
package server

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. server
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package directives
  2. package util

Type Members

  1. final case class AuthenticationFailedRejection(cause: Cause, challenge: HttpChallenge) extends javadsl.server.AuthenticationFailedRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by the various akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.SecurityDirectives.

    Rejection created by the various akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.SecurityDirectives. Signals that the request was rejected because the user could not be authenticated. The reason for the rejection is specified in the cause.

  2. final class CharsetNegotiator extends AnyRef
  3. final case class CircuitBreakerOpenRejection(cause: CircuitBreakerOpenException) extends javadsl.server.CircuitBreakerOpenRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by the onCompleteWithBreaker directive.

    Rejection created by the onCompleteWithBreaker directive. Signals that the request was rejected because the supplied circuit breaker is open and requests are failing fast.

  4. trait ConjunctionMagnet[L] extends AnyRef
  5. final class ContentNegotiator extends AnyRef
  6. final case class CorsRejection(description: String) extends javadsl.server.CorsRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by the CORS directives.

  7. abstract class Directive[L] extends AnyRef

    A directive that provides a tuple of values of type L to create an inner route.

  8. type Directive0 = Directive[Unit]
  9. type Directive1[T] = Directive[(T)]
  10. trait Directives extends RouteConcatenation with BasicDirectives with CacheConditionDirectives with CookieDirectives with DebuggingDirectives with CodingDirectives with ExecutionDirectives with FileAndResourceDirectives with FileUploadDirectives with FormFieldDirectives with FutureDirectives with HeaderDirectives with HostDirectives with MarshallingDirectives with MethodDirectives with MiscDirectives with ParameterDirectives with TimeoutDirectives with PathDirectives with RangeDirectives with RespondWithDirectives with RouteDirectives with SchemeDirectives with SecurityDirectives with WebSocketDirectives with FramedEntityStreamingDirectives with AttributeDirectives with CorsDirectives with TlsDirectives

    Collects all default directives into one trait for simple importing.

    Collects all default directives into one trait for simple importing.

    See akka.http.javadsl.server.AllDirectives for JavaDSL equivalent of this trait.

  11. final class EncodingNegotiator extends AnyRef
  12. trait ExceptionHandler extends PF
  13. trait ImplicitPathMatcherConstruction extends AnyRef

  14. final case class InvalidOriginRejection(allowedOrigins: Seq[HttpOrigin]) extends javadsl.server.InvalidOriginRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.HeaderDirectives.checkSameOrigin.

    Rejection created by akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.HeaderDirectives.checkSameOrigin. Signals that the request was rejected because Origin header value is invalid.

  15. final case class InvalidRequiredValueForQueryParamRejection(parameterName: String, expectedValue: String, actualValue: String) extends javadsl.server.InvalidRequiredValueForQueryParamRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by parameter filters.

    Rejection created by parameter filters. Signals that the request was rejected because a query parameter value was not equal to required one.

  16. final class LanguageNegotiator extends AnyRef
  17. sealed abstract class LowerPriorityRouteResultImplicits extends AnyRef
  18. sealed abstract class LowerPriorityRoutingLogImplicits extends AnyRef
  19. final case class MalformedFormFieldRejection(fieldName: String, errorMsg: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends javadsl.server.MalformedFormFieldRejection with RejectionWithOptionalCause with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by form field filters.

    Rejection created by form field filters. Signals that the request was rejected because a form field could not be interpreted.

  20. final case class MalformedHeaderRejection(headerName: String, errorMsg: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends javadsl.server.MalformedHeaderRejection with RejectionWithOptionalCause with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by header directives.

    Rejection created by header directives. Signals that the request was rejected because a header value is malformed.

  21. final case class MalformedQueryParamRejection(parameterName: String, errorMsg: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends javadsl.server.MalformedQueryParamRejection with RejectionWithOptionalCause with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by parameter filters.

    Rejection created by parameter filters. Signals that the request was rejected because a query parameter could not be interpreted.

  22. final case class MalformedRequestContentRejection(message: String, cause: Throwable) extends javadsl.server.MalformedRequestContentRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by unmarshallers.

    Rejection created by unmarshallers. Signals that the request was rejected because unmarshalling failed with an error that wasn't an IllegalArgumentException. Usually that means that the request content was not of the expected format. Note that semantic issues with the request content (e.g. because some parameter was out of range) will usually trigger a ValidationRejection instead.

