Source operators
These built-in sources are available from akka.stream.javadsl.Source
Operator | Description | |
Source | asSourceWithContext | Extracts context data from the elements of a Source so that it can be turned into a SourceWithContext which can propagate that context per element along a stream. |
Source | asSubscriber | Integration with Reactive Streams, materializes into a Subscriber . |
Source | combine | Combine several sources, using a given strategy such as merge or concat, into one source. |
Source | completionStage | Send the single value of the CompletionStage when it completes and there is demand. |
Source | completionStageSource | Streams the elements of an asynchronous source once its given completion operator completes. |
Source | cycle | Stream iterator in cycled manner. |
Source | empty | Complete right away without ever emitting any elements. |
Source | failed | Fail directly with a user specified exception. |
Source | from | Stream the values of an Iterable . |
Source | fromCompletionStage | Deprecated by Source.completionStage . |
Source | fromFuture | Deprecated by Source.future . |
Source | fromFutureSource | Deprecated by Source.futureSource . |
Source | fromIterator | Stream the values from an Iterator , requesting the next value when there is demand. |
Source | fromJavaStream | Stream the values from a Java 8 Stream , requesting the next value when there is demand. |
Source | fromPublisher | Integration with Reactive Streams, subscribes to a Publisher . |
Source | fromSourceCompletionStage | Deprecated by Source.completionStageSource . |
Source | future | Send the single value of the Future when it completes and there is demand. |
Source | futureSource | Streams the elements of the given future source once it successfully completes. |
Source | lazily | Deprecated by Source.lazySource . |
Source | lazilyAsync | Deprecated by Source.lazyFutureSource . |
Source | lazyCompletionStage | Defers creation of a future of a single element source until there is demand. |
Source | lazyCompletionStageSource | Defers creation of a future source until there is demand. |
Source | lazyFuture | Defers creation of a future of a single element source until there is demand. |
Source | lazyFutureSource | Defers creation and materialization of a Source until there is demand. |
Source | lazySingle | Defers creation of a single element source until there is demand. |
Source | lazySource | Defers creation and materialization of a Source until there is demand. |
Source | maybe | Create a source that emits once the materialized CompletableFuture is completed with a value. |
Source | never | Never emit any elements, never complete and never fail. |
Source | queue | Materialize a BoundedSourceQueue or SourceQueue onto which elements can be pushed for emitting from the source. |
Source | range | Emit each integer in a range, with an option to take bigger steps than 1. |
Source | repeat | Stream a single object repeatedly. |
Source | single | Stream a single object once. |
Source | tick | A periodical repetition of an arbitrary object. |
Source | unfold | Stream the result of a function as long as it returns a non empty Optional . |
Source | unfoldAsync | Just like unfold but the fold function returns a CompletionStage . |
Source | unfoldResource | Wrap any resource that can be opened, queried for next element (in a blocking way) and closed using three distinct functions into a source. |
Source | unfoldResourceAsync | Wrap any resource that can be opened, queried for next element and closed in an asynchronous way. |
Source | zipN | Combine the elements of multiple sources into a source of sequences of value. |
Source | zipWithN | Combine the elements of multiple streams into a stream of sequences using a combiner function. |
Sink operators
These built-in sinks are available from akka.stream.javadsl.Sink
Operator | Description | |
Sink | asPublisher | Integration with Reactive Streams, materializes into a org.reactivestreams.Publisher . |
Sink | cancelled | Immediately cancel the stream |
Sink | collect | Collect all input elements using a Java Collector . |
Sink | collection | Operator only available in the Scala API. The closest operator in the Java API is Sink.seq . |
Sink | combine | Combine several sinks into one using a user specified strategy |
Sink | completionStageSink | Streams the elements to the given future sink once it successfully completes. |
Sink | fold | Fold over emitted element with a function, where each invocation will get the new element and the result from the previous fold invocation. |
Sink | foreach | Invoke a given procedure for each element received. |
Sink | foreachAsync | Invoke a given procedure asynchronously for each element received. |
Sink | fromMaterializer | Defer the creation of a Sink until materialization and access Materializer and Attributes |
Sink | fromSubscriber | Integration with Reactive Streams, wraps a org.reactivestreams.Subscriber as a sink. |
