
package javadsl

Type Members

  1. trait CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery extends ReadJournal

    A plugin may optionally support this query by implementing this interface.

  2. trait CurrentEventsByTagQuery extends ReadJournal

    A plugin may optionally support this query by implementing this interface.

  3. trait CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery extends ReadJournal

    A plugin may optionally support this query by implementing this interface.

  4. trait EventsByPersistenceIdQuery extends ReadJournal

    A plugin may optionally support this query by implementing this interface.

  5. trait EventsByTagQuery extends ReadJournal

    A plugin may optionally support this query by implementing this interface.

  6. trait PersistenceIdsQuery extends ReadJournal

    A plugin may optionally support this query by implementing this interface.

  7. trait ReadJournal extends AnyRef

    API for reading persistent events and information derived from stored persistent events.

    API for reading persistent events and information derived from stored persistent events.

    The purpose of the API is not to enforce compatibility between different journal implementations, because the technical capabilities may be very different. The interface is very open so that different journals may implement specific queries.

    There are a few pre-defined queries that a query implementation may implement, such as EventsByPersistenceIdQuery, PersistenceIdsQuery and EventsByTagQuery Implementation of these queries are optional and query (journal) plugins may define their own specialized queries by implementing other methods.


    SomeCoolReadJournal journal =
      PersistenceQuery.get(system).getReadJournalFor(SomeCoolReadJournal.class, queryPluginConfigPath);
    Source<EventEnvolope, Unit> events = journal.eventsByTag("mytag", 0L);

    For Scala API see akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.ReadJournal.
