Akka Documentation

Version 1.1.3


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Release Notes

Changes listed in no particular order.

Current Development 1.1-SNAPSHOT

  • UPD - improve FSM DSL: make onTransition syntax nicer (Roland Kuhn)

Release 1.1-M1

  • ADD - #647 Extract an akka-camel-typed module out of akka-camel for optional typed actor support (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #654 Allow consumer actors to acknowledge in-only message exchanges (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #669 Support self.reply in preRestart and postStop after exception in receive (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #682 Support for fault-tolerant Producer actors (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - Move TestKit to akka-testkit and add CallingThreadDispatcher (Roland Kuhn)
  • ADD - Remote Client message buffering transaction log for buffering messages failed to send due to network problems. Flushes the buffer on reconnect. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added trait simulate network problems/errors to be used for remote actor testing (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Add future and await methods to Agent (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #586 Allow explicit reconnect for RemoteClient (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #587 Dead letter sink queue for messages sent through RemoteClient that didn’t get sent due to connection failure (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #598 actor.id when using akka-spring should be the id of the spring bean (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #652 Reap expired futures from ActiveRemoteClientHandler (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #656 Squeeze more out of EBEDD? (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #715 EventHandler.error should be usable without Throwable (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #717 Add ExecutionHandler to NettyRemoteServer for more performance and scalability (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #497 Optimize remote sends done in local scope (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #633 Add support for Scalaz in akka-modules (Derek Williams)
  • ADD - #677 Add map, flatMap, foreach, and filter to Future (Derek Williams)
  • ADD - #661 Optimized Future’s internals (Derek Williams)
  • ADD - #685 Optimize execution of Futures (Derek Williams)
  • ADD - #711 Make Future.completeWith work with an uncompleted Future (Derek Williams)
  • UPD - #667 Upgrade to Camel 2.7.0 (Martin Krasser)
  • UPD - Updated HawtDispatch to 1.1 (Hiram Chirino)
  • UPD - #688 Update Akka 1.1-SNAPSHOT to Scala 2.9.0-RC1 (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - #718 Add HawtDispatcher to akka-modules (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - #698 Deprecate client-managed actors (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - #730 Update Akka and Akka Modules to SBT 0.7.6-RC0 (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - #663 Update to latest scalatest (Derek Williams)
  • FIX - Misc cleanup, API changes and refactorings (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #675 preStart() is called twice when creating new instance of TypedActor (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #704 Write docs for Java Serialization (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #645 Change Futures.awaitAll to not throw FutureTimeoutException but return a List[Option[Any]] (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #681 Clean exit using server-managed remote actor via client (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #720 Connection loss when sending to a dead remote actor (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #593 Move Jetty specific stuff (with deps) from akka-http to akka-kernel (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #638 ActiveRemoteClientHandler - Unexpected exception from downstream in remote client (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #655 Remote actors with non-uuid names doesnt work for req./reply-pattern (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #588 RemoteClient.shutdown does not remove client from Map with clients (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #672 Remoting breaks if mutual DNS lookup isn’t possible (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #699 Remote typed actor per-session server won’t start if called method has no result (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #702 Handle ReadTimeoutException in akka-remote (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #708 Fall back to Akka classloader if event-handler class cannot be found. (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #716 Split akka-http and clean-up dependencies (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #721 Inability to parse/load the Config should do a System.exit(-1) (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #722 Race condition in Actor hotswapping (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #723 MessageSerializer CNFE regression (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #680 Remote TypedActor behavior differs from local one when sending to generic interfaces (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #659 Calling await on a Future that is expired and uncompleted should throw an exception (Derek Williams)
  • REM - #626 Update and clean up dependencies (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - #623 Remove embedded-repo (Akka + Akka Modules) (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - #686 Remove SBinary (Viktor Klang)

Release 1.0-RC6

  • FIX - #628 Supervied TypedActors fails to restart (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #629 Stuck upon actor invocation (Viktor Klang)

