB is that the deletion operation does not remove messages from the journal, but adds a “tombstone” for each deleted message instead. In the case of heavy journal usage, especially one including frequent deletes, this may be an issue as users may find themselves dealing with continuously increasing journal sizes. To this end, LevelDB offers a special journal compaction function that is exposed via the following configuration:
source# Number of deleted messages per persistence id that will trigger journal compaction
akka.persistence.journal.leveldb.compaction-intervals {
persistence-id-1 = 100
persistence-id-2 = 200
# ...
persistence-id-N = 1000
# use wildcards to match unspecified persistence ids, if any
"*" = 250
Shared LevelDB journal
The LevelDB journal is deprecated and will be removed from a future Akka version, it is not advised to build new applications with it. For testing in a multi node environment the “inmem” journal together with the proxy plugin can be used, but the actual journal used in production of applications is also a good choice.
This plugin has been supplanted by Persistence Plugin Proxy.
A shared LevelDB instance is started by instantiating the SharedLeveldbStore
- Scala
import akka.persistence.journal.leveldb.SharedLeveldbStore val store = system.actorOf(Props[SharedLeveldbStore](), "store")
- Java
By default, the shared instance writes journaled messages to a local directory named journal
in the current working directory. The storage location can be changed by configuration: = "target/shared"
Actor systems that use a shared LevelDB store must activate the akka.persistence.journal.leveldb-shared
sourceakka.persistence.journal.plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.leveldb-shared"
This plugin must be initialized by injecting the (remote) SharedLeveldbStore
actor reference. Injection is done by calling the SharedLeveldbJournal.setStore
method with the actor reference as argument.
- Scala
trait SharedStoreUsage extends Actor { override def preStart(): Unit = { context.actorSelection("akka://example@") ! Identify(1) } def receive = { case ActorIdentity(1, Some(store)) => SharedLeveldbJournal.setStore(store, context.system) } }
- Java
Internal journal commands (sent by persistent actors) are buffered until injection completes. Injection is idempotent i.e. only the first injection is used.
Local snapshot store
This plugin writes snapshot files to the local filesystem.
The local snapshot store plugin cannot be used in an Akka Cluster since the storage is in a local file system.
The local snapshot store plugin config entry is akka.persistence.snapshot-store.local
. Enable this plugin by defining config property:
source# Path to the snapshot store plugin to be used
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.local"
The default storage location is a directory named snapshots
in the current working directory. This can be changed by configuration where the specified path can be relative or absolute:
sourceakka.persistence.snapshot-store.local.dir = "target/snapshots"
Note that it is not mandatory to specify a snapshot store plugin. If you don’t use snapshots you don’t have to configure it.
Persistence Plugin Proxy
For testing purposes a persistence plugin proxy allows sharing of a journal and snapshot store on a single node across multiple actor systems (on the same or on different nodes). This, for example, allows persistent actors to failover to a backup node and continue using the shared journal instance from the backup node. The proxy works by forwarding all the journal/snapshot store messages to a single, shared, persistence plugin instance, and therefore supports any use case supported by the proxied plugin.
A shared journal/snapshot store is a single point of failure and should only be used for testing purposes.
The journal and snapshot store proxies are controlled via the akka.persistence.journal.proxy
and akka.persistence.snapshot-store.proxy
configuration entries, respectively. Set the target-journal-plugin
or target-snapshot-store-plugin
keys to the underlying plugin you wish to use (for example: akka.persistence.journal.inmem
). The start-target-journal
and start-target-snapshot-store
keys should be set to on
in exactly one actor system - this is the system that will instantiate the shared persistence plugin. Next, the proxy needs to be told how to find the shared plugin. This can be done by setting the target-journal-address
and target-snapshot-store-address
configuration keys, or programmatically by calling the PersistencePluginProxy.setTargetLocation
Akka starts extensions lazily when they are required, and this includes the proxy. This means that in order for the proxy to work, the persistence plugin on the target node must be instantiated. This can be done by instantiating the PersistencePluginProxyExtension
extension, or by calling the PersistencePluginProxy.start
The proxied persistence plugin can (and should) be configured using its original configuration keys.