

package routing

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ActiveFuturesPressureCapacitor extends AnyRef

    Returns the number of delegates required to respond to the number of pending futures

  2. trait ActorPool extends AnyRef

    Defines the nature of an actor pool.

  3. trait BasicBackoff extends AnyRef

    Basic decrement as a percentage of the current pool capacity

  4. trait BasicFilter extends Filter with BasicRampup with BasicBackoff

  5. trait BasicNoBackoffFilter extends BasicRampup

    Filter performs steady incremental growth using only the basic ramp-up subfilter

  6. trait BasicRampup extends AnyRef

    Basic incremental growth as a percentage of the current pool capacity

  7. trait BoundedCapacitor extends AnyRef

    Constrains the pool capacity to a bounded range

  8. trait BoundedCapacityStrategy extends CapacityStrategy with BoundedCapacitor

  9. trait CapacityStrategy extends AnyRef

  10. case class CyclicIterator [T] (items: Seq[T]) extends InfiniteIterator[T] with Product with Serializable

    CyclicIterator is a round-robin style InfiniteIterator that cycles the supplied List.

  11. case class Deafen (listener: ActorRef) extends ListenerMessage with Product with Serializable

  12. trait DefaultActorPool extends ActorPool

    A default implementation of a pool, on each message to route,

  13. trait Dispatcher extends AnyRef

    A Dispatcher is a trait whose purpose is to route incoming messages to actors.

  14. trait Filter extends AnyRef

    The basic filter trait that composes ramp-up and and back-off subfiltering.

  15. trait FixedCapacityStrategy extends FixedSizeCapacitor

  16. trait FixedSizeCapacitor extends AnyRef

    Ensures a fixed number of delegates in the pool

  17. trait InfiniteIterator [T] extends Iterator[T]

    An Iterator that is either always empty or yields an infinite number of Ts.

  18. case class Listen (listener: ActorRef) extends ListenerMessage with Product with Serializable

  19. trait ListenerMessage extends AnyRef

  20. trait Listeners extends AnyRef

    Listeners is a generic trait to implement listening capability on an Actor.

  21. trait LoadBalancer extends Dispatcher

    A LoadBalancer is a specialized kind of Dispatcher, that is supplied an InfiniteIterator of targets to dispatch incoming messages to.

  22. trait MailboxPressureCapacitor extends AnyRef

    Returns the number of delegates required to manage the current message backlogs

  23. trait RoundRobinSelector extends AnyRef

    Returns the set of delegates that occur sequentially 'after' the last delegate from the previous selection

  24. trait RunningMeanBackoff extends AnyRef

    This filter tracks the average pressure over the lifetime of the pool (or since last reset) and will begin to reduce capacity once this value drops below the provided threshold.

  25. case class SmallestMailboxFirstIterator (items: Seq[ActorRef]) extends InfiniteIterator[ActorRef] with Product with Serializable

    This InfiniteIterator always returns the Actor that has the currently smallest mailbox useful for work-stealing.

  26. trait SmallestMailboxSelector extends AnyRef

    Returns the set of delegates with the least amount of message backlog.

  27. class UntypedDispatcher extends UntypedActor

    An UntypedDispatcher is an abstract class whose purpose is to route incoming messages to actors.

  28. class UntypedLoadBalancer extends UntypedDispatcher

    A UntypedLoadBalancer is a specialized kind of UntypedDispatcher, that is supplied an InfiniteIterator of targets to dispatch incoming messages to.

  29. case class WithListeners (f: (ActorRef) ⇒ Unit) extends ListenerMessage with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ActorPool extends AnyRef

    Actor pooling

  2. object Routing extends AnyRef