Release 1.0-RC5

  • FIX - Source JARs published to ‘src’ instead of ‘source’ || Odd Moller ||
  • FIX - #612 Conflict between Spring autostart=true for Consumer actors and <akka:camel-service> (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - #613 Change Akka XML schema URI to https://akka.io/schema/akka (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - Spring XSD namespace changed from ‘akkasource.org’ to ‘akka.io’ (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Checking for remote secure cookie is disabled by default if no akka.conf is loaded (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Changed Casbah to ScalaToolsRepo for akka-sbt-plugin (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - ActorRef.forward now doesn’t require the sender to be set on the message (Viktor Klang)

Release 1.0-RC3

  • ADD - #568 Add autostart attribute to Spring actor configuration (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #586 Allow explicit reconnect for remote clients (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #587 Add possibility for dead letter queues for failed remote sends (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #497 Optimize remote send in local scope (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Improved Java Actor API: akka.actor.Actors (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Improved Scala Actor API: akka.actor.Actor (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #148 Create a testing framework for testing Actors (Roland Kuhn)
  • ADD - Support Replica Set/Replica Pair connection modes with MongoDB Persistence || Brendan McAdams ||
  • ADD - User configurable Write Concern settings for MongoDB Persistence || Brendan McAdams ||
  • ADD - Support for configuring MongoDB Persistence with MongoDB’s URI Connection String || Brendan McAdams ||
  • ADD - Support for Authentication with MongoDB Persistence || Brendan McAdams ||
  • FIX - Misc bug fixes || Team ||
  • FIX - #603 Race condition in Remote send (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #594 Log statement in RemoteClientHandler was wrongly formatted (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #580 Message uuids must be generated (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #583 Serialization classloader has a visibility issue (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #598 By default the bean ID should become the actor id for Spring actor configuration (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #577 RemoteClientHandler swallows certain exceptions (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #581 Fix edgecase where an exception could not be deserialized (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - MongoDB write success wasn’t being properly checked; fixed (integrated w/ new write concern features) || Brendan McAdams ||
  • UPD - Improvements to FSM module akka.actor.FSM || Manie & Kuhn ||
  • UPD - Changed Akka URI to https://akka.io. Reflects both XSDs, Maven repositories etc. (Jonas Bonér)
  • REM - #574 Remote RemoteClient, RemoteServer and RemoteNode (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - object UntypedActor, object ActorRegistry, class RemoteActor, class RemoteUntypedActor, class RemoteUntypedConsumerActor (Viktor Klang)

