Migration Guide 0.7.x to 0.8.x

Migration Guide 0.7.x to 0.8.x

This is a case-by-case migration guide from Akka 0.7.x (on Scala 2.7.7) to Akka 0.8.x (on Scala 2.8.x)


Actor.send is removed and replaced in full with Actor.!

myActor send "test"


myActor ! "test"

Actor.! now has it’s implicit sender defaulted to None

def !(message: Any)(implicit sender: Option[Actor] = None)

“import Actor.Sender.Self” has been removed because it’s not needed anymore


import Actor.Sender.Self

Actor.spawn now uses manifests instead of concrete class types

val someActor = spawn(classOf[MyActor])


val someActor = spawn[MyActor]

Actor.spawnRemote now uses manifests instead of concrete class types

val someActor = spawnRemote(classOf[MyActor],"somehost",1337)


val someActor = spawnRemote[MyActor]("somehost",1337)

Actor.spawnLinkRemote now uses manifests instead of concrete class types

val someActor = spawnLinkRemote(classOf[MyActor],"somehost",1337)


val someActor = spawnLinkRemote[MyActor]("somehost",1337)

Transaction.atomic and friends are moved into Transaction.Local._ and Transaction.Global._

We now make a difference between transaction management that are local within a thread and global across many threads (and actors).
