Diagrams of the Fault Tolerance Sample (Java)

Diagrams of the Fault Tolerance Sample (Java)


The above diagram illustrates the normal message flow.

Normal flow:

Step Description
1 The progress Listener starts the work.
2 The Worker schedules work by sending Do messages periodically to itself
3, 4, 5 When receiving Do the Worker tells the CounterService to increment the counter, three times. The Increment message is forwarded to the Counter, which updates its counter variable and sends current value to the Storage.
6, 7 The Worker asks the CounterService of current value of the counter and pipes the result back to the Listener.

The above diagram illustrates what happens in case of storage failure.

Failure flow:

Step Description
1 The Storage throws StorageException.
2 The CounterService is supervisor of the Storage and restarts the Storage when StorageException is thrown.
3, 4, 5, 6 The Storage continues to fail and is restarted.
7 After 3 failures and restarts within 5 seconds the Storage is stopped by its supervisor, i.e. the CounterService.
8 The CounterService is also watching the Storage for termination and receives the Terminated message when the Storage has been stopped ...
9, 10, 11 and tells the Counter that there is no Storage.
12 The CounterService schedules a Reconnect message to itself.
13, 14 When it receives the Reconnect message it creates a new Storage ...
15, 16 and tells the the Counter to use the new Storage

Full Source Code of the Fault Tolerance Sample (Java)

// imports ...

public class FaultHandlingDocSample {

   * Runs the sample
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Config config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.loglevel = DEBUG \n" + "akka.actor.debug.lifecycle = on");

    ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("FaultToleranceSample", config);
    ActorRef worker = system.actorOf(new Props(Worker.class), "worker");
    ActorRef listener = system.actorOf(new Props(Listener.class), "listener");
    // start the work and listen on progress
    // note that the listener is used as sender of the tell,
    // i.e. it will receive replies from the worker
    worker.tell(Start, listener);

   * Listens on progress from the worker and shuts down the system when enough
   * work has been done.
  public static class Listener extends UntypedActor {
    final LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);

    public void preStart() {
      // If we don't get any progress within 15 seconds then the service is unavailable
      getContext().setReceiveTimeout(Duration.parse("15 seconds"));

    public void onReceive(Object msg) {
      log.debug("received message {}", msg);
      if (msg instanceof Progress) {
        Progress progress = (Progress) msg;
        log.info("Current progress: {} %", progress.percent);
        if (progress.percent >= 100.0) {
          log.info("That's all, shutting down");
      } else if (msg == Actors.receiveTimeout()) {
        // No progress within 15 seconds, ServiceUnavailable
        log.error("Shutting down due to unavailable service");
      } else {

  // messages ...

   * Worker performs some work when it receives the Start message. It will
   * continuously notify the sender of the Start message of current Progress.
   * The Worker supervise the CounterService.
  public static class Worker extends UntypedActor {
    final LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);
    final Timeout askTimeout = new Timeout(Duration.parse("5 seconds"));

    // The sender of the initial Start message will continuously be notified about progress
    ActorRef progressListener;
    final ActorRef counterService = getContext().actorOf(new Props(CounterService.class), "counter");
    final int totalCount = 51;

    // Stop the CounterService child if it throws ServiceUnavailable
    private static SupervisorStrategy strategy = new OneForOneStrategy(-1, Duration.Inf(),
        new Function<Throwable, Directive>() {
          public Directive apply(Throwable t) {
            if (t instanceof ServiceUnavailable) {
              return stop();
            } else {
              return escalate();

    public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
      return strategy;

    public void onReceive(Object msg) {
      log.debug("received message {}", msg);
      if (msg.equals(Start) && progressListener == null) {
        progressListener = getSender();
        getContext().system().scheduler().schedule(Duration.Zero(), Duration.parse("1 second"), getSelf(), Do);
      } else if (msg.equals(Do)) {
        counterService.tell(new Increment(1), getSelf());
        counterService.tell(new Increment(1), getSelf());
        counterService.tell(new Increment(1), getSelf());

        // Send current progress to the initial sender
        pipe(ask(counterService, GetCurrentCount, askTimeout)
               .map(new Mapper<CurrentCount, Progress>() {
            public Progress apply(CurrentCount c) {
                return new Progress(100.0 * c.count / totalCount);
      } else {

  // messages ...