  23. final class MediaTypeNegotiator extends AnyRef
  24. final case class MethodRejection(supported: HttpMethod) extends javadsl.server.MethodRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by method filters.

    Rejection created by method filters. Signals that the request was rejected because the HTTP method is unsupported.

  25. final case class MissingAttributeRejection[T](key: AttributeKey[T]) extends javadsl.server.MissingAttributeRejection[T] with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by attribute directives.

    Rejection created by attribute directives. Signals that the request was rejected because a required request attribute could not be found.

  26. final case class MissingCookieRejection(cookieName: String) extends javadsl.server.MissingCookieRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by the cookie directive.

    Rejection created by the cookie directive. Signals that the request was rejected because a cookie was not found.

  27. final case class MissingFormFieldRejection(fieldName: String) extends javadsl.server.MissingFormFieldRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by form field filters.

    Rejection created by form field filters. Signals that the request was rejected because a form field was not found.

  28. final case class MissingHeaderRejection(headerName: String) extends javadsl.server.MissingHeaderRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by header directives.

    Rejection created by header directives. Signals that the request was rejected because a required header could not be found.

  29. final case class MissingQueryParamRejection(parameterName: String) extends javadsl.server.MissingQueryParamRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by parameter filters.

    Rejection created by parameter filters. Signals that the request was rejected because a query parameter was not found.

  30. abstract class PathMatcher[L] extends (Path) => Matching[L]

    A PathMatcher tries to match a prefix of a given string and returns either a PathMatcher.Matched instance if matched, otherwise PathMatcher.Unmatched.

  31. type PathMatcher0 = PathMatcher[Unit]
  32. type PathMatcher1[T] = PathMatcher[(T)]
  33. trait PathMatchers extends AnyRef

  34. trait Rejection extends javadsl.server.Rejection

    A rejection encapsulates a specific reason why a Route was not able to handle a request.

    A rejection encapsulates a specific reason why a Route was not able to handle a request. Rejections are gathered up over the course of a Route evaluation and finally converted to akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpResponses by the handleRejections directive, if there was no way for the request to be completed.

  35. final case class RejectionError(rejection: Rejection) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    A Throwable wrapping a Rejection.

    A Throwable wrapping a Rejection. Can be used for marshalling Future[T] or Try[T] instances, whose failure side is supposed to trigger a route rejection rather than an Exception that is handled by the nearest ExceptionHandler. (Custom marshallers can of course use it as well.)

  36. trait RejectionHandler extends (Seq[Rejection]) => Option[Route]
  37. trait RejectionWithOptionalCause extends Rejection
  38. trait RequestContext extends AnyRef

    This class is not meant to be extended by user code.

    This class is not meant to be extended by user code.

    Immutable object encapsulating the context of an akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest as it flows through a akka-http Route structure.

  39. type Route = (RequestContext) => Future[RouteResult]
  40. trait RouteConcatenation extends AnyRef

  41. type RouteGenerator[T] = (T) => Route
  42. sealed trait RouteResult extends javadsl.server.RouteResult

    The result of handling a request.

    The result of handling a request.

    As a user you typically don't create RouteResult instances directly. Instead, use the methods on the RequestContext to achieve the desired effect.

  43. trait RoutingLog extends AnyRef
  44. final case class SchemeRejection(supported: String) extends javadsl.server.SchemeRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by scheme filters.

    Rejection created by scheme filters. Signals that the request was rejected because the Uri scheme is unsupported.

  45. abstract class StandardRoute extends Route

    A Route that can be implicitly converted into a Directive (fitting any signature).

  46. final case class TlsClientIdentityRejection(description: String, requiredExpression: String, certificateCN: Option[String], certificateSANs: Seq[String]) extends javadsl.server.TlsClientIdentityRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable
  47. final case class TlsClientUnverifiedRejection(description: String) extends javadsl.server.TlsClientUnverifiedRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable
  48. final case class TooManyRangesRejection(maxRanges: Int) extends javadsl.server.TooManyRangesRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by range directives.

    Rejection created by range directives. Signals that the request contains too many ranges. An irregular high number of ranges indicates a broken client or a denial of service attack.

  49. final case class TransformationRejection(transform: (Seq[Rejection]) => Seq[Rejection]) extends javadsl.server.TransformationRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    A special Rejection that serves as a container for a transformation function on rejections.

    A special Rejection that serves as a container for a transformation function on rejections. It is used by some directives to "cancel" rejections that are added by later directives of a similar type.

