

package cluster

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AccrualFailureDetector extends FailureDetector

    Implementation of 'The Phi Accrual Failure Detector' by Hayashibara et al.

  2. case class CircuitBreakerSettings(maxFailures: Int, callTimeout: FiniteDuration, resetTimeout: FiniteDuration) extends Product with Serializable

  3. class Cluster extends Extension

    This module is responsible for Gossiping cluster information.

  4. class ClusterActorRefProvider extends RemoteActorRefProvider


  5. trait ClusterMessage extends Serializable

    Base trait for all cluster messages.

  6. trait ClusterNodeMBean extends AnyRef

    Interface for the cluster JMX MBean.

  7. abstract class ClusterScope extends Scope

    @SerialVersionUID( 1L )
  8. class ClusterSettings extends AnyRef

  9. trait FailureDetector extends AnyRef

    Interface for Akka failure detectors.

  10. class JmxMetricsCollector extends MetricsCollector

    Loads JVM and system metrics through JMX monitoring beans.

  11. class Member extends ClusterMessage

    Represents the address and the current status of a cluster member node.

  12. abstract class MemberStatus extends ClusterMessage

    Defines the current status of a cluster member node

  13. case class Metric extends ClusterMessage with MetricNumericConverter with Product with Serializable

    Metrics key/value.

  14. case class NodeMetrics(address: Address, timestamp: Long, metrics: Set[Metric] = ...) extends ClusterMessage with Product with Serializable

    The snapshot of current sampled health metrics for any monitored process.

  15. class SigarMetricsCollector extends JmxMetricsCollector

    Loads metrics through Hyperic SIGAR and JMX monitoring beans.

  16. case class VectorClock(timestamp: Timestamp = VectorClock.Timestamp.apply(), versions: Map[Node, Timestamp] = ...) extends PartiallyOrdered[VectorClock] with Product with Serializable

    Representation of a Vector-based clock (counting clock), inspired by Lamport logical clocks.

  17. class VectorClockException extends AkkaException

  18. trait Versioned[T] extends AnyRef

    Trait to be extended by classes that wants to be versioned using a VectorClock.

Value Members

  1. object AccrualFailureDetector

  2. object Cluster extends ExtensionId[Cluster] with ExtensionIdProvider

    Cluster Extension Id and factory for creating Cluster extension.

  3. object ClusterEvent

    Domain events published to the event bus.

  4. object ClusterScope extends ClusterScope with Product with Serializable

    Cluster aware scope of a akka.actor.Deploy

  5. object ClusterUserAction

    Cluster commands sent by the USER.

  6. object EWMA extends Serializable

  7. object Member extends Serializable

    Module with factory and ordering methods for Member instances.

  8. object MemberStatus extends Serializable

  9. object Metric extends MetricNumericConverter with Serializable

    Factory for creating valid Metric instances.

  10. object StandardMetrics

    Definitions of the built-in standard metrics.

  11. object VectorClock extends Serializable

    VectorClock module with helper classes and methods.

  12. object Versioned

    Utility methods for comparing Versioned instances.

  13. package routing