Sink | futureSink | Streams the elements to the given future sink once it successfully completes. |
Sink | head | Materializes into a CompletionStage which completes with the first value arriving, after this the stream is canceled. |
Sink | headOption | Materializes into a CompletionStage<Optional<T>> which completes with the first value arriving wrapped in Optional , or an empty Optional if the stream completes without any elements emitted. |
Sink | ignore | Consume all elements but discards them. |
Sink | last | Materializes into a CompletionStage which will complete with the last value emitted when the stream completes. |
Sink | lastOption | Materialize a CompletionStage<Optional<T>> which completes with the last value emitted wrapped in an Optional when the stream completes. |
Sink | lazyCompletionStageSink | Defers creation and materialization of a Sink until there is a first element. |
Sink | lazyFutureSink | Defers creation and materialization of a Sink until there is a first element. |
Sink | lazyInitAsync | Deprecated by Sink.lazyFutureSink . |
Sink | lazySink | Defers creation and materialization of a Sink until there is a first element. |
Sink | never | Always backpressure never cancel and never consume any elements from the stream. |
Sink | onComplete | Invoke a callback when the stream has completed or failed. |
Sink | preMaterialize | Materializes this Sink, immediately returning (1) its materialized value, and (2) a new Sink that can be consume elements ‘into’ the pre-materialized one. |
Sink | queue | Materialize a SinkQueue that can be pulled to trigger demand through the sink. |
Sink | reduce | Apply a reduction function on the incoming elements and pass the result to the next invocation. |
Sink | seq | Collect values emitted from the stream into a collection. |
Sink | setup | Defer the creation of a Sink until materialization and access ActorMaterializer and Attributes |
Sink | takeLast | Collect the last n values emitted from the stream into a collection. |
Additional Sink and Source converters
Sources and sinks for integrating with java.io.InputStream
and java.io.OutputStream
can be found on StreamConverters
. As they are blocking APIs the implementations of these operators are run on a separate dispatcher configured through the akka.stream.blocking-io-dispatcher
Be aware that asInputStream
and asOutputStream
materialize InputStream
and OutputStream
respectively as blocking API implementation. They will block the thread until data will be available from upstream. Because of blocking nature these objects cannot be used in mapMaterializeValue
section as it causes deadlock of the stream materialization process. For example, following snippet will fall with timeout exception:
.toMat(StreamConverters.asInputStream().mapMaterializedValue { inputStream =>
inputStream.read() // this could block forever
Operator | Description | |
StreamConverters | asInputStream | Create a sink which materializes into an InputStream that can be read to trigger demand through the sink. |
StreamConverters | asJavaStream | Create a sink which materializes into Java 8 Stream that can be run to trigger demand through the sink. |
StreamConverters | asOutputStream | Create a source that materializes into an OutputStream . |
StreamConverters | fromInputStream | Create a source that wraps an InputStream . |
StreamConverters | fromJavaStream | Create a source that wraps a Java 8 java.util.stream.Stream . |
StreamConverters | fromOutputStream | Create a sink that wraps an OutputStream . |
StreamConverters | javaCollector | Create a sink which materializes into a CompletionStage which will be completed with a result of the Java 8 Collector transformation and reduction operations. |
StreamConverters | javaCollectorParallelUnordered | Create a sink which materializes into a CompletionStage which will be completed with a result of the Java 8 Collector transformation and reduction operations. |
File IO Sinks and Sources
Sources and sinks for reading and writing files can be found on FileIO
Operator | Description | |
FileIO | fromFile | Emits the contents of a file. |
FileIO | fromPath | Emits the contents of a file from the given path. |
FileIO | toFile | Create a sink which will write incoming ByteString s to a given file. |
FileIO | toPath | Create a sink which will write incoming ByteString s to a given file path. |
Simple operators
These operators can transform the rate of incoming elements since there are operators that emit multiple elements for a single input (e.g. mapConcat
) or consume multiple elements before emitting one output (e.g. filter
). However, these rate transformations are data-driven, i.e. it is the incoming elements that define how the rate is affected. This is in contrast with detached operators which can change their processing behavior depending on being backpressured by downstream or not.
