

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BoundedBlockingQueue[E <: AnyRef] extends AbstractQueue[E] with BlockingQueue[E]

    BoundedBlockingQueue wraps any Queue and turns the result into a BlockingQueue with a limited capacity

  2. abstract class ByteIterator extends BufferedIterator[Byte]

    An iterator over a ByteString.

  3. sealed abstract class ByteString extends IndexedSeq[Byte] with IndexedSeqOptimized[Byte, ByteString]

    A rope-like immutable data structure containing bytes.

  4. final class ByteStringBuilder extends Builder[Byte, ByteString]

    A mutable builder for efficiently creating a akka.util.ByteString.

  5. class ClassLoaderObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream

    ClassLoaderObjectInputStream tries to utilize the provided ClassLoader to load Classes and falls back to ObjectInputStreams resolver.

  6. sealed abstract class CompactByteString extends ByteString with Serializable

    A compact ByteString.

  7. class ConcurrentMultiMap[K, V] extends Index[K, V]

    An implementation of a ConcurrentMultiMap Adds/remove is serialized over the specified key Reads are fully concurrent <-- el-cheapo

  8. class Index[K, V] extends AnyRef

    An implementation of a ConcurrentMultiMap Adds/remove is serialized over the specified key Reads are fully concurrent <-- el-cheapo

  9. final class ReentrantGuard extends ReentrantLock

  10. trait Subclassification[K] extends AnyRef

    Typeclass which describes a classification hierarchy.

  11. class Switch extends AnyRef

    An atomic switch that can be either on or off

  12. case class Timeout(duration: FiniteDuration) extends Product with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1L )
  13. final class Unsafe extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BoxedType

  2. object ByteIterator

  3. object ByteString

  4. object CompactByteString extends Serializable

  5. object Convert

  6. object Crypt

  7. object HashCode

    Set of methods which allow easy implementation of hashCode.

  8. object Helpers

  9. object Timeout extends Serializable

    A Timeout is a wrapper on top of Duration to be more specific about what the duration means.

  10. package internal
