Interface LogSource<T>

public interface LogSource<T>

This trait defines the interface to be provided by a “log source formatting rule” as used by Logging’s apply/create method.

See the companion object for default implementations.


 trait MyType { // as an example
   def name: String

 implicit val myLogSourceType: LogSource[MyType] = new LogSource {
   def genString(a: MyType) = a.name

 class MyClass extends MyType {
   val log = Logging(eventStream, this) // will use "hallo" as logSource
   def name = "hallo"

The second variant is used for including the actor system’s address:

 trait MyType { // as an example
   def name: String

 implicit val myLogSourceType: LogSource[MyType] = new LogSource {
   def genString(a: MyType) = a.name
   def genString(a: MyType, s: ActorSystem) = a.name + "," + s

 class MyClass extends MyType {
   val sys = ActorSyste("sys")
   val log = Logging(sys, this) // will use "hallo,akka://sys" as logSource
   def name = "hallo"

The default implementation of the second variant will just call the first.

Method Summary
<T> scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>>
apply(T o, ActorSystem system, LogSource<T> evidence$2)
          Convenience converter access: given an implicit LogSource and ActorSystem, generate the string representation and originating class.
<T> scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>>
apply(T o, LogSource<T> evidence$1)
          Convenience converter access: given an implicit LogSource, generate the string representation and originating class.
 LogSource<Actor> fromActor()
 LogSource<ActorRef> fromActorRef()
<T> LogSource<java.lang.Class<T>>
 scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>> fromAnyRef(java.lang.Object o)
          construct string representation for any object according to rules above with fallback to its Class’s simple name.
 scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>> fromAnyRef(java.lang.Object o, ActorSystem system)
          construct string representation for any object according to rules above (including the actor system’s address) with fallback to its Class’s simple name.
 LogSource<java.lang.Class<?>> fromClass()
 LogSource<java.lang.String> fromString()
 java.lang.String genString(T t)
 java.lang.String genString(T t, ActorSystem system)
 java.lang.Class<?> getClazz(T t)

Method Detail


LogSource<java.lang.String> fromString()


LogSource<Actor> fromActor()


LogSource<ActorRef> fromActorRef()


LogSource<java.lang.Class<?>> fromClass()


<T> LogSource<java.lang.Class<T>> fromAnyClass()


<T> scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>> apply(T o,
                                                            LogSource<T> evidence$1)
Convenience converter access: given an implicit LogSource, generate the string representation and originating class.


<T> scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>> apply(T o,
                                                            ActorSystem system,
                                                            LogSource<T> evidence$2)
Convenience converter access: given an implicit LogSource and ActorSystem, generate the string representation and originating class.


scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>> fromAnyRef(java.lang.Object o)
construct string representation for any object according to rules above with fallback to its Class’s simple name.


scala.Tuple2<java.lang.String,java.lang.Class<?>> fromAnyRef(java.lang.Object o,
                                                             ActorSystem system)
construct string representation for any object according to rules above (including the actor system’s address) with fallback to its Class’s simple name.


java.lang.String genString(T t)


java.lang.String genString(T t,
                           ActorSystem system)


java.lang.Class<?> getClazz(T t)