
package scaladsl

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CsvBench extends AnyRef

    Measures the time to parse a 1 MB CSV file, consuming the first field of each row.

    Measures the time to parse a 1 MB CSV file, consuming the first field of each row.

    Using Oracle Flight Recorder

    To record a Flight Recorder file from a JMH run, run it using the jmh.extras.JFR profiler: > csv-bench/jmh:run -prof jmh.extras.JFR -t1 -f1 -wi 5 -i 10 .*CsvBench

    This will result in flight recording file which you can open and analyze offline using JMC. Start with "jmc" from a terminal.

    Sample benchmark results

    Your results may differ. Rerun these on YOUR OWN MACHINE before/after making changes.

    > csv-bench/jmh:run -t1 -f1 -wi 10 -i 10 .*CsvBench
    [info] Benchmark        (bsSize)   Mode  Cnt    Score   Error  Units
    [info] CsvBench.parse        32  thrpt   10   78.424 ± 1.351  ops/s
    [info] CsvBench.parse      1024  thrpt   10  158.948 ± 3.187  ops/s
    [info] CsvBench.parse      8192  thrpt   10  167.617 ± 2.759  ops/s
    [info] CsvBench.parse     65536  thrpt   10  170.670 ± 2.462  ops/s
    @Warmup() @Measurement() @BenchmarkMode() @Fork() @State()
    See also

  2. sealed trait CsvQuotingStyle extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ByteOrderMark

    Byte Order Marks may be used to indicate the used character encoding in text files.

    Byte Order Marks may be used to indicate the used character encoding in text files.

    See also

  2. object CsvBench

    For debugging.

  3. object CsvFormatting

    Provides CSV formatting flows that convert a sequence of String into their CSV representation in akka.util.ByteString.

  4. object CsvParsing
  5. object CsvQuotingStyle

    Select which fields to quote in CSV formatting.

  6. object CsvToMap
