Routing (Scala)
A Router is an actor that routes incoming messages to outbound actors. The router routes the messages sent to it to its underlying actors called 'routees'.
Akka comes with some defined routers out of the box, but as you will see in this chapter it is really easy to create your own. The routers shipped with Akka are:
- akka.routing.RoundRobinRouter
- akka.routing.RandomRouter
- akka.routing.SmallestMailboxRouter
- akka.routing.BroadcastRouter
- akka.routing.ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter
Routers In Action
This is an example of how to create a router that is defined in configuration:
- {
- /router {
- router = round-robin
- nr-of-instances = 5
- }
- }
- val router = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor].withRouter(FromConfig()),
- "router")
This is an example of how to programmatically create a router and set the number of routees it should create:
- val router1 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor1].withRouter(
- RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 5)))
You can also give the router already created routees as in:
- val actor1 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor1])
- val actor2 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor1])
- val actor3 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor1])
- val routees = Vector[ActorRef](actor1, actor2, actor3)
- val router2 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor1].withRouter(
- RoundRobinRouter(routees = routees)))
When you create a router programmatically you define the number of routees or you pass already created routees to it. If you send both parameters to the router only the latter will be used, i.e. nrOfInstances is disregarded.
It is also worth pointing out that if you define the ``router`` in the configuration file then this value will be used instead of any programmatically sent parameters. The decision whether to create a router at all, on the other hand, must be taken within the code, i.e. you cannot make something a router by external configuration alone (see below for details).
Once you have the router actor it is just to send messages to it as you would to any actor:
- router ! MyMsg
The router will apply its behavior to the message it receives and forward it to the routees.
Remotely Deploying Routees
In addition to being able to supply looked-up remote actors as routees, you can make the router deploy its created children on a set of remote hosts; this will be done in round-robin fashion. In order to do that, wrap the router configuration in a RemoteRouterConfig, attaching the remote addresses of the nodes to deploy to. Naturally, this requires you to include the akka-remote module on your classpath:
- import{ Address, AddressFromURIString }
- val addresses = Seq(
- Address("akka", "remotesys", "otherhost", 1234),
- AddressFromURIString("akka://othersys@anotherhost:1234"))
- val routerRemote = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor1].withRouter(
- RemoteRouterConfig(RoundRobinRouter(5), addresses)))
How Routing is Designed within Akka
Routers behave like single actors, but they should also not hinder scalability. This apparent contradiction is solved by making routers be represented by a special RoutedActorRef, which dispatches incoming messages destined for the routees without actually invoking the router actor’s behavior (and thus avoiding its mailbox; the single router actor’s task is to manage all aspects related to the lifecycle of the routees). This means that the code which decides which route to take is invoked concurrently from all possible senders and hence must be thread-safe, it cannot live the simple and happy life of code within an actor.
There is one part in the above paragraph which warrants some more background explanation: Why does a router need a “head” which is actual parent to all the routees? The initial design tried to side-step this issue, but location transparency as well as mandatory parental supervision required a redesign. Each of the actors which the router spawns must have its unique identity, which translates into a unique actor path. Since the router has only one given name in its parent’s context, another level in the name space is needed, which according to the addressing semantics implies the existence of an actor with the router’s name. This is not only necessary for the internal messaging involved in creating, restarting and terminating actors, it is also needed when the pooled actors need to converse with other actors and receive replies in a deterministic fashion. Since each actor knows its own external representation as well as that of its parent, the routees decide where replies should be sent when reacting to a message:
- sender.tell("reply", context.parent) // replies will go back to parent
- sender.!("reply")(context.parent) // alternative syntax (beware of the parens!)
- sender ! x // replies will go to this actor
It is apparent now why routing needs to be enabled in code rather than being possible to “bolt on” later: whether or not an actor is routed means a change to the actor hierarchy, changing the actor paths of all children of the router. The routees especially do need to know that they are routed to in order to choose the sender reference for any messages they dispatch as shown above.