Release 1.0-RC1

  • ADD - #477 Added support for Remote Agents (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #460 Hotswap for Java API (UntypedActor) (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #471 Added support for TypedActors to return Java Option (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - New design and API for more fluent and intuitive FSM module (Roland Kuhn)
  • ADD - Added secure cookie based remote node authentication (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Untrusted safe mode for remote server (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Refactored config file format - added list of enabled modules etc. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Docs for Dataflow Concurrency (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Made remote message frame size configurable (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #496 Detect when Remote Client disconnects (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #472 Improve API to wait for endpoint activation/deactivation (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #473 Allow consumer actors to customize their own routes (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #504 Add session bound server managed remote actors || Paul Pach ||
  • ADD - DSL for FSM (Irmo Manie)
  • ADD - Shared unit test for all dispatchers to enforce Actor Model (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #522 Make stacking optional for become and HotSwap (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #524 Make frame size configurable for client&server (Bonér & Klang)
  • ADD - #526 Add onComplete callback to Future (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #536 Document Channel-abstraction for later replies (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #540 Include self-reference as parameter to HotSwap (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #546 Include Garrick Evans’ Akka-mist into master (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #438 Support remove operation in PersistentVector (Scott Clasen)
  • ADD - #229 Memcached protocol support for Persistence module (Scott Clasen)
  • ADD - Amazon SimpleDb support for Persistence module (Scott Clasen)
  • FIX - #518 refactor common storage bakend to use bulk puts/gets where possible (Scott Clasen)
  • FIX - #532 Prevent persistent datatypes with same uuid from corrupting a TX (Scott Clasen)
  • FIX - #464 ThreadPoolBuilder should be rewritten to be an immutable builder (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #449 Futures.awaitOne now uses onComplete listeners (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #486 Fixed memory leak caused by Configgy that prevented full unload (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #488 Fixed race condition in EBEDD restart (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #492 Fixed race condition in Scheduler (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #493 Switched to non-https repository for JBoss artifacts (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #481 Exception when creating an actor now behaves properly when supervised (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #498 Fixed no-op in supervision DSL (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #491 reply and reply_? now sets a sender reference (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #519 NotSerializableError when using Remote Typed Actors (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #523 Message.toString is called all the time for incomign messages, expensive (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #537 Make sure top folder is included in sources jar (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #529 Remove Scala version number from Akka artifact ids (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #533 Can’t set LifeCycle from the Java API (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #542 Make Future-returning Remote Typed Actor methods use onComplete (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #479 Do not register listeners when CamelService is turned off by configuration (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - Fixed bug with finding TypedActor by type in ActorRegistry (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #515 race condition in FSM StateTimeout Handling (Irmo Manie)
  • UPD - Akka package from “se.scalablesolutions.akka” to “akka” (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - Update Netty to 3.2.3.Final (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - #458 Camel to 2.5.0 (Martin Krasser)
  • UPD - #458 Spring to 3.0.4.RELEASE (Martin Krasser)
  • UPD - #458 Jetty to 7.1.6.v20100715 (Martin Krasser)
  • UPD - Update to Scala 2.8.1 (Jonas Bonér)
  • UPD - Changed remote server default port to 2552 (AKKA) (Jonas Bonér)
  • UPD - Cleaned up and made remote protocol more effifient (Jonas Bonér)
  • UPD - #528 RedisPersistentRef should not throw in case of missing key (Debasish Ghosh)
  • UPD - #531 Fix RedisStorage add() method in Java API (Debasish Ghosh)
  • UPD - #513 Implement snapshot based persistence control in SortedSet (Debasish Ghosh)
  • UPD - #547 Update FSM docs (Irmo Manie)
  • UPD - #548 Update AMQP docs (Irmo Manie)
  • REM - Atmosphere integration, replace with Mist (Klang @ Evans)
  • REM - JGroups integration, doesn’t play with cloud services :/ (Viktor Klang)