Operator | Description | |
Flow | asFlowWithContext | Extracts context data from the elements of a Flow so that it can be turned into a FlowWithContext which can propagate that context per element along a stream. |
Source/Flow | collect | Apply a partial function to each incoming element, if the partial function is defined for a value the returned value is passed downstream. |
Source/Flow | collectType | Transform this stream by testing the type of each of the elements on which the element is an instance of the provided type as they pass through this processing step. |
Flow | completionStageFlow | Streams the elements through the given future flow once it successfully completes. |
Flow | contramap | Transform this Flow by applying a function to each incoming upstream element before it is passed to the Flow. |
Source/Flow | detach | Detach upstream demand from downstream demand without detaching the stream rates. |
Source/Flow | drop | Drop n elements and then pass any subsequent element downstream. |
Source/Flow | dropWhile | Drop elements as long as a predicate function return true for the element |
Source/Flow | filter | Filter the incoming elements using a predicate. |
Source/Flow | filterNot | Filter the incoming elements using a predicate. |
Flow | flattenOptional | Collect the value of Optional from all the elements passing through this flow , empty Optional is filtered out. |
Source/Flow | fold | Start with current value zero and then apply the current and next value to the given function. When upstream completes, the current value is emitted downstream. |
Source/Flow | foldAsync | Just like fold but receives a function that results in a CompletionStage to the next value. |
Source/Flow | fromMaterializer | Defer the creation of a Source/Flow until materialization and access Materializer and Attributes |
Flow | futureFlow | Streams the elements through the given future flow once it successfully completes. |
Source/Flow | grouped | Accumulate incoming events until the specified number of elements have been accumulated and then pass the collection of elements downstream. |
Source/Flow | groupedWeighted | Accumulate incoming events until the combined weight of elements is greater than or equal to the minimum weight and then pass the collection of elements downstream. |
Source/Flow | intersperse | Intersperse stream with provided element similar to List.mkString . |
Flow | lazyCompletionStageFlow | Defers creation and materialization of a Flow until there is a first element. |
Flow | lazyFlow | Defers creation and materialization of a Flow until there is a first element. |
Flow | lazyFutureFlow | Defers creation and materialization of a Flow until there is a first element. |
Flow | lazyInitAsync | Deprecated by Flow.lazyFutureFlow in combination with prefixAndTail . |
Source/Flow | limit | Limit number of element from upstream to given max number. |
Source/Flow | limitWeighted | Limit the total weight of incoming elements |
Source/Flow | log | Log elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring. |
Source/Flow | logWithMarker | Log elements flowing through the stream as well as completion and erroring. |
Source/Flow | map | Transform each element in the stream by calling a mapping function with it and passing the returned value downstream. |
Source/Flow | mapConcat | Transform each element into zero or more elements that are individually passed downstream. |
Source/Flow | mapWithResource | Map elements with the help of a resource that can be opened, transform each element (in a blocking way) and closed. |
Source/Flow | preMaterialize | Materializes this Graph, immediately returning (1) its materialized value, and (2) a new pre-materialized Graph. |
Source/Flow | reduce | Start with first element and then apply the current and next value to the given function, when upstream complete the current value is emitted downstream. |
Source/Flow | scan | Emit its current value, which starts at zero , and then apply the current and next value to the given function, emitting the next current value. |
Source/Flow | scanAsync | Just like scan but receives a function that results in a CompletionStage to the next value. |
Source/Flow | setup | Defer the creation of a Source/Flow until materialization and access Materializer and Attributes |
Source/Flow | sliding | Provide a sliding window over the incoming stream and pass the windows as groups of elements downstream. |
Source/Flow | statefulMap | Transform each stream element with the help of a state. |
Source/Flow | statefulMapConcat | Transform each element into zero or more elements that are individually passed downstream. |
Source/Flow | take | Pass n incoming elements downstream and then complete |
Source/Flow | takeWhile | Pass elements downstream as long as a predicate function returns true and then complete. |
Source/Flow | throttle | Limit the throughput to a specific number of elements per time unit, or a specific total cost per time unit, where a function has to be provided to calculate the individual cost of each element. |
Flow operators composed of Sinks and Sources
Operator | Description | |
Flow | fromSinkAndSource | Creates a Flow from a Sink and a Source where the Flow’s input will be sent to the Sink and the Flow ’s output will come from the Source. |
Flow | fromSinkAndSourceCoupled | Allows coupling termination (cancellation, completion, erroring) of Sinks and Sources while creating a Flow between them. |
Asynchronous operators
These operators encapsulate an asynchronous computation, properly handling backpressure while taking care of the asynchronous operation at the same time (usually handling the completion of a CompletionStage
Operator | Description | |
Source/Flow | mapAsync | Pass incoming elements to a function that return a CompletionStage result. |
Source/Flow | mapAsyncPartitioned | Pass incoming elements to a function that extracts a partitioning key from the element, then to a function that returns a CompletionStage result, bounding the number of incomplete CompletionStages per partitioning key. |
Source/Flow | mapAsyncUnordered | Like mapAsync but CompletionStage results are passed downstream as they arrive regardless of the order of the elements that triggered them. |
Timer driven operators
These operators process elements using timers, delaying, dropping or grouping elements for certain time durations.
