pub trait Handler<E> {
    // Required method
    fn process<'life0, 'async_trait>(
        &'life0 mut self,
        envelope: EventEnvelope<E>
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<EventEnvelope<E>>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
       where Self: 'async_trait,
             'life0: 'async_trait;
Expand description

Handles events, in form of event envelopes, to another type of envelope e.g. those that can be persisted using a storage technology.

Required Methods§


fn process<'life0, 'async_trait>( &'life0 mut self, envelope: EventEnvelope<E> ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<EventEnvelope<E>>> + Send + 'async_trait>>where Self: 'async_trait, 'life0: 'async_trait,

Consume an envelope, performing some processing e.g. persisting an envelope, and then returning the same envelope if all went well.