Release 1.0-MILESTONE1

  • ADD - Splitted akka-core up in akka-actor, akka-typed-actor & akka-remote (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added meta-data to network protocol (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - HotSwap and actor.become now uses a stack of PartialFunctions with API for pushing and popping the stack (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #440 Create typed actors with constructor args (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #322 Abstraction for unification of sender and senderFuture for later reply (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #364 Serialization for TypedActor proxy reference (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #423 Support configuration of Akka via Spring (Michael Kober)
  • FIX - #426 UUID wrong for remote proxy for server managed actor (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #378 Support for server initiated remote TypedActor and UntypedActor in Spring config (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #194 Support for server-managed typed actor ||< Michael Kober ||
  • ADD - #447 Allow Camel service to be turned off by configuration (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #457 JavaAPI improvements for akka-camel (please read the migration guide) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #465 Dynamic message routing to actors (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - #410 Use log configuration from config directory (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - #343 Some problems with persistent structures (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #430 Refactor / re-implement MongoDB adapter so that it conforms to the guidelines followed in Redis and Cassandra modules (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #436 ScalaJSON serialization does not map Int data types properly when used within a Map (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - #230 Update redisclient to be Redis 2.0 compliant (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #435 Mailbox serialization does not retain messages (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - #445 Integrate type class based serialization of sjson into Akka (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #480: Regression multibulk replies redis client (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #415 Publish now generate source and doc jars (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #420 REST endpoints should be able to be processed in parallel (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #422 Dispatcher config should work for ThreadPoolBuilder-based dispatchers (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #401 ActorRegistry should not leak memory (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #250 Performance optimization for ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #419 Rename init and shutdown callbacks to preStart and postStop, and remove initTransactionalState (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #346 Make max no of restarts (and within) are now both optional (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #424 Actors self.supervisor not set by the time init() is called when started by startLink() (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #427 spawnLink and startLink now has the same dispatcher semantics (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #413 Actor shouldn’t process more messages when waiting to be restarted (HawtDispatcher still does) (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - !! and !!! now do now not block the actor when used in remote actor (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - RemoteClient now reconnects properly (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Logger.warn now properly works with varargs (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #450 Removed ActorRef lifeCycle boilerplate: Some(LifeCycle(Permanent)) => Permanent (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Moved ActorRef.trapExit into ActorRef.faultHandler and removed Option-boilerplate from faultHandler (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - ThreadBasedDispatcher cheaper for idling actors, also benefits from all that is ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Fixing Futures.future, uses Actor.spawn under the hood, specify dispatcher to control where block is executed (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #469 Akka “dist” now uses a root folder to avoid loitering if unzipped in a folder (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Removed ScalaConfig, JavaConfig and rewrote Supervision configuration (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - Jersey to 1.3 (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - Atmosphere to 0.6.2 (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - Netty to 3.2.2.Final (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Changed config file priority loading and added config modes. (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #411 Bumped Jetty to v 7 and migrated to it’s eclipse packages (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #414 Migrate from Grizzly to Jetty for Akka Microkernel (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #261 Add Java API for ‘routing’ module (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #262 Add Java API for Agent (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #264 Add Java API for Dataflow (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Using JerseySimpleBroadcaster instead of JerseyBroadcaster in AkkaBroadcaster (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #433 Throughput deadline added for ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Add possibility to set default cometSupport in akka.conf (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #451 Added possibility to use akka-http as a standalone REST server (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #446 Added support for Erlang-style receiveTimeout (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #462 Added support for suspend/resume of processing individual actors mailbox, should give clearer restart semantics (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #466 Actor.spawn now takes an implicit dispatcher to specify who should run the block (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #456 Added map to Future and Futures.awaitMap (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - #418 Remove Lift sample module and docs (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - Removed all Reactor-based dispatchers (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - Removed anonymous actor factories (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Voldemort support for akka-persistence (Scott Clasen)
  • ADD - HBase support for akka-persistence (David Greco)
  • ADD - CouchDB support for akka-persistence (Yung-Luen Lan & Kahlen)
  • ADD - #265 Java API for AMQP module (Irmo Manie)