Operator | Description | |
Source/Flow | delay | Delay every element passed through with a specific duration. |
Source/Flow | delayWith | Delay every element passed through with a duration that can be controlled dynamically. |
Source/Flow | dropWithin | Drop elements until a timeout has fired |
Source/Flow | groupedWeightedWithin | Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the weight of the elements, whatever happens first. |
Source/Flow | groupedWithin | Chunk up this stream into groups of elements received within a time window, or limited by the number of the elements, whatever happens first. |
Source/Flow | initialDelay | Delays the initial element by the specified duration. |
Source/Flow | takeWithin | Pass elements downstream within a timeout and then complete. |
Backpressure aware operators
These operators are aware of the backpressure provided by their downstreams and able to adapt their behavior to that signal.
Operator | Description | |
Source/Flow | aggregateWithBoundary | Aggregate and emit until custom boundary condition met. |
Source/Flow | batch | Allow for a slower downstream by passing incoming elements and a summary into an aggregate function as long as there is backpressure and a maximum number of batched elements is not yet reached. |
Source/Flow | batchWeighted | Allow for a slower downstream by passing incoming elements and a summary into an aggregate function as long as there is backpressure and a maximum weight batched elements is not yet reached. |
Source/Flow | buffer | Allow for a temporarily faster upstream events by buffering size elements. |
Source/Flow | conflate | Allow for a slower downstream by passing incoming elements and a summary into an aggregate function as long as there is backpressure. |
Source/Flow | conflateWithSeed | Allow for a slower downstream by passing incoming elements and a summary into an aggregate function as long as there is backpressure. |
Source/Flow | expand | Like extrapolate , but does not have the initial argument, and the Iterator is also used in lieu of the original element, allowing for it to be rewritten and/or filtered. |
Source/Flow | extrapolate | Allow for a faster downstream by expanding the last emitted element to an Iterator . |
Nesting and flattening operators
These operators either take a stream and turn it into a stream of streams (nesting) or they take a stream that contains nested streams and turn them into a stream of elements instead (flattening).
See the Substreams page for more detail and code samples.
Operator | Description | |
Source/Flow | flatMapConcat | Transform each input element into a Source whose elements are then flattened into the output stream through concatenation. |
Source/Flow | flatMapMerge | Transform each input element into a Source whose elements are then flattened into the output stream through merging. |
Source/Flow | flatMapPrefix | Use the first n elements from the stream to determine how to process the rest. |
Source/Flow | groupBy | Demultiplex the incoming stream into separate output streams. |
Source/Flow | prefixAndTail | Take up to n elements from the stream (less than n only if the upstream completes before emitting n elements) and returns a pair containing a strict sequence of the taken element and a stream representing the remaining elements. |
Source/Flow | splitAfter | End the current substream whenever a predicate returns true , starting a new substream for the next element. |
Source/Flow | splitWhen | Split off elements into a new substream whenever a predicate function return true . |
Time aware operators
Those operators operate taking time into consideration.
Operator | Description | |
Source/Flow | backpressureTimeout | If the time between the emission of an element and the following downstream demand exceeds the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a TimeoutException . |
Source/Flow | completionTimeout | If the completion of the stream does not happen until the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a TimeoutException . |
Source/Flow | idleTimeout | If the time between two processed elements exceeds the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a TimeoutException . |
Source/Flow | initialTimeout | If the first element has not passed through this operators before the provided timeout, the stream is failed with a TimeoutException . |
Source/Flow | keepAlive | Injects additional (configured) elements if upstream does not emit for a configured amount of time. |
Fan-in operators
These operators take multiple streams as their input and provide a single output combining the elements from all of the inputs in different ways.