Routers vs. Supervision
As explained in the previous section, routers create new actor instances as children of the “head” router, who therefore also is their supervisor. The supervisor strategy of this actor can be configured by means of the RouterConfig.supervisorStrategy property, which is supported for all built-in router types. It defaults to “always escalate”, which leads to the application of the router’s parent’s supervision directive to all children of the router uniformly (i.e. not only the one which failed). It should be mentioned that the router overrides the default behavior of terminating all children upon restart, which means that a restart—while re-creating them—does not have an effect on the number of actors in the pool.
Setting the strategy is easily done:
- val escalator = OneForOneStrategy() {
- // custom strategy ...
- }
- val router = system.actorOf(Props.empty.withRouter(
- RoundRobinRouter(1, supervisorStrategy = escalator)))
Another potentially useful approach is to give the router the same strategy as its parent, which effectively treats all actors in the pool as if they were direct children of their grand-parent instead.
Router usage
In this section we will describe how to use the different router types. First we need to create some actors that will be used in the examples:
- class PrintlnActor extends Actor {
- def receive = {
- case msg ⇒
- println("Received message '%s' in actor %s".format(msg,
- }
- }
- class FibonacciActor extends Actor {
- def receive = {
- case FibonacciNumber(nbr) ⇒ sender tell fibonacci(nbr)
- }
- private def fibonacci(n: Int): Int = {
- @tailrec
- def fib(n: Int, b: Int, a: Int): Int = n match {
- case 0 ⇒ a
- case _ ⇒ fib(n - 1, a + b, b)
- }
- fib(n, 1, 0)
- }
- }
Routes in a round-robin fashion to its routees. Code example:
- val roundRobinRouter =
- context.actorOf(Props[PrintlnActor].withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(5)), "router")
- 1 to 10 foreach {
- i ⇒ roundRobinRouter ! i
- }
When run you should see a similar output to this:
- Received message '1' in actor $b
- Received message '2' in actor $c
- Received message '3' in actor $d
- Received message '6' in actor $b
- Received message '4' in actor $e
- Received message '8' in actor $d
- Received message '5' in actor $f
- Received message '9' in actor $e
- Received message '10' in actor $f
- Received message '7' in actor $c
If you look closely to the output you can see that each of the routees received two messages which is exactly what you would expect from a round-robin router to happen. (The name of an actor is automatically created in the format $letter unless you specify it - hence the names printed above.)
As the name implies this router type selects one of its routees randomly and forwards the message it receives to this routee. This procedure will happen each time it receives a message. Code example:
- val randomRouter =
- context.actorOf(Props[PrintlnActor].withRouter(RandomRouter(5)), "router")
- 1 to 10 foreach {
- i ⇒ randomRouter ! i
- }
When run you should see a similar output to this:
- Received message '1' in actor $e
- Received message '2' in actor $c
- Received message '4' in actor $b
- Received message '5' in actor $d
- Received message '3' in actor $e
- Received message '6' in actor $c
- Received message '7' in actor $d
- Received message '8' in actor $e
- Received message '9' in actor $d
- Received message '10' in actor $d
The result from running the random router should be different, or at least random, every time you run it. Try to run it a couple of times to verify its behavior if you don't trust us.
A Router that tries to send to the non-suspended routee with fewest messages in mailbox. The selection is done in this order:
- pick any idle routee (not processing message) with empty mailbox
- pick any routee with empty mailbox
- pick routee with fewest pending messages in mailbox
- pick any remote routee, remote actors are consider lowest priority, since their mailbox size is unknown
Code example:
- val smallestMailboxRouter =
- context.actorOf(Props[PrintlnActor].withRouter(SmallestMailboxRouter(5)), "router")
- 1 to 10 foreach {
- i ⇒ smallestMailboxRouter ! i
- }
A broadcast router forwards the message it receives to all its routees. Code example:
- val broadcastRouter =
- context.actorOf(Props[PrintlnActor].withRouter(BroadcastRouter(5)), "router")
- broadcastRouter ! "this is a broadcast message"
When run you should see a similar output to this:
- Received message 'this is a broadcast message' in actor $f
- Received message 'this is a broadcast message' in actor $d
- Received message 'this is a broadcast message' in actor $e
- Received message 'this is a broadcast message' in actor $c
- Received message 'this is a broadcast message' in actor $b
As you can see here above each of the routees, five in total, received the broadcast message.
The ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter will send the message on to all its routees as a future. It then waits for first result it gets back. This result will be sent back to original sender. Code example:
- val scatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter = context.actorOf(
- Props[FibonacciActor].withRouter(ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter(
- nrOfInstances = 5, within = 2 seconds)), "router")
- implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
- val futureResult = scatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter ? FibonacciNumber(10)
- val result = Await.result(futureResult, timeout.duration)
When run you should see this:
- The result of calculating Fibonacci for 10 is 55
From the output above you can't really see that all the routees performed the calculation, but they did! The result you see is from the first routee that returned its calculation to the router.
Broadcast Messages
There is a special type of message that will be sent to all routees regardless of the router. This message is called Broadcast and is used in the following manner:
- router ! Broadcast("Watch out for Davy Jones' locker")
Only the actual message is forwarded to the routees, i.e. "Watch out for Davy Jones' locker" in the example above. It is up to the routee implementation whether to handle the broadcast message or not.
Dynamically Resizable Routers
All routers can be used with a fixed number of routees or with a resize strategy to adjust the number of routees dynamically.
This is an example of how to create a resizable router that is defined in configuration:
- {
- /router2 {
- router = round-robin
- resizer {
- lower-bound = 2
- upper-bound = 15
- }
- }
- }
- val router2 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor].withRouter(FromConfig()),
- "router2")
Several more configuration options are available and described in section of the reference Configuration.
This is an example of how to programmatically create a resizable router:
- val resizer = DefaultResizer(lowerBound = 2, upperBound = 15)
- val router3 = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor1].withRouter(
- RoundRobinRouter(resizer = Some(resizer))))
It is also worth pointing out that if you define the ``router`` in the configuration file then this value will be used instead of any programmatically sent parameters.
Resizing is triggered by sending messages to the actor pool, but it is not completed synchronously; instead a message is sent to the “head” Router to perform the size change. Thus you cannot rely on resizing to instantaneously create new workers when all others are busy, because the message just sent will be queued to the mailbox of a busy actor. To remedy this, configure the pool to use a balancing dispatcher, see Configuring Dispatchers for more information.
Custom Router
You can also create your own router should you not find any of the ones provided by Akka sufficient for your needs. In order to roll your own router you have to fulfill certain criteria which are explained in this section.
The router created in this example is a simple vote counter. It will route the votes to specific vote counter actors. In this case we only have two parties the Republicans and the Democrats. We would like a router that forwards all democrat related messages to the Democrat actor and all republican related messages to the Republican actor.
We begin with defining the class:
- case class VoteCountRouter() extends RouterConfig {
- def routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId
- def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy
- // crRoute ...
- }
The next step is to implement the createRoute method in the class just defined:
- def createRoute(routeeProps: Props, routeeProvider: RouteeProvider): Route = {
- val democratActor = routeeProvider.context.actorOf(Props(new DemocratActor()), "d")
- val republicanActor = routeeProvider.context.actorOf(Props(new RepublicanActor()), "r")
- val routees = Vector[ActorRef](democratActor, republicanActor)
- routeeProvider.registerRoutees(routees)
- {
- case (sender, message) ⇒
- message match {
- case DemocratVote | DemocratCountResult ⇒
- List(Destination(sender, democratActor))
- case RepublicanVote | RepublicanCountResult ⇒
- List(Destination(sender, republicanActor))
- }
- }
- }
As you can see above we start off by creating the routees and put them in a collection.