Release 0.10 - Aug 21 2010

  • ADD - Added new Actor type: UntypedActor for Java API (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #26 Deep serialization of Actor including its mailbox (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Rewritten network protocol. More efficient and cleaner. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Rewritten Java Active Object tests into Scala to be able to run the in SBT. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added isDefinedAt method to Actor for checking if it can receive a certain message (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added caching of Active Object generated class bytes, huge perf improvement (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added RemoteClient Listener API (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added methods to retrieve children from a Supervisor (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Rewritten Supervisor to become more clear and “correct” (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added options to configure a blocking mailbox with custom capacity (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added RemoteClient reconnection time window configuration option (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added ActiveObjectContext with sender reference etc (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #293 Changed config format to JSON-style (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #302: Incorporate new ReceiveTimeout in Actor serialization (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added Java API docs and made it comparable with Scala API docs. 1-1 mirroring (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Renamed Active Object to Typed Actor (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Enhanced Typed Actor: remoting, “real” restart upon failure etc. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Typed Actor now inherits Actor and is a full citizen in the Actor world. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added support for remotely shutting down a remote actor (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #224 Add support for Camel in typed actors (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #282 Producer trait should implement Actor.receive (more...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #271 Support for bean scope prototype in akka-spring (Johan Rask)
  • ADD - Support for DI of values and bean references on target instance in akka-spring (Johan Rask)
  • ADD - #287 Method annotated with @postrestart in ActiveObject is not called during restart (Johan Rask)
  • ADD - Support for ApplicationContextAware in akka-spring (Johan Rask)
  • ADD - #199 Support shutdown hook in TypedActor (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #266 Access to typed actors from user-defined Camel routes (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #268 Revise akka-camel documentation (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #289 Support for <akka:camel-service> Spring configuration element (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #296 TypedActor lifecycle management (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #297 Shutdown routes to typed actors (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #314 akka-spring to support typed actor lifecycle management (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #315 akka-spring to support configuration of shutdown callback method (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - Fault-tolerant consumer actors and typed consumer actors (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #320 Leverage Camel’s non-blocking routing engine (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #335 Producer trait should allow forwarding of results (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #339 Redesign of Producer trait (pre/post processing hooks, async in-out) (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - Non-blocking, asynchronous routing example for akka-camel (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #333 Allow applications to wait for endpoints being activated (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #356 Support @consume annotations on typed actor implementation class (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #357 Support untyped Java actors as endpoint consumer (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #366 CamelService should be a singleton (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #392 Support untyped Java actors as endpoint producer (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #393 Redesign CamelService singleton to be a CamelServiceManager (more ...) (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #295 Refactoring Actor serialization to type classes (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - #317 Change documentation for Actor Serialization (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - #388 Typeclass serialization of ActorRef/UntypedActor isn’t Java friendly (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - #292 Add scheduleOnce to Scheduler (Irmo Manie)
  • ADD - #308 Initial receive timeout on actor (Irmo Manie)
  • ADD - Redesign of AMQP module (more ...) (Irmo Manie)
  • ADD - Added “become(behavior: Option[Receive])” to Actor (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Added “find[T](f: PartialFunction[ActorRef,T]) : Option[T]” to ActorRegistry (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #369 Possibility to configure dispatchers in akka.conf (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #395 Create ability to add listeners to RemoteServer (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #225 Add possibility to use Scheduler from TypedActor (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #61 Integrate new persistent datastructures in Scala 2.8 (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - Expose more of what Multiverse can do (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #205 STM transaction settings (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #206 STM transaction deferred and compensating (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #232 Expose blocking transactions (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #249 Expose Multiverse Refs for primitives (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #390 Expose transaction propagation level in multiverse (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - Package objects for importing local/global STM (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - Java API for the STM (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #379 Create STM Atomic templates for Java API (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #270 SBT plugin for Akka (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - #198 support for ThreadBasedDispatcher in Spring config (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #377 support HawtDispatcher in Spring config (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #376 support Spring config for untyped actors (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #200 support WorkStealingDispatcher in Spring config (Michael Kober)
  • UPD - #336 RabbitMQ 1.8.1 (Irmo Manie)
  • UPD - #288 Netty to 3.2.1.Final (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - Atmosphere to 0.6.1 (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - Lift to 2.8.0-2.1-M1 (Viktor Klang)
  • UPD - Camel to 2.4.0 (Martin Krasser)
  • UPD - Spring to 3.0.3.RELEASE (Martin Krasser)
  • UPD - Multiverse to 0.6 (Peter Vlugter)
  • FIX - Fixed bug with stm not being enabled by default when no AKKA_HOME is set (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed bug in network manifest serialization (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed bug Remote Actors (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed memory leak in Active Objects (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed indeterministic deadlock in Transactor restart (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #325 Fixed bug in STM with dead hanging CountDownCommitBarrier (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #316: NoSuchElementException during ActiveObject restart (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #256: Tests for ActiveObjectContext (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed bug in restart of Actors with ‘Temporary’ life-cycle (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #280 Tests fail if there is no akka.conf set (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #286 unwanted transitive dependencies from Geronimo project (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Atmosphere comet comment to use stream instead of writer (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #285 akka.conf is now used as defaults for Akka REST servlet init parameters (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #321 fixed performance regression in ActorRegistry (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #286 geronimo servlet 2.4 dep is no longer transitively loaded (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #334 partial lift sample rewrite to fix breakage (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Fixed a memory leak in ActorRegistry (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Fixed a race-condition in Cluster (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #355 Switched to Array instead of List on ActorRegistry return types (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #352 ActorRegistry.actorsFor(class) now checks isAssignableFrom (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Fixed a race condition in ActorRegistry.register (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #337 Switched from Configgy logging to SLF4J, better for OSGi (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #372 Scheduler now returns Futures to cancel tasks (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #306 JSON serialization between remote actors is not transparent (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #204 Reduce object creation in STM (Peter Vlugter)
  • FIX - #253 Extend Multiverse BasicRef rather than wrap ProgrammaticRef (Peter Vlugter)
  • REM - Removed pure POJO-style Typed Actor (old Active Object) (Jonas Bonér)
  • REM - Removed Lift as a dependency for Akka-http (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - #294 Remove reply and reply_? from Actor (Viktor Klang)
  • REM - Removed one field in Actor, should be a minor memory reduction for high actor quantities (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #301 DI does not work in akka-spring when specifying an interface (Johan Rask)
  • FIX - #328 trapExit should pass through self with Exit to supervisor (Irmo Manie)
  • FIX - Fixed warning when deregistering listeners (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - Added camel-jetty- to Akka’s embedded-repo. (fixes a concurrency bug in camel-jetty-2.4.0, to be officially released in Camel 2.5.0) (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - #338 RedisStorageBackend fails when redis closes connection to idle client (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #340 RedisStorage Map.get does not throw exception when disconnected from redis but returns None (Debasish Ghosh)