Operator | Description | |
MergeSequence | Merge a linear sequence partitioned across multiple sources. | |
Source/Flow | concat | After completion of the original upstream the elements of the given source will be emitted. |
Source/Flow | concatAllLazy | After completion of the original upstream the elements of the given sources will be emitted sequentially. |
Source/Flow | concatLazy | After completion of the original upstream the elements of the given source will be emitted. |
Source/Flow | interleave | Emits a specifiable number of elements from the original source, then from the provided source and repeats. |
Source/Flow | interleaveAll | Emits a specifiable number of elements from the original source, then from the provided sources and repeats. |
Source/Flow | merge | Merge multiple sources. |
Source/Flow | mergeAll | Merge multiple sources. |
Source/Flow | mergeLatest | Merge multiple sources. |
Source/Flow | mergePreferred | Merge multiple sources. |
Source/Flow | mergePrioritized | Merge multiple sources. |
Source | mergePrioritizedN | Merge multiple sources with priorities. |
Source/Flow | mergeSorted | Merge multiple sources. |
Source/Flow | orElse | If the primary source completes without emitting any elements, the elements from the secondary source are emitted. |
Source/Flow | prepend | Prepends the given source to the flow, consuming it until completion before the original source is consumed. |
Source/Flow | prependLazy | Prepends the given source to the flow, consuming it until completion before the original source is consumed. |
Source/Flow | zip | Combines elements from each of multiple sources into Pair and passes the pairs downstream. |
Source/Flow | zipAll | Combines elements from two sources into Pair handling early completion of either source. |
Source/Flow | zipLatest | Combines elements from each of multiple sources into Pair and passes the pairs downstream, picking always the latest element of each. |
Source/Flow | zipLatestWith | Combines elements from multiple sources through a combine function and passes the returned value downstream, picking always the latest element of each. |
Source/Flow | zipWith | Combines elements from multiple sources through a combine function and passes the returned value downstream. |
Source/Flow | zipWithIndex | Zips elements of current flow with its indices. |
Fan-out operators
These have one input and multiple outputs. They might route the elements between different outputs, or emit elements on multiple outputs at the same time.
There is a number of fan-out operators for which currently no ‘fluent’ is API available. To use those you will have to use the Graph DSL.
Operator | Description | |
Balance | Fan-out the stream to several streams. | |
Broadcast | Emit each incoming element each of n outputs. |
Partition | Fan-out the stream to several streams. | |
Unzip | Takes a stream of two element tuples and unzips the two elements ino two different downstreams. | |
UnzipWith | Splits each element of input into multiple downstreams using a function | |
Source/Flow | alsoTo | Attaches the given Sink to this Flow , meaning that elements that pass through this Flow will also be sent to the Sink . |
Source/Flow | alsoToAll | Attaches the given Source s to this Flow , meaning that elements that pass through this Flow will also be sent to all those Sink s. |
Source/Flow | divertTo | Each upstream element will either be diverted to the given sink, or the downstream consumer according to the predicate function applied to the element. |
Source/Flow | wireTap | Attaches the given Sink to this Flow as a wire tap, meaning that elements that pass through will also be sent to the wire-tap Sink , without the latter affecting the mainline flow. |
Watching status operators
Operator | Description | |
Source/Flow | monitor | Materializes to a FlowMonitor that monitors messages flowing through or completion of the operators. |
Source/Flow | watchTermination | Materializes to a CompletionStage that will be completed with Done or failed depending whether the upstream of the operators has been completed or failed. |
Actor interop operators
Operators meant for inter-operating between Akka Streams and Actors:
Operator | Description | |
Source | actorRef | Materialize an ActorRef of the classic actors API; sending messages to it will emit them on the stream. |
Sink | actorRef | Send the elements from the stream to an ActorRef of the classic actors API. |
ActorSource | actorRef | Materialize an ActorRef<T> of the new actors API; sending messages to it will emit them on the stream only if they are of the same type as the stream. |
ActorSink | actorRef | Sends the elements of the stream to the given ActorRef<T> of the new actors API, without considering backpressure. |