    Consider this route structure for example:

    put { reject(ValidationRejection("no") } ~ get { ... }

    If this structure is applied to a PUT request the list of rejections coming back contains three elements:

    1. A ValidationRejection 2. A MethodRejection 3. A TransformationRejection holding a function filtering out the MethodRejection

    so that in the end the RejectionHandler will only see one rejection (the ValidationRejection), because the MethodRejection added by the get directive is canceled by the put directive (since the HTTP method did indeed match eventually).

  50. final case class UnacceptedResponseContentTypeRejection(supported: Set[Alternative]) extends javadsl.server.UnacceptedResponseContentTypeRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by marshallers.

    Rejection created by marshallers. Signals that the request was rejected because the service is not capable of producing a response entity whose content type is accepted by the client

  51. final case class UnacceptedResponseEncodingRejection(supported: Set[HttpEncoding]) extends javadsl.server.UnacceptedResponseEncodingRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by encoding filters.

    Rejection created by encoding filters. Signals that the request was rejected because the service is not capable of producing a response entity whose content encoding is accepted by the client

  52. final case class UnsatisfiableRangeRejection(unsatisfiableRanges: Seq[ByteRange], actualEntityLength: Long) extends javadsl.server.UnsatisfiableRangeRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by range directives.

    Rejection created by range directives. Signals that the request was rejected because the requests contains only unsatisfiable ByteRanges. The actualEntityLength gives the client a hint to create satisfiable ByteRanges.

  53. final class UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection extends javadsl.server.UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by unmarshallers.

    Rejection created by unmarshallers. Signals that the request was rejected because the requests content-type is unsupported.

  54. final case class UnsupportedRequestEncodingRejection(supported: HttpEncoding) extends javadsl.server.UnsupportedRequestEncodingRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by decoding filters.

    Rejection created by decoding filters. Signals that the request was rejected because the requests content encoding is unsupported.

  55. final case class UnsupportedWebSocketSubprotocolRejection(supportedProtocol: String) extends javadsl.server.UnsupportedWebSocketSubprotocolRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created when a websocket request was not handled because none of the given subprotocols was supported.

  56. final case class ValidationRejection(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends javadsl.server.ValidationRejection with RejectionWithOptionalCause with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by the validation directive as well as for IllegalArgumentExceptions thrown by domain model constructors (e.g.

    Rejection created by the validation directive as well as for IllegalArgumentExceptions thrown by domain model constructors (e.g. via require). It signals that an expected value was semantically invalid.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. abstract class HttpApp extends Directives

    DEPRECATED, consider instead

    DEPRECATED, consider instead

    Bootstrap trait for Http Server. It helps booting up an akka-http server by only defining the desired routes. It offers additional hooks to modify the default behavior.


    (Since version 10.2.0) HttpApp this doesn't reflect the latest Akka APIs

Value Members

  1. def FIXME: Nothing
  2. object AuthenticationFailedRejection extends Serializable
  3. case object AuthorizationFailedRejection extends javadsl.server.AuthorizationFailedRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by the 'authorize' directive.

    Rejection created by the 'authorize' directive. Signals that the request was rejected because the user is not authorized.

  4. object ConjunctionMagnet
  5. object ContentNegotiator
  6. object Directive
  7. object Directives extends Directives

    Collects all default directives into one object for simple importing.

    Collects all default directives into one object for simple importing.

    See akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives for JavaDSL equivalent of this trait.

  8. object EncodingNegotiator
  9. object ExceptionHandler
  10. case object ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection extends javadsl.server.ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created when a websocket request was expected but none was found.

  11. object LanguageNegotiator
  12. object PathMatcher extends ImplicitPathMatcherConstruction
  13. object PathMatchers extends PathMatchers
  14. object RejectionHandler
  15. case object RequestEntityExpectedRejection extends javadsl.server.RequestEntityExpectedRejection with Rejection with Product with Serializable

    Rejection created by unmarshallers.

    Rejection created by unmarshallers. Signals that the request was rejected because an message body entity was expected but not supplied.

  16. object Route
  17. object RouteConcatenation extends RouteConcatenation
  18. object RouteResult extends LowerPriorityRouteResultImplicits
  19. object RoutingLog extends LowerPriorityRoutingLogImplicits
  20. object StandardRoute
  21. object UnacceptedResponseEncodingRejection extends Serializable
  22. object UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection extends AbstractFunction1[Set[ContentTypeRange], UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection] with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