   * Adds the value received in Increment message to a persistent counter.
   * Replies with CurrentCount when it is asked for CurrentCount. CounterService
   * supervise Storage and Counter.
  public static class CounterService extends UntypedActor {

    // Reconnect message
    static final Object Reconnect = "Reconnect";

    private static class SenderMsgPair {
      final ActorRef sender;
      final Object msg;

      SenderMsgPair(ActorRef sender, Object msg) {
        this.msg = msg;
        this.sender = sender;

    final LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);
    final String key = getSelf().path().name();
    ActorRef storage;
    ActorRef counter;
    final List<SenderMsgPair> backlog = new ArrayList<SenderMsgPair>();
    final int MAX_BACKLOG = 10000;

    // Restart the storage child when StorageException is thrown.
    // After 3 restarts within 5 seconds it will be stopped.
    private static SupervisorStrategy strategy = new OneForOneStrategy(3, Duration.parse("5 seconds"),
        new Function<Throwable, Directive>() {
          public Directive apply(Throwable t) {
            if (t instanceof StorageException) {
              return restart();
            } else {
              return escalate();

    public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
      return strategy;

    public void preStart() {

     * The child storage is restarted in case of failure, but after 3 restarts,
     * and still failing it will be stopped. Better to back-off than
     * continuously failing. When it has been stopped we will schedule a
     * Reconnect after a delay. Watch the child so we receive Terminated message
     * when it has been terminated.
    void initStorage() {
      storage = getContext().watch(getContext().actorOf(new Props(Storage.class), "storage"));
      // Tell the counter, if any, to use the new storage
      if (counter != null)
        counter.tell(new UseStorage(storage), getSelf());
      // We need the initial value to be able to operate
      storage.tell(new Get(key), getSelf());

    public void onReceive(Object msg) {
      log.debug("received message {}", msg);
      if (msg instanceof Entry && ((Entry) msg).key.equals(key) && counter == null) {
        // Reply from Storage of the initial value, now we can create the Counter
        final long value = ((Entry) msg).value;
        counter = getContext().actorOf(new Props().withCreator(new UntypedActorFactory() {
          public Actor create() {
            return new Counter(key, value);
        // Tell the counter to use current storage
        counter.tell(new UseStorage(storage), getSelf());
        // and send the buffered backlog to the counter
        for (SenderMsgPair each : backlog) {
          counter.tell(each.msg, each.sender);
      } else if (msg instanceof Increment) {
      } else if (msg.equals(GetCurrentCount)) {
      } else if (msg instanceof Terminated) {
        // After 3 restarts the storage child is stopped.
        // We receive Terminated because we watch the child, see initStorage.
        storage = null;
        // Tell the counter that there is no storage for the moment
        counter.tell(new UseStorage(null), getSelf());
        // Try to re-establish storage after while
        getContext().system().scheduler().scheduleOnce(Duration.parse("10 seconds"), getSelf(), Reconnect);
      } else if (msg.equals(Reconnect)) {
        // Re-establish storage after the scheduled delay
      } else {

    void forwardOrPlaceInBacklog(Object msg) {
      // We need the initial value from storage before we can start delegate to the counter.
      // Before that we place the messages in a backlog, to be sent to the counter when
      // it is initialized.
      if (counter == null) {
        if (backlog.size() >= MAX_BACKLOG)
          throw new ServiceUnavailable("CounterService not available, lack of initial value");
        backlog.add(new SenderMsgPair(getSender(), msg));
      } else {
        counter.forward(msg, getContext());

  // messages ...

   * The in memory count variable that will send current value to the Storage,
   * if there is any storage available at the moment.
  public static class Counter extends UntypedActor {
    final LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);
    final String key;
    long count;
    ActorRef storage;

    public Counter(String key, long initialValue) {
      this.key = key;
      this.count = initialValue;

    public void onReceive(Object msg) {
      log.debug("received message {}", msg);
      if (msg instanceof UseStorage) {
        storage = ((UseStorage) msg).storage;
      } else if (msg instanceof Increment) {
        count += ((Increment) msg).n;
      } else if (msg.equals(GetCurrentCount)) {
        getSender().tell(new CurrentCount(key, count), getSelf());
      } else {

    void storeCount() {
      // Delegate dangerous work, to protect our valuable state.
      // We can continue without storage.
      if (storage != null) {
        storage.tell(new Store(new Entry(key, count)), getSelf());

  // messages ...

   * Saves key/value pairs to persistent storage when receiving Store message.
   * Replies with current value when receiving Get message. Will throw
   * StorageException if the underlying data store is out of order.
  public static class Storage extends UntypedActor {

    final LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);
    final DummyDB db = DummyDB.instance;

    public void onReceive(Object msg) {
      log.debug("received message {}", msg);
      if (msg instanceof Store) {
        Store store = (Store) msg;
        db.save(store.entry.key, store.entry.value);
      } else if (msg instanceof Get) {
        Get get = (Get) msg;
        Long value = db.load(get.key);
        getSender().tell(new Entry(get.key, value == null ? Long.valueOf(0L) : value), getSelf());
      } else {

  // dummydb ...