Release 0.9 - June 2th 2010

  • ADD - Serializable, immutable, network-aware ActorRefs (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Optionally JTA-aware STM transactions (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Rewritten supervisor management, making use of ActorRef, now really kills the Actor instance and replaces it (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Allow linking and unlinking a declaratively configured Supervisor (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Remote protocol rewritten to allow passing along sender reference in all situations (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #37 API for JTA usage (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added user accessible ‘sender’ and ‘senderFuture’ references (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Sender actor is now passed along for all message send functions (!, !!, !!!, forward) (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Subscription API for listening to RemoteClient failures (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Implemented link/unlink for ActiveObjects || Jan Kronquist / Michael Kober ||
  • ADD - Added alter method to TransactionalRef + added appl(initValue) to Transactional Map/Vector/Ref (Peter Vlugter)
  • ADD - Load dependency JARs in JAR deloyed in kernel’s ,/deploy dir (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Allowing using Akka without specifying AKKA_HOME or path to akka.conf config file (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Redisclient now supports PubSub (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Added a sample project under akka-samples for Redis PubSub using Akka actors (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Richer API for Actor.reply (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Added Listeners to Akka patterns (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - #183 Deactivate endpoints of stopped consumer actors (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - Camel Message API improvements (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #83 Send notification to parent supervisor if all actors supervised by supervisor has been permanently killed (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #121 Make it possible to dynamically create supervisor hierarchies for Active Objects (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - #131 Subscription API for node joining & leaving cluster (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #145 Register listener for errors in RemoteClient/RemoteServer (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #146 Create an additional distribution with sources (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #149 Support loading JARs from META-INF/lib in JARs put into the ./deploy directory (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #166 Implement insertVectorStorageEntriesFor in CassandraStorageBackend (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #168 Separate ID from Value in Actor; introduce ActorRef (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #174 Create sample module for remote actors (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #175 Add new sample module with Peter Vlugter’s Ant demo (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #177 Rewrite remote protocol to make use of new ActorRef (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #180 Make use of ActorRef indirection for fault-tolerance management (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #184 Upgrade to Netty 3.2.0.CR1 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #185 Rewrite Agent and Supervisor to work with new ActorRef (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #188 Change the order of how the akka.conf is detected (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #189 Reintroduce ‘sender: Option[Actor]’ ref in Actor (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #203 Upgrade to Scala 2.8 RC2 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #222 Using Akka without AKKA_HOME or akka.conf (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #234 Add support for injection and management of ActiveObjectContext with RTTI such as ‘sender’ and ‘senderFuture’ references etc. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #236 Upgrade SBinary to Scala 2.8 RC2 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #235 Problem with RedisStorage.getVector(..) data structure storage management (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #239 Upgrade to Camel 2.3.0 (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - #242 Upgraded to Scala 2.8 RC3 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #243 Upgraded to Protobuf 2.3.0 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added option to specify class loader when de-serializing messages and RemoteActorRef in RemoteClient (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - #238 Upgrading to Cassandra 0.6.1 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Upgraded to Jersey 1.2 (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Upgraded Atmosphere to 0.6-SNAPSHOT, adding WebSocket support (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Simplified ActiveObject configuration (Michael Kober)
  • FIX - #237 Upgrade Mongo Java driver to 1.4 (the latest stable release) (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #165 Implemented updateVectorStorageEntryFor in Mongo persistence module (Debasish Ghosh)
  • FIX - #154: Allow ActiveObjects to use the default timeout in config file (Michael Kober)
  • FIX - Active Object methods with @inittransactionalstate should be invoked automatically (Michael Kober)
  • FIX - Nested supervisor hierarchy failure propagation bug fixed (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed bug on CommitBarrier transaction registration (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Merged many modules to reduce total number of modules (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Future parameterized (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #191: Workstealing dispatcher didn’t work with !! (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - #202: Allow applications to disable stream-caching (Martin Krasser)
  • FIX - #119 Problem with Cassandra-backed Vector (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #147 Problem replying to remote sender when message sent with ! (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #171 initial value of Ref can become null if first transaction rolled back (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #172 Fix “broken” Protobuf serialization API (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #173 Problem with Vector::slice in CassandraStorage (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #190 RemoteClient shutdown ends up in endless loop (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #211 Problem with getting CommitBarrierOpenException when using Transaction.Global (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #240 Supervised actors not started when starting supervisor (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed problem with Transaction.Local not committing to persistent storage (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - #215: Re-engineered the JAX-RS support (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Many many bug fixes || Team ||
  • REM - Shoal cluster module (Viktor Klang)