Make sure that you don't miss to implement the line below as it is really important. It registers the routees internally and failing to call this method will cause a ActorInitializationException to be thrown when the router is used. Therefore always make sure to do the following in your custom router:
- routeeProvider.registerRoutees(routees)
The routing logic is where your magic sauce is applied. In our example it inspects the message types and forwards to the correct routee based on this:
- {
- case (sender, message) ⇒
- message match {
- case DemocratVote | DemocratCountResult ⇒
- List(Destination(sender, democratActor))
- case RepublicanVote | RepublicanCountResult ⇒
- List(Destination(sender, republicanActor))
- }
- }
As you can see above what's returned in the partial function is a List of Destination(sender, routee). The sender is what "parent" the routee should see - changing this could be useful if you for example want another actor than the original sender to intermediate the result of the routee (if there is a result). For more information about how to alter the original sender we refer to the source code of ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter
All in all the custom router looks like this:
- case object DemocratVote
- case object DemocratCountResult
- case object RepublicanVote
- case object RepublicanCountResult
- class DemocratActor extends Actor {
- var counter = 0
- def receive = {
- case DemocratVote ⇒ counter += 1
- case DemocratCountResult ⇒ sender ! counter
- }
- }
- class RepublicanActor extends Actor {
- var counter = 0
- def receive = {
- case RepublicanVote ⇒ counter += 1
- case RepublicanCountResult ⇒ sender ! counter
- }
- }
- case class VoteCountRouter() extends RouterConfig {
- def routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId
- def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy
- def createRoute(routeeProps: Props, routeeProvider: RouteeProvider): Route = {
- val democratActor = routeeProvider.context.actorOf(Props(new DemocratActor()), "d")
- val republicanActor = routeeProvider.context.actorOf(Props(new RepublicanActor()), "r")
- val routees = Vector[ActorRef](democratActor, republicanActor)
- routeeProvider.registerRoutees(routees)
- {
- case (sender, message) ⇒
- message match {
- case DemocratVote | DemocratCountResult ⇒
- List(Destination(sender, democratActor))
- case RepublicanVote | RepublicanCountResult ⇒
- List(Destination(sender, republicanActor))
- }
- }
- }
- }
If you are interested in how to use the VoteCountRouter you can have a look at the test class RoutingSpec
Configured Custom Router
It is possible to define configuration properties for custom routers. In the router property of the deployment configuration you define the fully qualified class name of the router class. The router class must extend akka.routing.RouterConfig and have a constructor with one com.typesafe.config.Config parameter. The deployment section of the configuration is passed to the constructor.
Custom Resizer
A router with dynamically resizable number of routees is implemented by providing a akka.routing.Resizer in resizer method of the RouterConfig. See akka.routing.DefaultResizer for inspiration of how to write your own resize strategy.
Configuring Dispatchers
The dispatcher for created children of the router will be taken from Props as described in Dispatchers (Scala). For a dynamic pool it makes sense to configure the BalancingDispatcher if the precise routing is not so important (i.e. no consistent hashing or round-robin is required); this enables newly created routees to pick up work immediately by stealing it from their siblings. Note that you can not use a BalancingDispatcher as a Router Dispatcher. (You can however use it for the Routees)
If you provide a collection of actors to route to, then they will still use the same dispatcher that was configured for them in their Props, it is not possible to change an actors dispatcher after it has been created.
The “head” router cannot always run on the same dispatcher, because it does not process the same type of messages, hence this special actor does not use the dispatcher configured in Props, but takes the routerDispatcher from the RouterConfig instead, which defaults to the actor system’s default dispatcher. All standard routers allow setting this property in their constructor or factory method, custom routers have to implement the method in a suitable way.
- val router = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor]
- .withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(5, routerDispatcher = "router")) // “head” will run on "router" dispatcher
- .withDispatcher("workers")) // MyActor workers will run on "workers" dispatcher
It is not allowed to configure the routerDispatcher to be a BalancingDispatcher since the messages meant for the special router actor cannot be processed by any other actor.
At first glance there seems to be an overlap between the BalancingDispatcher and Routers, but they complement each other. The balancing dispatcher is in charge of running the actors while the routers are in charge of deciding which message goes where. A router can also have children that span multiple actor systems, even remote ones, but a dispatcher lives inside a single actor system.
When using a RoundRobinRouter with a BalancingDispatcher there are some configuration settings to take into account.
- There can only be nr-of-instances messages being processed at the same time no matter how many threads are configured for the BalancingDispatcher.
- Having throughput set to a low number makes no sense since you will only be handing off to another actor that processes the same MailBox as yourself, which can be costly. Either the message just got into the mailbox and you can receive it as well as anybody else, or everybody else is busy and you are the only one available to receive the message.
- Resizing the number of routees only introduce inertia, since resizing is performed at specified intervals, but work stealing is instantaneous.