

package actor

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Actor extends AnyRef

    Actor base trait that should be extended by or mixed to create an Actor with the semantics of the 'Actor Model': http://en.

  2. class ActorInitializationException extends AkkaException

  3. class ActorKilledException extends AkkaException

  4. trait ActorRef extends ActorRefShared with Comparable[ActorRef]

    ActorRef is an immutable and serializable handle to an Actor.

  5. trait ActorRefShared extends AnyRef

    This trait represents the common (external) methods for all ActorRefs Needed because implicit conversions aren't applied when instance imports are used

  6. case class ActorRegistered (actor: ActorRef) extends ActorRegistryEvent with Product with Serializable

  7. class ActorRegistry extends ListenerManagement

    Registry holding all Actor instances in the whole system.

  8. trait ActorRegistryEvent extends AnyRef

    Base trait for ActorRegistry events, allows listen to when an actor is added and removed from the ActorRegistry.

  9. class ActorStartException extends AkkaException

  10. class ActorTimeoutException extends AkkaException

  11. trait ActorType extends AnyRef

    Represents the different Actor types.

  12. case class ActorUnregistered (actor: ActorRef) extends ActorRegistryEvent with Product with Serializable

  13. class Actors extends AnyRef

  14. trait AutoReceivedMessage extends AnyRef

  15. trait BootableActorLoaderService extends Bootable

    Handles all modules in the deploy directory (load and unload)

  16. class Channel [T] extends AnyRef

    Abstraction for unification of sender and senderFuture for later reply.

  17. case class Exit (dead: ActorRef, killer: Throwable) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  18. trait FSM [S, D] extends ListenerManagement

    Finite State Machine actor trait.

  19. case class HotSwap (code: (ActorRef) ⇒ Receive, discardOld: Boolean) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  20. class IllegalActorStateException extends AkkaException

  21. class Index [K <: AnyRef, V <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

    An implementation of a ConcurrentMultiMap Adds/remove is serialized over the specified key Reads are fully concurrent <-- el-cheapo

  22. class InvalidMessageException extends AkkaException

  23. trait LifeCycleMessage extends Serializable

    Life-cycle messages for the Actors

  24. case class Link (child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  25. class LocalActorRef extends ActorRef with ScalaActorRef

    Local (serializable) ActorRef that is used when referencing the Actor on its "home" node.

  26. case class MaximumNumberOfRestartsWithinTimeRangeReached (victim: ActorRef, maxNrOfRetries: Option[Int], withinTimeRange: Option[Int], lastExceptionCausingRestart: Throwable) extends LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  27. trait Proxyable extends AnyRef

    Marker interface for proxyable actors (such as typed actor).

  28. case class Restart (reason: Throwable) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  29. trait ScalaActorRef extends ActorRefShared

    This trait represents the Scala Actor API There are implicit conversions in .

  30. class Supervisor extends AnyRef


  31. class SupervisorActor extends Actor

    For internal use only.

  32. class SupervisorException extends AkkaException

  33. case class SupervisorFactory (config: SupervisorConfig) extends Product with Serializable

    Use this factory instead of the Supervisor factory object if you want to control instantiation and starting of the Supervisor, if not then it is easier and better to use the Supervisor factory object.

  34. class TypedActor extends Actor with Proxyable

    TypedActor is a type-safe actor made out of a POJO with interface.

  35. class TypedActorConfiguration extends AnyRef

    Configuration factory for TypedActors.

  36. class TypedActorContext extends AnyRef

    Holds RTTI (runtime type information) for the TypedActor, f.

  37. trait TypedActorFactory extends AnyRef

    Factory closure for an TypedActor, to be used with 'TypedActor.

  38. case class UnhandledMessageException (msg: Any, ref: ActorRef) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    This message is thrown by default when an Actors behavior doesn't match a message

  39. case class Unlink (child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  40. case class UnlinkAndStop (child: ActorRef) extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  41. class UntypedActor extends Actor

    Subclass this abstract class to create a MDB-style untyped actor.

  42. trait UntypedActorFactory extends Creator[Actor]

    Factory closure for an UntypedActor, to be used with 'Actors.

  43. type Uuid = UUID

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. object Actor extends ListenerManagement

    Actor factory module with factory methods for creating various kinds of Actors.

  2. object ActorType extends AnyRef

  3. object Actors extends

  4. object FSM extends AnyRef

  5. object Kill extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  6. object PoisonPill extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  7. object ReceiveTimeout extends LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  8. object RemoteActorSystemMessage extends AnyRef

    System messages for RemoteActorRef.

  9. object RevertHotSwap extends AutoReceivedMessage with LifeCycleMessage with Product with Serializable

  10. object Scheduler extends AnyRef

  11. object Supervisor extends AnyRef

    Factory object for creating supervisors declarative.

  12. object TypedActor extends AnyRef

    Factory class for creating TypedActors out of plain POJOs and/or POJOs with interfaces.

  13. object TypedActorConfiguration extends AnyRef

  14. implicit def actorRef2Scala (ref: ActorRef): ScalaActorRef

    Definition Classes
  15. def newUuid (): Uuid

    Definition Classes
  16. implicit def scala2ActorRef (ref: ScalaActorRef): ActorRef

    Definition Classes
  17. def uuidFrom (uuid: String): Uuid

    Definition Classes
  18. def uuidFrom (time: Long, clockSeqAndNode: Long): Uuid

    Definition Classes