Release 0.8.1 - April 6th 2010

  • ADD - Redis cluster support (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Reply to remote sender from message set with ! (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Load-balancer which prefers actors with few messages in mailbox || Jan Van Besien ||
  • ADD - Added developer mailing list: [akka-dev AT googlegroups DOT com] (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Separated thread-local from thread-global transaction API (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed bug in using STM outside Actors (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed bug in anonymous actors (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Moved web initializer to new akka-servlet module (Viktor Klang)

Release 0.8 - March 31st 2010

  • ADD - Scala 2.8 based (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Monadic API for Agents (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Agents are transactional (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Work-stealing dispatcher || Jan Van Besien ||
  • ADD - Improved Spring integration (Michael Kober)
  • FIX - Various bugfixes || Team ||
  • FIX - Improved distribution packaging (Jonas Bonér)
  • REMOVE - Actor.send function (Jonas Bonér)

Release 0.7 - March 21st 2010

  • ADD - Rewritten STM now works generically with fire-forget message flows (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Apache Camel integration (Martin Krasser)
  • ADD - Spring integration (Michael Kober)
  • ADD - Server-managed Remote Actors (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Clojure-style Agents (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Shoal cluster backend (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Redis-based transactional queue storage backend (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Redis-based transactional sorted set storage backend (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Redis-based atomic INC (index) operation (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Distributed Comet (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Project moved to SBT (simple-build-tool) || Peter Hausel ||
  • ADD - Futures object with utility methods for Future’s (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - !!! function that returns a Future (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Richer ActorRegistry API (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Improved event-based dispatcher performance with 40% || Jan Van Besien ||
  • FIX - Improved remote client pipeline performance (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Support several Clusters on the same network (Viktor Klang)
  • FIX - Structural package refactoring (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Various bugs fixed || Team ||