Source | actorRefWithBackpressure | Materialize an ActorRef of the classic actors API; sending messages to it will emit them on the stream. The source acknowledges reception after emitting a message, to provide back pressure from the source. |
Sink | actorRefWithBackpressure | Send the elements from the stream to an ActorRef (of the classic actors API) which must then acknowledge reception after completing a message, to provide back pressure onto the sink. |
ActorSource | actorRefWithBackpressure | Materialize an ActorRef<T> of the new actors API; sending messages to it will emit them on the stream. The source acknowledges reception after emitting a message, to provide back pressure from the source. |
ActorSink | actorRefWithBackpressure | Sends the elements of the stream to the given ActorRef<T> of the new actors API with backpressure, to be able to signal demand when the actor is ready to receive more elements. |
Source/Flow | ask | Use the “Ask Pattern” to send a request-reply message to the target ref actor (of the classic actors API). |
ActorFlow | ask | Use the “Ask Pattern” to send each stream element as an ask to the target actor (of the new actors API), and expect a reply that will be emitted downstream. |
ActorFlow | askWithContext | Use the “Ask Pattern” to send each stream element (without the context) as an ask to the target actor (of the new actors API), and expect a reply that will be emitted downstream. |
ActorFlow | askWithStatus | Use the “Ask Pattern” to send each stream element as an ask to the target actor (of the new actors API), and expect a reply of Type StatusReply<T> where the T will be unwrapped and emitted downstream. |
ActorFlow | askWithStatusAndContext | Use the “Ask Pattern” to send each stream element (without the context) as an ask to the target actor (of the new actors API), and expect a reply of Type StatusReply<T> where the T will be unwrapped and emitted downstream. |
PubSub | sink | A sink that will publish emitted messages to a Topic . |
PubSub | source | A source that will subscribe to a Topic and stream messages published to the topic. |
Source/Flow | watch | Watch a specific ActorRef and signal a failure downstream once the actor terminates. |
Compression operators
Flow operators to (de)compress.
Operator | Description | |
Compression | deflate | Creates a flow that deflate-compresses a stream of ByteStrings. |
Compression | gunzip | Creates a flow that gzip-decompresses a stream of ByteStrings. |
Compression | gzip | Creates a flow that gzip-compresses a stream of ByteStrings. |
Compression | inflate | Creates a flow that deflate-decompresses a stream of ByteStrings. |
Error handling
For more background see the Error Handling in Streams section.
Operator | Description | |
Source/Flow | mapError | While similar to recover this operators can be used to transform an error signal to a different one without logging it as an error in the process. |
Source/Flow | onErrorComplete | Allows completing the stream when an upstream error occurs. |
RestartSource | onFailuresWithBackoff | Wrap the given Source with a Source that will restart it when it fails using an exponential backoff. Notice that this Source will not restart on completion of the wrapped flow. |
RestartFlow | onFailuresWithBackoff | Wrap the given Flow with a Flow that will restart it when it fails using an exponential backoff. Notice that this Flow will not restart on completion of the wrapped flow. |
Source/Flow | recover | Allow sending of one last element downstream when a failure has happened upstream. |
Source/Flow | recoverWith | Allow switching to alternative Source when a failure has happened upstream. |
Source/Flow | recoverWithRetries | RecoverWithRetries allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure. |
RestartSource | withBackoff | Wrap the given Source with a Source that will restart it when it fails or completes using an exponential backoff. |
RestartFlow | withBackoff | Wrap the given Flow with a Flow that will restart it when it fails or complete using an exponential backoff. |
RestartSink | withBackoff | Wrap the given Sink with a Sink that will restart it when it fails or complete using an exponential backoff. |
RetryFlow | withBackoff | Wrap the given Flow and retry individual elements in that stream with an exponential backoff. A decider function tests every emitted element and can return a new element to be sent to the wrapped flow for another try. |
RetryFlow | withBackoffAndContext | Wrap the given FlowWithContext and retry individual elements in that stream with an exponential backoff. A decider function tests every emitted element and can return a new element to be sent to the wrapped flow for another try. |