Release 0.6 - January 5th 2010

  • ADD - Clustered Comet using Akka remote actors and clustered membership API (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Cluster membership API and implementation based on JGroups (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Security module for HTTP-based authentication and authorization (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Support for using Scala XML tags in RESTful Actors (scala-jersey) (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - Support for Comet Actors using Atmosphere (Viktor Klang)
  • ADD - MongoDB as Akka storage backend (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Redis as Akka storage backend (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Transparent JSON serialization of Scala objects based on SJSON (Debasish Ghosh)
  • ADD - Kerberos/SPNEGO support for Security module || Eckhart Hertzler ||
  • ADD - Implicit sender for remote actors: Remote actors are able to use reply to answer a request || Mikael Högqvist ||
  • ADD - Support for using the Lift Web framework with Actors || Tim Perrett ||
  • ADD - Added CassandraSession API (with socket pooling) wrapping Cassandra’s Thrift API in Scala and Java APIs (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Rewritten STM, now integrated with Multiverse STM (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added STM API for atomic {..} and run {..} orElse {..} (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added STM retry (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - AMQP integration; abstracted as actors in a supervisor hierarchy. Impl AMQP 0.9.1 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Complete rewrite of the persistence transaction management, now based on Unit of Work and Multiverse STM (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Monadic API to TransactionalRef (use it in for-comprehension) (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Lightweight actor syntax using one of the Actor.actor(..) methods. F.e: ‘val a = actor { case _ => .. }’ (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Rewritten event-based dispatcher which improved perfomance by 10x, now substantially faster than event-driven Scala Actors (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - New Scala JSON parser based on sjson (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added zlib compression to remote actors (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added implicit sender reference for fire-forget (‘!’) message sends (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Monadic API to TransactionalRef (use it in for-comprehension) (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Smoother web app integration; just add akka.conf to the classpath (WEB-INF/classes), no need for AKKA_HOME or -Dakka.conf=.. (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Modularization of distribution into a thin core (actors, remoting and STM) and the rest in submodules (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added ‘forward’ to Actor, forwards message but keeps original sender address (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - JSON serialization for Java objects (using Jackson) (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - JSON serialization for Scala objects (using SJSON) (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added implementation for remote actor reconnect upon failure (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Protobuf serialization for Java and Scala objects (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - SBinary serialization for Scala objects (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Protobuf as remote protocol (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Updated Cassandra integration and CassandraSession API to v0.4 (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - CassandraStorage is now works with external Cassandra cluster (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - ActorRegistry for retrieving Actor instances by class name and by id (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - SchedulerActor for scheduling periodic tasks (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Now start up kernel with ‘java -jar dist/akka-0.6.jar’ (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Added Akka user mailing list: akka-user AT googlegroups DOT com]] (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Improved and restructured documentation (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - New URL: http://akkasource.org (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - New and much improved docs (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Enhanced trapping of failures: ‘trapExit = List(classOf[..], classOf[..])’ (Jonas Bonér)
  • ADD - Upgraded to Netty 3.2, Protobuf 2.2, ScalaTest 1.0, Jersey 1.1.3, Atmosphere 0.4.1, Cassandra 0.4.1, Configgy 1.4 (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Lowered actor memory footprint; now an actor consumes ~600 bytes, which mean that you can create 6.5 million on 4 G RAM (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Remote actors are now defined by their UUID (not class name) (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed dispatcher bugs (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Cleaned up Maven scripts and distribution in general (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed many many bugs and minor issues (Jonas Bonér)
  • FIX - Fixed inconsistencies and uglyness in Actors API (Jonas Bonér)
  • REMOVE - Removed concurrent mode (Jonas Bonér)
  • REMOVE - Removed embedded Cassandra mode (Jonas Bonér)
  • REMOVE - Removed the !? method in Actor (synchronous message send, since it’s evil. Use !! with time-out instead. (Jonas Bonér)
  • REMOVE - Removed startup scripts and lib dir (Jonas Bonér)
  • REMOVE - Removed the ‘Transient’ life-cycle scope since to close to ‘Temporary’ in semantics. (Jonas Bonér)
  • REMOVE - Removed ‘Transient’ Actors and restart timeout (Jonas Bonér)

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